Page 95 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 95
Apri' 15, 1983 1M -... - Terror Relay was big success Scoreboard Joe Olcott 400, 1200, and 1600 meters); team of Hedrick, Thomas, Ei- Scores for the week ending 4-9 The WMC Relay Carnival and the shuttle hurdle relay, chelberger, and Engel came Baseball: Season record: 2-1 kicked off the track and field while also setting several in third with a time of 8:22.3 WMC 9 Ursinus 11 season this past Saturday in WMC Relay Race records. behind Susquehanna's time of WMC 14 Franklin and Marshall 7 Bair Stadium under cool and For Western Maryland, the 7:58.7. WMC 14 Franklin and Marshall 5 cloudy skies. Athletes from team of Johnson, Jones, Lum- In the women's field events, Softball: Season Record: 3-5 seven colleges participated in mis, and Schwab came in Western Maryland came in WMC 15 Washington 5 this four-hour event which third in the women's sprint third in the discus competition Women's Lacrosse: Season Record: 2-1 " was won by Messiah College medley relay with a time of with 43.5 meters, compared WMC 7 Washington 15 out of the women's teams, 2:02.3, and the team- of, to Dickinson's first place 49 Men's Lacrosse: Season Record: 0-1 and Delaware Valley College Schwab, Ball, Jones, and .meters. The women also WMC 16 LVC 3 out of the .. .en's teams. West- Lummis took third in the 800- came in third in the javelin WMC 5 Gettysburg 9 ern Maryland came in fourth meter relay with 2:03. competition with a toss of Golf: Season Heccrd: 2-6 in both- men's and women's Delaware Valley and Sus- 48.5 meters. The men came WMC 453 Catholic 431 competition. quehanna dominated the in third in both the javelin, WMC over Hopkins, foreit- The five women's teams men's running events, taking with a toss of 100.82 meters WMC 389 Franklin and Marshall 420 participating and their team first in many of the races. For behind Juniata's WMC Women's Tennis: Season Record: 3-3 points were: Messiah, 119; Western Maryland, Brian record-setting 112.82 meters, WMC 8 Washington 1 Dickinson, 80; Juniata, 78; Russo placed first in the and in the pole vault with 6.4 Men's Tennis: Season Record: 2-1 Western Maryland, 42; and 3()()()..metersteeplechase with meters. WMC 4 Ursinus 5 Delaware Valley, 38. The a WMC Relay Race record of The next occasion to see an Track: Season Record: 2-2 seven men's teams and their 9:55.2. In the 400-meter relay, even larger track and field Susquehanna 89 WMC 38 Ursinus 34 LVC 16 standings were: Delaware the Western Maryland team of competition here will be on Valley, 128; Susquehanna, Broe. Howard. Connor, and Friday and Saturday, May 6th 103; Juniata, 79; Western Hill came a close second with and 7th, when Western Mary- Maryland, 62; Dickinson, 54; 42.6 seconds to Delaware land will host the men's and Scores courtesy of the Sports Information Department Messiah, 44; and York, 8. (10 Valley's WMC Relay Race women's Middle Atlantic Con- points are given for first record time of 42.5 seconds. terence Championships place, 8 for second, 6 for In the 3200-meter relay, the (M.A.C.'s). .. • third, 4 for fourth, 2 for fifth, and 1 for sixth.) team from Pitching is weak link in WMC armour The women's Messiah proved to be a pow- erhouse in the running events, David Bogdanski Rich Johnson (.467 average, (.437 average, 11 runs split with Franklin and Mar- winning the 400, 800 and The WMC Baseball Team 4 doubles, 1 home run, 11 scored) and Jeff Weyer (13 shall winning the first-one 14- I 3200-meter relays; the sprint has played well this season, runs scored), outfielder Jody runs batted in, 2 triples). 8 and dropping the nightcap but their pitching needs to Walters-(.461 average, 3 sto- Other major contributers are medley relay (a race with legs 5-4. l of meters); the distance medley make some improvement. len bases), co-captain third Doug Barna, Vince DeRienzo, The team is doing well in and 400 100, 100, 200 They are 3-8 with 16 games baseman Dave "Fifi" vurcrsm as their Todd Webster, Sam Kerns, their 3-1 division relay (a race with legs of 800, left to play, but are 3-1 in the MAC Southwest Division. (.454 average. 