Page 94 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 94
-_sport ....s __~ _ Spring. sports arrive on the Hill l The month of April is upon Valley. In the opener, Scott Va.) and Freshman Nicky us and that means the spring Antonelli, (Upperco, Md.) fired Pesik (Baltimore, Md.) each of 9:55.2. vs. Ursinus; Apr. 7 at F&M; athletic season moves into a seven-hit shutout as the recorded three hits on the WOMEN'S TRACK (0-0 Apr. 9 vs. Lycoming - The high gear on The Hill. Each Terrors downed the Dutch- afternoon to lead the 15-hit overall, 0-0 MAC) - Apr. 5 Terrors opened the MAC sea- spring team has at least two men, 9-0. A threee-run ~h Terror attack. Missy Mules vs. LVC, Ursinus, Susque- son on a winning note with a contests on tap this week inning boosted WMC in the (Towson. Md.) limited Gallau- hanna; Apr. 9 at Gettysburg. 7-1 defeat of Lebanon VaJley. while the baseball team has nightcap as the Terrors cap- del to just three hits. - Western Maryland finished Eric Tindall (Boonton, NJ), five games on this weeks tured a decision. Last in fourth place at the WMC playing in the #1 position, 1).4 aoenoa, Saturday, the Terrors were GOLF (2-1 overall, 2-t Relay Carnival. The Terrors downed his LVC opponent in MEN'S BASEBALL (2-3 swept in a doubleheader by MAC) - Apr. 4 at Catholic; had 42 points. Messiah took straight sets. Also victorious overall; 2-0 MAC Southwest) Juniata. The Indians took the Apr. 9 vs. Johns Hopkins and the team title with 18 points. for the Green were Brian F&M. - Apr. 5 vs. Ursinus; Apr. 6 opener, 9-5, and the night- The Terrors placed second WOMEN'S TENNNIS (1-0 Kemlage (Frederick, Md.). at F&M (2); Apr. 9 vs. Mora- cap, 9-6. Johnson was five- overall, 0-0 MAC Southwest) Mark Johnson (Ft. Washing- vian (2). for-seven in the twinbill. in a quadrangular match at - Apr. 5 at Washington; Apr. ton, Md.), AI Bendel! (Hagers- Dickinson. The host Red Dev- Western Maryland opened SOFTBALL (1-1 Overall,O-O 7 ve. F&M; Apr. 8 vs. Susque- town, Md.O and Andy its season with a 5-3 loss at MAC Southwest) - Apr. 5 at ils shot 397 followed by WMC hanna; Apr. 9 at Hood. - The Feldman (KenSington, Md.). at 421. Lebanon Valley at 426 won their opening I, the hands' of Messiah. Rich Washington; Apr. 7 vs. F&M; and Juniata at 431. Terrors of the season by Tindal and Johnson combined match Park, (Sevema Md.) Johnson Apr. 9 at Lebanon Valley. _ MEN'S TRACK (0-0 overall, and Jody Walter (Baltimore, Coach Carol Fritz's nine 0-0 MAC) - Apr. 5 vs. LVC, downing Gallaudet, 7-2. Cap- for a doubles win as did Kemlage and Charlie Cave Md.) each had two hits for evened its record at 1-1 with Ursinus, Susquehanna; Apr. 9 tain Becky Bankert (Gettys- (Summit, NJ). The Terrors WMC. The Green and Gold a 14-2 pounding of Gallaudet. at Gettysburg. burg, Pa.) won her singles dropped a match to Drew took a twinbiU from Lebanon Junior lisa Lohr (Woodbridge, The Terrors finished in match along with Tracey Ser- University, 9-0, before re- fourth place in the Western ratelli (Parsippany, NJ), Sue bounding to defeat GaJlaudet, Md.), Malkus (Cambridge, Heart Association sponsors run Maryland Relay Camivalwlth Sue LaPadula (Bethesda, 7-2. WOMEN'S LACROSSE (0-0 62 points. Delaware Valley won the team championship Md.) and Mandy Roe (Harris- overall; 0-0 MAC) Apr. 5 at Sigma Phi Epsilon and the Heart Association will be with 128 points. Freshman burg, Pa.) Bankert and Serra- Washington; Apr. 7 vs. F&M; sponsoring three runs on Saturday; April 23, starting at Brian Russo (Timonium, Md.) telli combined for a doubles Apr. 9 ve. Johns Hopkins. _ 8:30 a.m. There