Page 93 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 93
page 3 ·115 1983 David Bogdanski This is my fourth and final year as a student at WMC and one thing that greatly distresses me is the decline and subsequent loss of life at WMC. The school More letters to the Editor event. which takes a lot away from the total college has quickly become a suitcase college, but this is an experience. J This lack at social life started last year since it was To the Editor: Even though the humane Amanda Roe fairly obvious in the number of students who packed up As concerned women on environment guaranteed by Rand McNally every Wednesday, but this year it has hit a peak and if this campus, we are outraged "The First Principles" is not The Women's Consciousness- the trend continues, it could lead to the end of this fine at the latest April Fool's edi- presenty upheld here- at Raising Group institution. tion of the Scumshaw. We WMC, it should still be our The problem is that there just is not enough to do realize the paper was meant goal. Since you publish a Unacceptable for the average student. Sorority parties are enjoyable to be funny, but we do not newspaper and have the po- bu~a quarter of the population are not allowed to attend: consider rape, the Holocaust, tential to reach large numbers humor This. leaves the mixers which have been poor in both racking, loss of virginity, the of people, we hope that in the Dear Editor: quahty and attendance and the pub which is on its last aged, pornography, a "Pro- future you take the opportun- Your April 1 issue contained I~ socially and probably will not even serve beer after fessor Bash,"· or the advice ity to make progressive state- several tasteless articles: I thiS year. What a drastic change from the mid 70's when "kill yourself" -tunny. Lan- ments rather than regressive Playboy Magazine picked WMC as one of the 10 top guage is a powerful tool and ones. found "Females Harrassed" partying schools on the East Coast. and "Rape" particularly often- using it to laugh at violence Sincerely, sive. I enjoy a good joke just Since the school had done little and seems not to and human suffering can only Susan A. Maginnis like anyone else but these care that there is little social life at WMC, the fraternities lead to the perpetuation of the Stephanie. K. Lehr articles made me furious. and sororities must take up the slack. These eight or nine same. D.J. Siegman There are so many harmless groups have to take it in their hands to develop an We would hope that as Georgia Royalty things to make fun of, but you acceptable social .atmosphere for the rest of the campus. reasonable, caring, sensitive Shelly Jones chose something that should H.ope~ully,they Will get some help as to the easing of human beings you do not Renee Nacrelli be treated seriously. In writing Victorian type rules so that the school can have some actually condone rape and Jennifer K. Eisberg these articles, you have kind of social life. I'm sure most people would much the other acts. However, by F.D. Roosevelte helped to perpetrate the feel- rather see the trash cans filled with cups from a possible printing these "jokes" this is Caryl L. Connor ings that the harassment of keg than, glass from busted bottles all over the dorms precisely what you have Deb Tyler women and rape are accepta- a~d the sidewalks. When I was looking at Colleges in done. Jeanne L. Higbee ble. It is precisely this type of High School, a representative from WMC called me up and told me that college is 10% leaming and 90% social Cult speaker misquoted crude taking that most seri- learning; I hope things can change so that future ously damages the rights of women and the rights of peo- graduates will not be well-rounded. Dear Editor: depravity and humiliation of ple. I hope that in the future Please allow me to correct its members." The word I you will use a little more 10% WMC Iscount with tbis Ad statements ,attributed to me used was deprivation, not consideration and tact in edit- by Steve Rossman in his "depravity. " ing The Phoenix. Sincerely, article in the March 17th, 3. I said Jews and Catholics Catherine J. Hosley ~ indeed all mainstream reli- I 1983 Phoenix. on being a - gions need to do "more out- the (Sreen (Satar ltb. 1. I did not say" ...the Bahai reach because cult recruiters Faith borders l cult." Bahai is not on the list are the most active people on Sexual Assault W'/tUok~ !I~dt"~ .JJrltnhd college campuses approach- of destructive cults circulated by the Citizens Freedom ing students. Counselors speak-out am» from tJ'ublk Library al LDcll5t .:Mall Foundation national office. Thank you for helping me ,:========"~":(_:":"':":":":":' :'":'"':':':''';:'==~ 2. I did not say, "...these clarify these matters. Dear Editor: Not only do we find last r .honest concepts are used to Sincerely, weeks newspaper offensive, lure unsuspecting people into Molly Koch but totally inappropriate. As a society which thrives on the Program Director sexual assault counselors, we Dr. Badiee concerned do not see any humor in the topic of rape. Some issues are so serious and painful with Bahai Faith that there is nothing humor- ous about them. If you were to confront a rape victim with , Dear Editor equal status with men, the your article about rapists, we I would like to correct a Baha'is maintain an office in think it would become quite I serious mistake which was the United Nations Building clear to you that your article advanced by Ms. Molly Koch and ~erve in a consulting in her talk "Facts, Fallacies . capacity to that body. was not only insensitive but cruel. You would discover that and Controversies of the . One of the major teachings it is not a laughing· matter. Cults." According to the ac- In the Baha'i Faith is the We feel that you acted irre- MARIA'S count of this talk which was independent investigation of sponsibly by printing the arti- reported in the most recent the truth. The freedom of the cle. It is this type of behavior issue ·of The Phoenix, Ms individual to seek after his or which perpetuates people's Koch announced that the her own truth is fiercely up- ignorance of the issues of Carry Out & Restaurant Baha'i Faith "borders" on held. The "Programing" tech- rape. Just to clear things up, 532 Baltimore Blvd. & Rt. 140 I being a cult. It is obvious that niques used by some rape is not a sexual act. it is Westminster Ms. Koch knows little or noth- religious organizations are an ing about the Baha'i Faith. anathema to all Baha'is. In an act of violence. It is untcr- Phone 848-5666 or 876-2611 tunate that your article could Those with any acquaintance addition, every Baha'i is en- not even get this fact straight. of this religion are well aware joined to consort with the We find it particularly dis- that it does not Qualify as a followers of all religions with tressing that there are people cult under any definition. respect and love. Lastly, the on this campus who find the OPEN 7 DAYS The Baha'i Faith is an inde- Baha'i Faith is a truly unique pendent world religion which religion in that it refuses to topic of rape amusing. We hope that it will not take the has been in existence for 140 accept money from anyone rape of a loved one before years. At present, Baha'is re- who is not a Baha'i. they can understand the seri- side in hundreds of thou- I am concerned that Molly ousness of this violent crime. TO AVOID. WAITING CALL sands Q_f localities in nearly Koch knows so little about Sincerely, U8·5666 or 876·2611 . every country on the globe. this subject and hope that her As supporters of world-wide listeners were not left with a Caryl Connor & AND WE WILL HAVE YOUR Karen Messick education, the elimination of totally false impression. Carroll County ORDER READY poverty and prejudice, and Sincerely Sexual Assault Counselors the elevation of women to an Dr. Julie Badiee
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