Page 14 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 14
Thursday, N~mber 3, 1983 Western Maryland College ... 2 AOp~!nY~~'!ir~'?..~"!~~~~~~:~~.~~~ all your life, listening to punk ada were placed ~nder a many of Grenada s neighbors. - - rock music and bad mouthing state of 24 hour martial law. The. men who ~ave taken "If you can't drink it, smoke whole. However, student a~~ your country?" Lou Gossett In addition to the interests part In the conflicts of the it, snort it, or screw it !acl:llty .atte~dancean? partlc Jr. as Drill Seargent Foley in of our citizens, there were past weeks on behalf of the nobody's interested." lpatlon In thiS campus g~~P s A~ Officer and a Gentleman. concerns about an airfield United States government Comment on the poor attend- an~ performanc.esIS pat el~~ Foley's words have come to under construction by Cuban have acte~ as volunteers and ance at the performance of It IS ~a~p de: close to home for fifteen years contractors. It has been ap- put their lives on the line, not Spoon River Anthology. of our a In eres meu he. now. Among a great many parent since March of this because they condone -I There is a disease spread- dramat~ ~erf~~man~e~.t~; young adults it is very chic to year that the airfield is ready blD?dsh~d but. because they ing in our society, and people ~rass an,.. an I~ t take the, "Hell no we won't to be put to use in areas believe In t~e Ideals.that they just don't seem to care. Apa- films .and exhibits. the tfiFt a go" attitude As a member of other than tourist business. are protesting. Their actions l thy. Webster's Dictionary de- Washington, IntTa.muras, I er- the armed forces and a citi- Wasn't it slightly abnormal for are I?urely professiona~ and fines apathy as a lack of ary groups, religlourSg~~P~f zen of the United States, I am a bunch of construction wor~- ex~iblt bravery of the highest interest; a listless condition; or and guest lecture s. . 'zed sick to death of people I knowers to suddenly shed their caliber. an indifference. We live in a thes~ events were publici complaining about certain ac- coveralls and opt to work in Anyone of those ~en will sheltered atmosphere, where well In advanlfeb-t~om~J6 tions involving this nation's Cuban military uniforms, tell you tha.tthe last thing ~hat life is easy and safe. These posters - aye ists armed forces. equipped as a well trained they want IS war of any kind. are the 1980's; gone are the Today (The WMC Today I Last Tuesday the world fighting force should be. It Certainly they would rather be turmoil and protests of the all events f?r the week, and awoke to the ~ews that a also seems odd that there at home with the kids but they 1960's. Today, many of us -~ay b~ picked up at the small Caribbean country were enough arms stashed were sworn to do a Job and seek the easy way out by not information desk each Mon- called Grenada had been in- on the island to give every they have. examining our own lives be- Now .andfor wee.ksto come cause we are afraid of what day). vaded by representatives of man, woman and chil~. a our nations flags Willfly at half People are constantly com- the United States Army and weapon and the ammurution we might see. Being fortunate plalntnq about boredom. Y'~II, Marine Corps. By the end of to use it. mast as we mou_rnthe death enough to live in the richest boredom comes fr~~ WIthin. the day the troops had Finally, why should a coun- of our fallen se:Vl~emen. Nat- country in the world is a Instead. of compla.lnlng, do landed and the situation was try be forced to live under the urally the faml.lys of thos~ blessing. All of us have food something about It. If t~e well in hand. rule of a Marxist government men are very bitter over their to eat and clothes to wear. college doesn't offer a cl~b In After the massacre in Beirut which came to power in a losses and only to b~co~e There are no enemy troops on some ~rea that you are Inter- the week before, plus the bloody coup. It is ?ur own hateful if those men died In our border, no battles to fight ~sted In, start one yourself! It invasion, the halls were filled government's positlC?n that vain because the.y had no - and some say - no IS up to of ~s to with choruses of Reagan has people have the fight to support from their country- causes to live for. take the Inltlatl~e. Don t be 'done it again and Vietnam choose their own form of men. . Wrong! There are causes to afraid. There .wlli always be revisited. government. If you are bent on puttlnq fight for. Human rights, nu- others who wl.II be glad that Well folks this latest allerca- The invasion simply gives down governments act.lons, clear weapons, pollution, and you ,tc)~k the first st~p. if you tlon is not Vietnam, this was the people of Grenada a please do not let t~at stigma world hunger are among the dO.n~ hke the quality of an action by a government in chance to form their _own exte~d to those In a~me? issues that are of concern