Page 15 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 15
'(bunDY, November 3, 1983 Western Maryland College Fag. 3 No news to be found Residents rate dorms Laura Kleber downs in my roomate's rela- located in hasn't helped me Michael Kraig person to interview. But, Mc- Here llie (sitting's too tiring) tionship with her boyfriend; or much. There's just so much I decided the best way to baniel seems like a fine dorm. ~~~e hours before deadline about the sixteen people who happenirig in Westminster do a story about dorm condi- After McDaniel, I pushed I"1,ng to write a story for the got stuck in Rouzer's elevator that I can't decide which tions was to go all over the over to the Quad. First I went newspaper. But I have one Saturday night but.who would event should get space in the campus and ask you, the to the Albert Norman Ward. major problem: There is ebao- care? Or I could write paper. I could write about student, what you think of This was not as modern as ~~.ely nothing to write about about...well, I can't think of Westminster's hot spot-its your dorms. While I did this, I the others and it had no IvvMC. anything else at the moment. one movie theatre but some- made my own evaluations. I lounge. Here is where I got Two weeks ago the editor Another problem about how writing a review about a set out on a cool Wednesday my first complaint. Greg Elba, lasked me what I wanted to newspaper stories' is you movie that everyone saw night to see the many dorms a senior, who is in his third !write about for the newspa- don't want to be redundant. I three months ago doesn't of Western Maryland College. year in ANW, is very disap- per. I told him that I didn't could complain about there seem too interesting. My first stop was at Rouzer, pointed. "There are frequent know. One week ago he not being enough washing Well, deadline's drawing a co-ed dorm. As I walked power failures-sometimes asked me the same question machines and dryers, parking nearer and I still haven't down the halls they seemed lasting many hours. The hot and he got the same reply. for students, or time enough thought of anything to write very clean. There were water is cut off regularly and Now don't get me wrong· in the day to do everything I about. I may be able to get lounges on every floor and the showers stilt don't work." WMC is not that boring. I'm want to do but I know that away with writing about noth- one by the front door. Then I This dorm was alot worse sure there are many interest- somebody at sometime has ing this time but I know that met my first student, freshman than the others I visited but ing stories just waiting out already written about that. I come next week at this time I Rod Smith. Rod was yery nothing compared to what ,,"ere to De put in print. I'm could also write the usual will be in the same position. pleased with his dorm and was in store for me across the just having a hard time find- articles about the quality of So please, if any of you-all out said, "I think this dorm is in Quad. ing them. the cafeteria food, how hard there have any ideas and/or the best condition of all on Daniel MacLea was the last, Writing for the newspaper is and unfair tests usually are, or stories that are worth publish- campus." He also said, "peer and by far the worst dorm I not that easy. You have to the problems with alcohol but ing send them to the Phoe- pie respect the quiet hours." toured. It did seem somewhat Iwrite about something that will everybody already knows nix-Box 1. A desperate Then I talked to Bill Benson clean at the time---but very interest (hopefully) the major- about that. editor will be very grateful. who also liked the dorm and gloomy. There was no lounge So what do I write about? said "It smelts like a hospital." and the bathrooms were ~it~fa~~t t~~~~t~~t ~p~~~~ This rockin' town that WMC is Then it was off to Whiteford, below standards. I talked to an all womans' dorm. This three residents who wished to How do you handle a hungry man? Ask a woman also seemed clean and also remain anonymous. The first had a pleasant lounge. It was said, "When I walk out of my hard, but I managed to track room on Sunday morning and William A. Mann world. Many times in the life of the down a sophomore from see three inches of glass at Suppose it was 1964, and Without really discussing American family, a time will Ocean City named Sondra. my feet I know there must be the American family was sit- the point about sexism and come when the unit win be She liked the dorm and said, something better." The sec- ting around the Dumont when advertising, one problem has assaulted by some lady nuts "It's a pretty insane place, but ond said, "I think the janitor a supple blonde appears on already surfaced. When the over whether Bob and Little there are no waves." There does a good job, but it is too Ihe screen in her brand name subject of sexism comes up, Bob wiiJgo for hamburgers or were, as in Rouzer, no com- great a task to complete; of bra and slip, or Jim Palmer as a male, I automatically Man-Wich. It is apparent that plaints. all the dorms on this campus, throws a piton to the viewer. associate