Page 13 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 13
ThePhoenix ThUll., Nov. 3, 1983 Vol. III, Number 3 Western Maryland College Sorority sanctioned for hazing Alcohol forum at Loyola Fair or Unfair? Liz Siegenthaler The effect of the Maryland chahal Concerns Forum Greg Elba initiative to raise the legal College students throughout The sorority of Phi Alpha Mu not see anything wrong with think the women deserve to drinking age from 18 to 21 the state of Maryland have was found guilty of violating our pledge-week, Dean Hig- .be treated properly." (Higbee has had a definite impact been invited to participate. the hazing policy of Westem bee did show us that we were is a co-leader of the WMC upon the social life at Western Senator Frank Kelley (Balti. Maryland College _during this in violation of hazing. We will Women's Consciousness Maryland College. more) will be speaking.He semester's sorority pledge- revise our pledge-week activi- Raising Group). One need not look far to has agreed to introduce a bill week. Dean Higbee's charge ties, in order to conform to Wagner voiced that the so- find the results: a sharp re- into the Maryland legislature came after an independent college policy in the future." rority did not look at pledge- duction in attendance at sec- which would allow beer and gave her a copy of Phi Alpha Higbee was especially con- week from an outsiders point Mu's list of rules and regula- cerned with hazing that is of view, and the Phi Alph's ~ohnerga~i:!r ~~dc~~s~~;~~ :r~~e~~sb!t sS~~~~ie~~~~~is~ tions of pledge-week. Based demeaning to the pledges. view is it is not demeaning to more drinking off campus and such as college dances. This on that list, Higbee informed "We have a real problem with the pledges. "The main pur- in students' rooms instead of change would make Mary- the sorority that they had the male attitudes toward fe- pose of pledge-week is to get in a central location, and the land's law consistent with Vir- ginia's. virtual extinction of mixers. violated the hazing policy, males on campus," said Hig- unity in the pledge class. This and because of the violation, bee. "A troublesome unity will develop sisterhood When the new law was If a person believes in a the sorority would not be percentage of the males treat among the pledge sisters and passed, college students cause, then he or she must permitted to take a pledge the women with very little that sisterhood will spread generally did nothing to op- be willing to fight for that class in the spring semester respect on this campus," she throughout the whole soror- pose the change. Proponents belief. Similarly, if students of of 1984 continued, "If we have the ity," said Wagner. of the higher drinking age not WMC believe they should be Katie Wagner, president of women treating the women in Char Wirts, Sunshine chair- only had strong ar~ments for allowed to drink, they must the Phi Alphs, responded to a demeaning fashion it gives the new law, but they had a stand up for that belief. the decision, "While we did the men even less reason to woman for the sorority, great number of people If you are interested in at- Cont on 7 (MADD, for example) ready to ;ee~~~n~o~~~~j~'~~J~~h~~I~o~~ Preachers charter denied fil~t ~C:;uth1:ii~~e: ~~~ Jaw Wednesday, November 9, at p.m. at should allow college students 4:00 Loyo.J~. (If the right to drink at specified enough students ar~ Willing to events, then read on. There is attend, SGA may hire a bus.) Higbee overides IFCvote something that can be done. Please contact the SGA bulle- On November 9 Loyola Col- tin board (~y the post office) Jege is sponsoring an AI· for further intormation. On the decision, Higbee guidelines last semester after Ivory exhibit requested the IFC to write the Greg Elba remarked that her decision Dean of Student Affairs Jean Higbee, denied the peti- was based on the fact that the Preachers had been de· nied reinstatement that time. the guidelines for reinstate- tion by the fraternity Delta pi ment had not been com- Preacher President Todd Joe Olcott Festival," a series of lectures, Alpha for reinstatement as a pleted. (Sep, quidelines Rowe felt the decision was Works of silver, gold, and films, and art courses about the Middle Ages. recognized fraternity at WMC. inside) The Preachers reo wrong. "We h~~e completed ivory were some of the topics Walters' lecturer Dr. Martha This denial went against the ceived the guidelines at the Inter-Fraternity Council's vote beginning of the seme~ter; the guidelines, and we did so discussed in "A Medieval McCrory showed slides and commented on the gallery's Treasury at the Walters Art recommending the Preachers Higbee drew up the qulde- as fast as possible consider- be reinstated on a probation- lines after the IFC failed to ing how little time we had." Gallery," a lecture and slide- collection of medieval tree- sure: gold and silver crowns, show on October 17th in ary basis this semester. write them before. She had Decker Auditorium. censers, sceptors, and orbs; Cant on 7 This presentation, spon- enameled and bejewelled sored by the History Depart- chalices; clear, carved rock ment, accompanies two crystal; painted "very: and programs that are running paintings and engravings. concurrently at the Waiters. Most of these objects came One is "Ivory: The Sumptuous from church collections, Art," which is the first major called "sacred treasuries: or ivory exhibition in the United "reliquaries," and thus deal States. The program features predominantly with religious over 500 exhibits from the themes. western world; the objects The ivory and medieval ex- range in date from 8000 B.C. hibits run tilt January 15th. to the present. (The Walters The Walters Art Gallery is has the sixth largest collection located at Charles and Centre of ivory in the world.) Streets, and is open Tuesday The second program at the through Thursday (547.ARTS). Walters ISthe "Medieval Days _ P.J. Mixer Preacher Guidelines page 5 page 7 Student Affai ... Report Fritz win. 300th page 6 . page 10
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