to, the~ offer your concern for it's citizens and political system whether It be service to the country. like It all of us, and if you won't tight talent~ In.order to Improve the country. It has now been Marxist, Democratic or other. or not, .t~e fact we hav~ them. why should anyone else organization. proven that U.S. citi~ens . It ~as apparent after the men wlJlln~ to die for. ~helr do it for you? Excuses are It would also be encourag- studying at the American Invasion that the people of country, gives every citizen plentiful for our poor attitude: ing .t~ se~ the faculty and Medical School in Grenada Grenada were not at all op- the chance to work where you "We're aU gonna be nuked administration set an example were permitted to leave that posed to the military action. want to play where you want tomorrow anyway," and "Let for their students by going. to country by a newly estab. Why should we or how to, write. and speak on ~ny- somebody else do it, what I campus .events, encouraging lished, Soviet backed govern- could we as a nation, sit back thing which c~mes to mind. do d~sn't make any differ- s~u~ent InvoJ~ement,~nd by ment which had already killed and observe something we Give a damn, If not for ~our ence ~;~nn~o~~t~~I~ o~nVi!I~~ ~~ and was likely to kill again. know to be wrong without country, for your way of life. The Indifference and lack of involvement of people is not campus groups. We can use l unique to this campus; it is all the expertise we can find. Grenada _ U.S. attack premature prevalent in our society as a Michael B. Kraig what kind of government they peaceful way out. The so- On Tuesday Oct. 25, the wanted. Third, they wanted called "Carter" appeasement U.S. launched an invasion or the construction of the airtield policy is easy to laugh at, but The attack on the small Caribbean ceased. Let's look at these not many realize that the country of Grenada. three reasons in more depth. This totally oppOSite policy carried Phoenix country came into the public to ask yourself is, were the was a poor excuse to show The first question you have out by Reagan is also bad. It Maurice when spotlight U.S. citizens in any imminent Bishop, The Marxist leader a Cubans. It was a gung·ho Editor Gregory Elba the country, was assassinated danger? This is a very contro- our muscle to the Soviets and by opponents. his political Associate Editor Chris Beyers Then, a Cuban backed gov- versial question. The adminis- action just like Chile, Vietnam, Managing Editor William Mann ernment came into power. At tration says they tried asking EI Salvador, and Iran wer for their release but it was As for giving the people a News Editor : Eric Greenberg this point the Grenadians, outrightly denied. An oppos- right to choose their own Sports Editor Phllip Block with the help of the Cubans ing opinion would say that the government, that is a weak Features Editor Laura Kleber began construction of a run- Grenadian's government reason. If the U.S. were to do Layout Editor Paige Buchter way. This government was wanted to wait until things this to every government that Copy Editor Michael B. Kraig thought as a serious threat to cooled down to insure the didn't have the right, then we Photo Editor . .. .Dave Dante the U.S. and to the U.S. safety of the citizens. Believe would have to take over the Photography Carlos Ortega, Steve Baily, Beth Austin citizens within the country. it or not the Grenadians and majority of the countries in the Business Manager .Peter W. Spartan The Reagan Administration Cuban officials are not stupid. world. We cannot actually be- Advertising Manager Kathy Marvel decided to take military ac- They would not even think of lieve that Reagan attacked the keeping tion. U.S. citizens Grenada for that reason. Do Publishedby and for the studentsof WesternMarylandCollege. There were three main rea· against their will if it were not the people of Chile have a The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily sons the Reagan Administra· for a good reason. They ob- right to choose their govern- reflect those of the staff or administration. tion gave for the attack. First, viously know the U.S. would ment? Did the people of Viet· We welcomecommentsandlor suggestions.Pleaseaddress all the U.S. citizens, who were attack their country if they nam? The answer is no. They mail to The Phoenix. Box 1, Western Maryland College, mostly concentrated at St. did. We were too worried that had their government im- Westminster.Md. 21157. Georges Medical School, there would have been a posed on them by the U.S., or were thought to have been in hostage situation and it would it was attempted to impose grave danger. Second, they be Iran aU over again. We one on them. The fact is that wantea to give the people of acted to Quickly when there many countries that are Grenada a chance to decide might have .been a more Cont on 3
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