Page 96 - ThePhoenix1982-83
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_6 April 15, 1983 ROTC cadet Mike Price honored A member of the Army (P) "John O. Prillaman, and top Army officers of the Reserve Officers' Training DCSROTC, U.S, Army Train- present and past. Corps at Western Maryland ing and Doctrine Command; Michael E. Price will be one (~mpus Paperback Bestsellers) College has been chosen to and Major General Richard D. of more than 300 representa- attend the Sixth Annual Lawrence, commandant, The tives of colleges and universi- 1. The Wind. 01 War, by Herma.n Wouk. (Pocket, $4.95.) ties from all fifty states, the George C. Marshall Awards Army War College. ~~amilY'ss!rugglatosu~lveduri~~~ 2. Sophie'.Cholee, b, William Conference at Lexington, Vir- Julius D. Battle, chairman of District of Columbia, Puerto ___ nature 01evil seen throu~_!!le Styron. (Bantam, $3.95.)The lives !>!~~~oomed lovers Rico and Guam. Price is the ginia, April 12-15, 1983, the Johns -Hopkins Foreign 3. Wara.nd Remembrance, speak are Secretary ot tne Policy Institute and former son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. ~tlnulng the s~~~~egan by Herman Wouk. (Pocket $5.95.) 'on"The Winds ?f_~_~~_'. _ Army John- O. Marsh, Jr.; ambassador, will moderate a Price of Fort Washington, Md. 4. When Bad ThlnjJ' Happen to Good People, by Harold General Edward C. Meyer, panel discussion on "The Mili- A political science and eco- _ _!_~ner. (Av~.~~~.)ComfOl1ing~~tsfrom a rabbi chief of staff, U.S. Army; Gen- tary and the Media - Na- nomics major, Price will grad- 5. Happy to be Here, by Garrison Keillor. (Penguin. $4.95.) eral Donn A Starry, com- tional Will and Public uate in May. ~~ries and coml~_~:~~~~~erson_a~~ _ mander, Readiness Support." Each cadet will receive a 6. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams Command; Lieutenant Gen- The conference is spon- certificate commemoratlnq his _~~~~~~~~l~~~_n~o~~~~h_:_~~~~:~~i~ __ . eral William R. Richardson, sored jointly by the U.S. Army or her award along with a 7. Lo ...e, by Leo Buscaglia. {Fawcett. $3.50.) Inspiration commander designate, U.S. and the George C. Marshall copy of the official biography _~~~_ South~~~?~ni~_p_r_ofesso: _ Army Training and Doctrine Foundation. It brings together of the late soldier-statesman, 8. Item, from our Catalogue, by Alfred Gingold. General of the Army George Spoof'::. $4~:) Command; Brigadier General the future leaders of the Army C. Marshall. ' _~on, 9. The Parsllat Mosaic, by Robert Ludlum. (Bantam, $4.50.) _ t~_P~~~r:.'-~~r:!_d ~~~_.,_ Children learn the silent language ___YE.'~S and c~~~~~_r~ce_ essays by the TV personatity. Rooney by Andy With Andy Rooney, 10. A Few Minutes _(~.~~~=.':.:_~.~~L':'l~morous Did you know that...Sign mini-course will include tes- sessions: Session I from 9:30- language is the third most sons on the basic signs most 10:30 a.m. is for children in ************"" widely used language in the commonly used by deaf peo- grades 1 through 4; Session 11 U.S.?... Some children learn ple. Children will also learn from 10:45-11 :45 a.m. is for to use sign language before about the history of sign lan- children in grades 5 through- {( New 6- Recommended they learn to speak? .. West- guage and ways that sign 8. Classes will be held in ern Maryland College is offer- language is being used Room 103 of Winslow Hall. An Unknown Woman, by Alice Kolter. (Bantam. $3.95.) One ing a sign language class for today, The cost of the course is woman's inlensely personal quest to reshape her own \ife. children? Taught by Marguerite (Rita) $40 per child, and registration -N--;';;~by~~k'Baker.'(B~~kl~~~$i50.i Af~i\a-nd Yiv~'-- An oral history Beginning Saturday, April 9, Sharp, language teacher and ends April 1. For further infor- account of the war from those who to confront the that searches lirst hand accounts through children and young adults librarian at the Maryland mation or for registration ma- ~:n:r_i_~~n_~xper.i:n_ce_i~_Viet~a_~· ~ _ can learn the fundamentals of School for the Deaf, the terials, contact the Office of Woman Up The Corporate Ladder, by Angela Harper sign language in a mini- classes will run tor six con- the Registrar at 848-7000, ext. (SignetlNAL. $2.95.) Lifegames: Selected from 64 possible course being offered at West- secutive Saturdays, beginning 215, futures as the heroine of your own pfot-lt-yoursett ern Maryland College. The April 9. There will be two .:c:~£o_r_~.~~d~--=-nt~re Remember April 22·24 Parents' Weekend. _ Caribbean University looks to WMC for candidates TheAmerican University of the mission Committee of AU.C. Caribbean School of Medicine compare favorably with those (A.U.C.) is extending to com- of quality American and Ca- petent and qualified students nadian medical schools; how- of Western Maryland College, ever, A.U.C. has no candidate who are interested in pursu- restrictions regarding age, ing a career in medicine, an sex, religion, race, or national- extraordinary opportunity to ity; it serves an international become acquainted with and student body. to apply for admission to a The Basic Science instruc- medical school of quality. tion is offered at the campus Western Maryland College on the island of Montserrat in If you have at least has been an important source the British West Indies. A full- two years of college left, of candidates who have ap- time, totally-dedicated, highly- you can spend six weeks at plied for admission to the competent. English-speaking our Army ROTC Basic American University of the faculty provides for a one and pre- one-half year in-depth Camp thissummerand earn Caribbean. AUC holds West- approximately $600. ern Maryland College, its al- clinical Basic Science pro- gram. For the second one can ~!if~~ROr~_YOU umni, and its student body in and one-half years, the stu- the highest regard. Year Program this fall and Several alumni of Western dents are assigned to care- fully-selected hospitals in the receive up to $1,(xx) a year. Maryland College have al- United States, Ireland, and But the big payoff ready received their M.D. de- England where they complete happens on graduation day. grees from AU.C. and, at their clinical clerkship training. present, they are in residency That's when you receive The American Univeristy of an officer's commission. programs in recognized and the Caribbean School of Med- So~et your body in prestigious hospitals through- icine is listed by the World shape (not to mention your out the United States. Health Organization and -is A three-year medical pro- bank account). chartered by the government Enroll inArmy ROTC gram, comparable to similar of Montserrat, a British Crown For more information, programs in several American Colony. medical schools, has been contact your Professor of adopted at A.U.C. A success- AU.C.'s Doctor of Medicine Military Science. ful completion of that program program has been approved ARMY ROTC. earns a Doctor of Medicine by the Veterans Administra- BEALLYOUCAM BE. degree for the candidate. Of tion Department of Veterans Benefits in Washington, D.C., important note is the fact that AT WESTERN MARYLAND the AU.C. medical curriculum for the training of veterans and their dependents. SEE CAPTAIN MIKE MAULDIN AT uniformly parallels the curri- Applications for classes be- culum of American medical THE MIlITARY SCIENCE DEPARTMENT schools. The academic pre- ginning in July, 1983 and OR CALL EXT, 620/621 requisites for admission and January, 1984 will be for- the standards set by the Ad- warded upon request.
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