the concept with the sloppy "Joe" was not My next stop was Blanche and of all the colleges I have wearing his skimpy briefs. women. As history dictates, meant for the feminine female. Ward also an alt woman's visited, where I live now is by Chances are the family would women seem to have the Perhaps when Heinz realizes far the worst." The third said, be shocked by the ad's sex- greatest problem with sexism that women eat their product, dorm. It seemed nice and "If there was carpeting in the uaJ bluntness. The world has because traditionally females they will come up with the had a good lounge. It also halls and rooms, the shower matured some about its con- have been the recipients of She-Wich, or the Wo-Wich, had carpeting in the halls and drain worked, the windows cept of what is dirty and what sexual misalignment. Already, newly dubbed the sloppy "Jo- rooms, while those of Rouzer weren't broken and the gar- is clean; nevertheless, com- what is stated begins to take Ann". and Whiteford did not. A bage can wasn't sitting in the Junior said. "Blanche is big- mercial advertising production on sexist tones. It only gets What about those Mr. Clean middle of the hall, then there still remains a very sexist worse. Cont on 7 ger, more homelike, and eas- would be an incentive to keep ier to build lofts in." It all Premature ATTACK depends on whelher you like the dorm clean." Daniel MacLea concluded lofts and carpet-but I think my long trek across our great Blanche was the better of the l backed by the U.S. do not course that the communists sians: But.we are certainly not three dorms I looked at Ihus campus. You may ask, "What before the cold war. This is of do you know about dorm far. It by our actions showinq have this right. They are not will take over the world. The Was the invasion of Grenada Then I walked over to Mc- conditions being only a fresh- socialist and that is enough Reagan Administration feels simply a practice fun for Nic- Daniel, a co-ed dorm. It has a man?" All I can say is that I left it up to you to decide for the U.S. even if it happens that they should take over any aragua? lounge and carpeting, just as to be a torture state. In this country that poses a threat. What wo~ld ~a~pe~ if ~he Blanche did, but, unfortun- whether you like where you live. case this reason IS totally Of-course Reagan cannot do U.S. had failed In Its mvasron ately I could not locate a unacceptable. that with out being im- of G~enada (and t am told The runway business is also peached. So when he gets that It was closer .than we a weak excuse. We know that the chance he finds petty have been led to beheve)? Of Carriage House Liquors they would not bring missles excuses to invade communist cours~ t~ey made sure t~at to Grenada because it would backed countries. This has we didn t know by keeping 113 W. Main Street present too big a risk. They been a U.S. policy for many out the press. I am sure t~at were simply allied by a large years. Argentina, Iran, Viet- everyone. wO~ld be saYing "at the forks" nation and needed a larger nam, and now Grenada. What that the I.nvaslo~w~ wrong. runway for commercial and is next could it be Nicara- To see If the mvaeon was yes, military planes. Attacking gua? ' . right you can't look at the Goebels $6.29 case a country because they are Another reason is that Mr. outcome. You must go back Bud Light· $2.85 six pack buUding a runway is a poor Reagan wanted to get atten- and look at the r~aso~s we excuse. Sure, the Cubans tion off the-Middle East. Sure, had before the Invasion. 1 Coca Cola 2 lite.. 99(: were helping with the con- they had it in their plans have stated my counter argu- struction but have we not weeks before but many things ment.s.'o th.oseof the Reagan Reunite' wine 750 ml: $2.49 If we are to Ad~mlstratlon. done the same thing. Did the are planned and never car- dent see.s fit. W~ ca~no! .Iet .~. U.S.S.A. attack every Central ried out. This is the most survive ~s a Qood natured or South American country ridiculous reason to prove democratic ~oclety then "'!~ 'KWMC di~ount with Ibis. Ad that we took over for so-called that he didn't launch the at- cannot contmue to use mll!- democracy. The answer is tack as a deterrent to get tary force w~erever the presr- again no. We are again step- attention away from Syria. ping out of our shoes acting Who knows if they would have U.S. soldiers ~e klll~d In ridic- as a world policeman. We do carried it out had the suicide, ulous. excursions Into other tltt 5rttn Chiur Itil. not have a right to do that. bombings not occured. countries. We. must look. at !I'-' ."".,....... Nobody has that right. The U.S. is now and has what we are doinq and realize The real reasons we at- been following a similar for- tha! a chance In .our present .. """,":MolI tacked Grenada are, first, eign policy to that of the coney IS needed If we are to """"',_ 'hbIIt,t.;j..,., 1I,,__ ·w"',. , 1I.,.d._loIi.'U there is'a basic- paranoia that U.S.S.R. We aresupposecl to' remain a decent country. .'1(>, NIW.....Wt.¥ has been around since even be betler than the Rus-
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