will be a one mile "fun run," a four mile was the lone WMC winner as victory as did LaPadula and Terrors open their campaign race, and an eight mile race. The starting point is Short he captured the 3000 meter Roe. Tuesday agianst the Share- Lane, Md. Rte. 32 near Rte. 97, one mile south of steeplechase in a record time MEN'S TENNIS (2-1 overall, men. Westminster High School. There will be awards to male 1-0 MAC Southwest) - Apr. 5 and female finishers of each race and medals to the top I three finishers in the various age groups. The age groups Men's Lax is competitive wilt be decided as entries are received. The individual entry fee is a donation of $10.00 per Junior midfielder Troy cored 23 saves. Loftus, a second-Ieam AII- person or $16.00 per family. All entrants receive a brunch Barnes (Hampstead, Md.) Last Saturday the Terrors MAC selection at midfield last at Bullocks Beef House; extra brunch tickets are $3.50. scored the game-winning traveled. to Swarthmore to season, leads the Terrors in For more information call 876-1029 or 775,7575. goal at 3:52 of the first over- take on the defending MAC scoring with 11 goals and five ~ time to give Western Mary- champion Quakers and WMC assists. Senior Stan Murray all they gave the Garnet land an 8-7 victory over rival (Hampstead, Md.) is second WMC offers canoe class Mount St. Mary's on March wanted before falling 12-10. with thre goals and seven 30. Western Maryland took an assists while tri-?aptain Jeff Western Maryland College will offer a basic canoe- The win over the Mountai- 8-6 advantage into the locker Kuzemchak (Baltimore, Md.)' ing course this spring. Being open to t~e pu~lic, the neers, combined with the 12- room at halftime but the and so~homre Bruce Kracke course will emphasize safety and paddling skills. The 10 loss at the hands of Quakers struck four goals in (Lutherville, Md.) each have basics of flatwater and river canoeing will be included. Swarthmore, leaves the Ter- the final fjfteen minutes to seven points. The class will meet on Thursdays, April 28 and May rors with a 1-5 record. come away with the win. Western Maryland faces two 5 from 7:15 - 10:00 p.m., and three Sundays, May 8, 15, Western Maryland struck Freshman Ron Gavlin (EIIi- MAC opponents this week.. and 22, beginning at 10:00 a.m. The cost will be $35.00 early against the Mounts scor- cott City. Md) had three goals On Wednesday the ~reen per person, which includes all equip.ment. . ing three times in_ the f~st and an assist for the Terrors and Gold travels to Annville to For registration forms or more Information, call Dr. period for a 3-0 lead. The while Loftus had two goals play Lebanon Valley while Richard Clower at 848-7000: ext. 581. Terrors scored twice more in and an assist. Nolan had 28 Saturday they travel to Gettys- ~h:rfti~~~d~tanza for a 5-2 ~~~~:.=:::::..::;;::.;,;;=;_-=b-=ur",g,,-. -, The Mounts fought back to tie the score at six wth just under two minutes remaining in overtime before tri-captain Brian Loftus (Maplewood, NJ) fired a blistering shot past the startled Mount goaltender to give the Terrors the lead. But the Mounts knotted the score MONDAY- at seven to set up Barnes' s.:-o.:.,"::,.v. heroics in the extra period. Loftus led the socring pa- "I". y .,_ rade for the Terrors with four _~,.;n. THURSDAY - goals. Tri-captain Chuck WEDNESDAY - '\ a..=. F_o,p.s..., ,," Nolan (Baltimore, Md.) re· R~becca Orenstein' SUNDAY - - IJ.OOOFF _ ALL iA~ PIzzU.. _OFF oWeJding PliolDgraphy All MEDn:JM OR sMALi.. ~ Pcirtraits • 848-2148
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