8 runs batted Jim Griffith, and Dennis Lento. record clearly shows, but the in), co-captain second base- pitching must come around if Yurcisin is also anchoring the The team is led by: catcher man Danny "Mouse" Fielder pitching staff with a 2-1 they are to have a productive Rugby; the uncomplicated game record and a 4.00 ERA The tinue their fine division play, season. They have to con- pitchers are. Scott starting Antonelli, Keith Lutgen, Dave but they have to also start Fowler, Keith Grunow and playing the non-division CUIllj.lU5Dig{,51N{,W5SaviC(' after a try (two points); a drop eliminated. Many injuries are Ron Lutgen. teams more actively. But, as The sport of rugby, which kick, which can be done on a also eliminated with the The team opened the sea- long as the team leaders enjoys the popularity in many dead run (three points); and a absence of helmets, sometimes son on a bad start, dropping continue to playas they have, countries that football enjoys penalty kick, taken from the used as weapons on the foot- a game to Messiah 5-8. Then the team should have no here, has been gaining support point of a major rule violation ball field. they carrie back and took two problem turning out a winning rapidly at the collegiate level (three points). Anyone can In addition, the nature of from Lebanon Valley 9-0 and season and hopefully going to for the past 10 years.. handle the ball. but forward the game accounts for a lesser 6-4. From here they dropped the playoffs. The next home However, most people in passes are illegal. The primary number of injuries than in the United States still have no means of moving the ball football. For one thing, there two more to Juniata 9-8 and game is Thursday, April 14 9-6, before losing to Ursinas against Gettysburg: come on idea how the game is played. downficld is by lateral passing' is no blocking in rugby. Also, Comparisons to football are among the backs, but kicking because of the lateral move- 11-9. Just last weekend theyr~L~2..!U_QQ9!!.!.h2.1e!l21, most frequently heard (foot- is allowed at any time and can ment of the ball, the ball car- ball is actually an offspring of be just as potent a weapon as rier has a better view of the ~:xtvisit free. HOUSE I rugby), but rugby is a Faster. passing. field and can anticipate con- OF more fluid game than football. Most people think of rugby tact. Blind-side tackles occur additional In rugby, a player may make a as a game played by half- rarely it'!. rugby. o long run downfield only to be crazed ruffians intent on Don't let the low rate of 5$v::~ LIQUORS brutally gang-tackled, but the beating each other's brains out serious injury fool you, ball will spurt loose and play and celebrating by drinking though. Rugby is not a game .....ill immediately resume. themselves into oblivion. Ac- for the.faint of heart. There is Carroll Plaza, For all the confusion that tually, many tuggers pride a.lot o~scraping and struggling appears on the field, rugby is a themselves on this reputation, for the ball. back-breaking Westminster relatively uncomplicated but even so, the incidence of pushing and pulling in the Quick 848-1314 game. Playing on a field about serious injury is much less serums, and brutal open-field the same size as a football than in football, even with the tackles'that can be felt, as well Tanning field, a rugby team consists of absence of football's protec- as heard, far into the distance. 15 players. The eight fcrwards tive gear. There are several Spa National Premium are roughly the equivalent of reasons why. football linemen, while the One is the rules of rugby. Models needed for photogra- '2.14 6 pk. seven backs are primarily which prohibit tackling responsible for moving the around the head or body- phy portfolio. Anyone inter- Marty contct ested please ball downfield. Points are block tackling, In fact. all Schulman at P.O. Box 496. Closed Tuesdays scored by touching the ball to tacklers.must use their hands, the gr~....nd after crossing the so many head and knee in- One forty One WestSalon present coupon goal line (a try, worth four juries associated with body- 141 eesr~IN STREET I,; ~xpires 4/22183 IIIESTMIMsrER.~RYLAND21lS7 points); kicking a conversion block tackling in football are L..__ ...J""!!!!!:;-1!!19~9 ....l '---------------4
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