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WMCstudents adopt grandparents " " used to go truckin' at gram She was afraid they who they would like to his wheelchair because he said Denlon the dances 'was the best would cop out But I went "adopt." accordmg to Tyler likes to look out of the wm- "These people are Justfas- We'd litterbug and I used to around and told people about "You, can do whatever IS dows" clnatlnq," Tyler exclaimed go truckin' even on the tables. it. I put notices in the mail- possible for your 'grandpar- Ha:-vkinsalso ~xpla!ned that "My grandp~rent ,used to be They'd call my name out and boxes of social work majors. I ent' to do. Some can go out. at first, he did ninety-five an old rag time piano player. t was the best.' That's what tried to get people interested. Some can't, But the important percent of the talking. "Now 'We learn so much _fromthem she tells's me," said Mary- EleanorFique agreed to come thing is that you're together," they're more comfortable with and they need the company. clare Denion, "and I like to and talk at the school and emphasized Tyler. me. They expect me to come. It's a mutual sharing experi- listen." Demon spoke about about twenty-five people John Hawkins,a social work I hope to continue going in ence." her "adopted grandparent" showed up. I was pleasantly and sociology major, had th~ summer and I'm defi~itely "There.aremany other nurs- with a big smile. surprised." some free time. So he gOingnext year. You begm to ing homes in this area that Denion is one of twelve or Next came the weeding out adopted two grandparents. "I look forward to going. I look need this k~nd of program. thirteen WMC students who process. "To be in the pro- felt I could get something out fOlWar~to my Wednesdays." The elderly are too often ne- participate in the Adopt-a- gram you have to be commit- of it as well as contribute l?eOlon, a. math-computer glected by society," said grandparent program organ- ted," said Tyler, "and Eleanor something to the residents," s~lence major, al~o spoke Tyler. Shewent on to say that ized last semester by sopho- Fique watched to see who explained Hawkins. He visits highly of the experience and these people are not very more Deb Tyler. went to the meeting here at two elderly gentlemen who of her adopted grandparent. interested in world events "Last year I saw a bumper WMC and also who went on are roommates for at least "She's a vet» nice jady. We anymore,"but they share one sticker with Adopt-a-grand- to the next step, a three hour one hour a week, as do the !:~r somfortable with each common denominator. They parent and a phone number training program. Eventually other students. "I go on Denion and her friend talk stress the need for human on it. I called and spoke with ~elve or thirteen people de- Wednesday afternoon and watch television and visit communication. They have EleanorFlque who works with ctded to stay in the program." sometimes Fridays," said friends in the lounge "We talk lived for a long time and if the life Enrichment Program These WMC students met Hawkins. "We talk about dit- about her past We talk about this is what they've found to at the Senior Center in West- with the Activities Director of ferent things. One of the men things she lik~s such as cats be important, then it is." She is Catholic and I am too minster," explained Tyler. "At the ,Carroll Lutheran ViI.lage had a st~okeand he can't talk NOTE:Deb Tyler will not b.e first the woman was very nursing home. He described or use his hands, but he tells so she's thrilled that we can on campus next year and IS skeptical about college stu- the elderly to the students me things with his facial ges- ~talk about our reli ion This lookingfor someoneto organ- dents participating in the pro- and let the students decide tures. I take him for rides in adds to our discgussions" ize Adopt-a-grandparent.If in- , ' terested contact Deb X314. The Phoenix I Friday. April 15, 1983 w....... ·Maryland College Volume lJ, Number 14 l Ribbons set scene for Senior Pride which to. pay it. (However, it the college. Without these do- SENIORPRIDEis very simple not be reached personnally #, SENIOR PRIDE 1983 is here does not take long before nations, this year's tuition - a pyramidal organization in will be sent a letter that will and it is everywhere! The someonewill grumble "Hasn't would have been about $7,- order to insure that each enable them to pledge by membersof the class of 1983 Western Maryland College 000 higher than the actual senior is contacted in person. mail. are continuing the SENIOR taken enough of my money cost charged this year. More The class of '83 has been SENIORPRIDEis a way to PRIDE tradition established yet?" or ''I'm not paying any- importantly SENIOR PRIDE is divided into two teams: the help maintain or improve by the previous two graduat- body anything until I payoff the largest single source of Golddiggers (led by Shari WMC's tradition of a quality ing classes. This tradition al- all of my financial aid loans!" funds for the Annual Fund. As Bullard) and the Greenback- liberal arts education. It also lows the seniors to unite That-is a valid criticism, but seniors were once helped ers (led by Bob Thomas). allows the senior class to themselvesonce more in their themselves, now is their Shari and Bob have each demonstrate their pride in roles as seniors and to begin chance to help others through chosen 5 captains from their their school one last time their new roles as alumni. the SENIOR PRIDE campaign. respective halvesof the ctass. before they graduate. The Unfortunately there seems Things get even better! These captains in tum se- campaign began with a kick I' to be some confusion about t--: 1 Each donation from a mem- lected four agents to contact off celebrationon April 11 and ber of the senior class will be classmatesin person to solicit will last through April 18. So is. SENIOR really what PRIDE Co-chairpersonsShari Bullard ~::J doubled by a matching gift - their Those day and watch out - SENIOR PRIDE that can- is and Bob Thomas recognize each donation of $19.83 from this misunderstanding, and a graduating senior will bring hope that this year's cam- in almost $40.00 for the col- paign will ctarify the meaning also an uninformedone.) Few lege.! and the mechanics behind students realize the discrep- In addition, the campaign the campaign, both for this ancy between incoming tui- intends to make students year's graduating class and tion and the operating (both seniors and underclass- for the present underclass- expenses of this college. Tui- men) more aware of the privi- men. Some students mistak- tion pays for approximately leges and responsibilities of enly believe that SENIOR 80% of those expenses. The being WMC alumni. One PRIDE is asking for a dona- difference is covered by the major criterion of the quality tion from each senior (paya- Annual Fund, and this fund is of an educational institution is ble right now!) or asking for a exactly where the money col- the quality of the alumni it pledge of ten percent of one's lected by SENIOR PRIDE will produces. Often alumni sup- future income for some un- go. The money from the An~ port is used as an index for specified period of time. All nual Fund is responsible for this quality, and the amountof that SENIORPRIDE is asking many aspects of our college financial support is an easily for is a sincere pledge from environment: library books, quantifiable method of index- each member of the graduat- professors' salaries, scholar- ing. To what degree alumni ing class to donate $19.83 to ships, academic budgeting, support a college, then, is an the college sometime during college loans, just to name a important reflection of the the coming year after gradua- few. The curent senior class worth of the college itself. tion. has...received the benefits of Certainly Western Maryland $19.83 is not very much the uses of the Annual Fund, College is worthy of this sup- money, especially considering which was made possible in port. that one has an entire year in full only through donations to The acutal organization of
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