Page 97 - ThePhoenix1982-83
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APnI IS, 1983 _7 Grammy Award-winning Ghandi reviewed C5 5("11.';(1' events may be, or how marvel at him, and this lack of man, but he' has choirs of ad- Trevor Howard) make cameo If there is one element miss- monumental a person's life identification makes the film, mirers quietly speaking his appearances and give fine per- ing in the epic Gandhi, it is may be, the film is more a mir- in spite of its enveloping praise, gazing longingly at him formances. Ian Charleson, surprise. By now we've heard ror than a creation. Gandhi dimensions and epic sweep, and spiritually genuflecting in who was outstanding in how long it took to complete deals with many explosive and seem as distant from our mun- his presence. The film indirect- Chariots of Fire, gives another it; we've heard how dedicated highly dramatic events and dane lives as Mesopotamia. ly raises some interesting ques- excellent performance and is the director, Richard Atten- yet, underneath the excellent In fact, we are left with little tion on occasion: Is there a one of the few western borough, was to its creation; acting, attractive photography insight into his character. streak of meglcmanla in Gan- characters to appear f~r any we know it's already won and steady direction, the film True, Iht're arc a few scenes dhi? Is there a touch of the op- substantial time. Mart in many major awards. including itself is not overpowering or which call our attention to his portunist in him1 But these Sheen, end regrettably, Can- the New York Film Critics deeply moving or even il- humanity. a fight with his wife flickers of inquiry into his dice Bergen, both make cameo honor for best picture. And luminating .' (in which his equally saintly character arc swiftly ex- appearances. as American jour- once seen, it's not surprising There's no denying that it is wife reminds Gandhi. and us, tinguished by the repeated im- nalists. Bergen, never a for- why. impressive in many ways, but that he is human; but that is ages of his humility. midable actress, provides Gan- The film is extremely well because it's less a fictional like telling Babe Ruth, after he The result of all this is a dhi with its only whiff of in- made, with outstanding acting creation than a fictional ac- has struck out, that he is only very polished, almost pristine, authenticity. all around, especially from count of facts, Gandhi is a ballplayer}, some nice film. The rest of the Film's Ben Kingsley in the title role, limited in its overall effect. touches of humor, a few Gandhi has abundant vir- creative qualities. especially and his Indian supporting cast. The film is structured moments 'of doubt, and so on. tues, of course .. Ben Kingsley is the photugraphy, arc first- It's directed with a sure hand. around Gandhi. For three But for 99 percent.of the film, thoroughly convincing. The rate. This film is well crafted, The photography is beautiful. hours Gandhi is almost always Candht is .prcscrucd as more Indian cast members are not inspired. Attenborough The story is interesting and in front of us. And yet, Gan- angel than man, The latter half equally credible and skilled. has created an homage 10 Gan- dearly told. In short, from dhi, in spite of Ben Kingsley's of the film is especially intent Some of the most distinguish- dhi the figurehead, not a film those expectations, it doesn't excellent acting, is not a on this quality. Not only is edBritish actors (including about a man, a remarkable disappoint. But in a strange character most viewers can Gandhi now a venerable old John Gi~~gud, John Mills and man, but 3 man just the same. way, the strength of Gandhi is readily identify with. also its weakness. In spite of Not only' is Gandhi's modes- Teacher applicants sought its spectacular dimensions, its ty, courage and determination faithful recreation of one of extraordinary, the way he is this century's great men, it is a seen so directly emphasizes his The Foreign and Domestic The principle problem with graduate in the field of edu- movie that doesn't have any uniqueness. In other words, Teachers Organization needs first year teachers is where to cation a definite position, surprises, unpleasant or other- we might have known more teacher applicants in all fields find the jobs! however, we do promise him wise. about Gandhi and what he did from Kindergarten through Our information and bro- a wide range of hundreds of Films that are based on an if his life was filtered Colleg~ to fHl between five chure is free and comes at an current vacancy notices both historical event or character somehow, through the eyes of and six hundred teaching va- opportune time when there at home and abroad. almost inevitably are com- another character. A character cancies both at home and are many more teachers than Sincerely promised by the need to be we could have related 10 and abroad. teaching positions. John P. Mc Andrew, President I true to facts. As a result, no identified with. As it stands, Since 1968, our organiza- Should you wish additional Foreign & Domestic Teachers moncr how drumutic the we only observe Gandhi and tion has been finding vacan- information about our organi- We still need about 300 cies and locating teachers in zatin, you may write the Port- teachers to fill positions in the both foreign countries and in land Oregon Better Business Mid-West - West & Over- Bureau National the or all fifty states. We possess seas. 1 YVONNE DILLING information on scholarships, 5231, Portland Oregon, teachers of this ooportunu y Teacher's Placement Agency, hundreds of current openings You may wish to alert UNIVERSAL TEACHERS. Box and have all of the pertinent Church of the Brethren grants, and fellowships. We do not promise every Worker in Salvadoran Refugee Camps along the EI Salvador-Honduran Border .SPRING SHOE To Give a Workshop Westminster Church of the Brethren EXTRA VAGANZA Bond St. & Park Pl. 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