Page 92 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 92
Reagan helps national problems One must be impressed What is not so neat is that with Ronald Reagan. Firstly, the plan can not work. Firstly he attacks the problem of there is no assurance that we unemployment with the can ever invent defensive phrase "trickle down effect." weapons that will make nu- Next he protects our land by clear weapons obsolete. To hiring James Watt, whose stake national defense on the idea of natural beauty is six- hope that one day, maybe teen miles of asphalt parking we'll come up with some new lot. And now, he proposes to superweapon is ridiculous. end the arms race by creat- Secondly, even if we do ing new weapons. Get the come up with these great pattern? We solve all our weapons, it is questionable problems by making them that we can ever invent one Letters to the Editor worse! that works perfectly. If just bomb nuclear . gets Reagan has said that he one wants to end the arms race through, the loss of property ~eace Week In the Pub and that previous methods to and human lives will be ca. achieve this. end have been tastrophic. Unless we can be futile. This is half true. unl- absolutely sure that this new lateral disarmament is risky, superweapon will work 100% Dear Editor: advertised on and on glish teacher and ask and neither side trusts the of the time, we will always feel We want to thank everyone campus as one of the him or her to repeat other enough for an effective the need to build nuclear who supported Elderdice activities of Peace (one more time) the def- bilateral agreement. All we've weapons. Peace Week this year. A Week. inition of satire. An un- gotten from the arms neqotle- But most damning of all is respected women's leader, a 2. The "Pub" side was open derstanding of what tions have been a tot of this unreal concept of "defen- retired Polaris sub com- and available for those Zaloom was doing colorful speeches about the sive weapon." What will keep mander, a film documenting who had no interest in might have tempered dangers of nuclear holocaust; the same superweapon that the sillines of "civil defense," Zaloom's show, or who your intemperate reac- nuclear arms production has knocks down ICBM's from two topical folk singers, and a were in any way offended tion. continued. Another idea - turning to attack Moscow or satirical comedy show all at- by it. To all concerned people on the nuclear freeze - has Washington? If technology tracted good-sized audiences 3. For those who remained all sides of the nuclear arms been so far defeated by a can progress so far as to of college people and town . to watch, basic courtesy freeze issue: keep up the tittle reason and a lot of make nuclear weapons obso- folk. We hope they have pro- would have dictated a discussion, the study, and the jingoism. lete, can it not also make the voked discussion _ and minimal amount of peace aocl-searcnlnq. There is no Reagan knows that to be ra- replacement of nuclear weeo- maybe some creative activity and quiet - especially more important social topic elected he must take an antl- ons obsolete. - in the college community. after Zaloom asked for it facing us. nuclear stand while at the That Reagan subscribes to To those few individuals in mid-performance and Sincerely, same time not appear soft on this type of thinking shows who marred an otherwise en- especially since there Russia. His solution to this that he is either mentally deft- Charles Wallace tertaining expression of the were many people inter· (for the Elderdice Peace problem? Instead of taking a ctent, not aware of the logical peace perspective last Thurs- ested in listening who viable position, he invokes the extension of his plan, or trying day night in the pub: couldn't hear because of Week Committee). American Qed called Science. to fool the American public 1. The folksingers Blan- the hubbub you created Leave it to the boys at MIT, into accepting further escala- chard and Green and in the back. (Some of Scumshaw he says, they'll solve all our ton of the arms race. The the comedian laloom those, by the way, were problems. Thus, Reagan can answer to the arms race is, were invited with the townspeople, whose step up nuclear production and always shall be, dlsarma- sanction of the Student good will and support reviewed while seeming to expound an ment, not some fairy tales Activities office and the college needs and anti-nuclear program. Very about perfect, "defensive," were partially supported wants.) To the Editor: neat weapons with money from your 4. Make an appointment I am writing in response to CAP Board. They ~er~ with your freshman En- the April Fool's issue of the Sopping wet Phoenix. Two of the articles, The and "Females Harrassed" "Rape" were particularly or- Dear Editor: take up to 8. Now there are fensive. I do not mind a good Phoenix I really could relate to David only 3 dryers there that serve joke, but rape and sexual Bogdanski's article "Dirty all the students and other harrassment are serious is- Laundry." I, too, had just people in Granada. sues that should not be taken Editor Teresa Norman come from a distressing laun- All was not lost, however. I lightly. To joke about these dry experience, only this one could lug my wet clothes matters is not only unneces- Associate Editor.. Greg Elba was in a laundromat all the home another mile (weighing sary, but tasteless and lqno- Photo Editor.... .. Martin SChulmar; way across the ocean in twice as much wet -as dry) rant. It only serves to Copy Edttcr.; .. Chris Soto Granada, Spain. It also nap- and let them drip in my room. perpetuate the belief that Layout artist Paige Buchter. pened to be one of only two In about 2 days they were women are sexual objects Staff Writers Steven Rossman, Chris Beyers laundromats in a city of about dry, and in the middle of a and not people. This kind of 250,000 people. . puddle in my room, I could journalism has no place on a Business M~naget Deb Arrnsworthy I, too, had to walk quite a finally put on clean clothes. liberal arts campus. distance (about a mile) to lug Now everytime [ go to the Sincerely, PubliSh~ by and for the .students of Western Maryland COllege my clothes to the laundromat. laundromat I think about Meredith S. Zimmerman The opinions expressed In mis publication do not necesseruv reflect those 01 the staff or administration ~2~~f~~i:n~a~~~~a~~chh~~e~~t~~~~ra~n h~~~~~~ 6r~:~ ~Th:-e-=PIloe'--n)-,.--s-ta"'ff-r-eg-r-et~s'-a-ny We. welcome comments ar,d/or ~ugges!jons Please address .:'j had to pay about $1.00 for machines or the lack thereof. offensive language or articles mall !? The Phoenix. 80x 1. Western Maryland Conece one load of wash. The only But you know what? I can't that may have been present Westmmster.Md. 21157. - four dryers there cost money, wait to return to WMC and in the April Fool's issue. We F too. It costs about 5¢ for 4 wash my clothes in paradise gratefully appreciate your let. Member of the Associated Collegiate Press minutes of drying. I broke one once more. ters. of the dryers because I gave Sincerely it 10 nickels when it can only Ann Blizzard
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