Page 86 - ThePhoenix1982-83
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page 4 TM ~ March 17 MixinK_,!!_!~~~couple~~J?'~,~:v.:~!~2,!!.~ Mixers. The mere mention of. scarcest resource in our into "negotiations" on what to "needed" it. sword with lonelinessas one of the word brings back memo- country. As the social lubrt- do while the new Black Sab- One of the favorite pastimes their few alternatives'. I must l ries that would make Mrs. cant is tapped into plastic bath album blares -on the popular. after Saturday night is note that women hold a fair Panasonic. Here are some talking about who was "to- Decker see red if she was cups the debauchery begins. share -Jn creating this eitua- aware of what goes on in her Roomates are traded or sim- lines I have actually heard gether" that past evening. tion, their tongues sting just last contribution to WMC. On ply ejected. study halls are used by my fellow "real men." That's right, a verbal similarity as often against their own. any average Saturday night occupied with the analysis of "Would anyone please go to The National _Enquirer. The chance of this condition .thErForum is transformed into anatomies the favorite sub- back to my room and Often stories are about as changing in the near future a den of lniquitv rivaling S&G ject, and midnight rounds are me?" inaccurate. A doe-eyed fresh- appears slim. so the head during' their heyday.. "played:' on the golf course, Upon seeing a mirror-on a men could conceivably leave games will continue until Inhibitions run amuck and We are slightly ahead of coed's ceiling. "O.K., who a mixer with one member of enough people realize what morality falls to the wayside ourselves, let us take a look wants to ---- me?" the football team on Saturday garbage this truly is. The like 'so much confetti. ,The at how these tete-a-tetes are The female line most utilized night and by midweek the emotional..scars I've seen in- media proclaims nice girls do, put together. The basic' line would have to be "Wanna allegation is that she -made it flicted on the undeserved run and this had better be the indisputably is "Wanna go walk me back to my room?" If with the entire first-string and deep and last longer than I case or else the remaining back to my room and listen to that constitutes an escort, I the mascot. r would want to guess. This is percentage that qualified music?" Once this is shudder to think what a girl .Another observation easily truly something to be made is the double standard ashamed of as a' member of I' Betrayal a fine performance- still firmly entrenched in our this generation. society. The 1980's have not The drOgs are beginning to changed the tact that the guy wear off, so I will bring this Joseph Olcott . The scenes' of the play, while, one gets the general w.hoengages in the strongest essay to a close. It seems to _ The Dramatic Art Depart- which are set in England and drift of -the action. It is a instinct next to eating is la- me that one I_ is better of bled a stud, ladies man, and catching Saturday Night Live ment put on a fine perform- Venice, go backward in time. challenge trying to figure out ance of Harold Pinter's play, tracing the love-hate relation- each characters' behavior an admirable person. A fe- and a cool shower. I realize male who shares this pursuit. the chances of this catching "Betrayal," in Alumni Hall last ships of Emma, Robert, and and motivation in this kind of weekend. The play, directed Jerry over a period of nine a setting, which leaves one in is a- slut. someone not worthy on are. about as good as by Harvey Doster, featured years. from the end to the suspense and in anticipation of· the escort of the men who Miami winning the Superbowl Stacey Pfeifer as Emma. beginning, rather than from for the next scenes. crave such actions in the first on Sunday, Note: This essay was written clace Frank Evans as Robert the beginning to the end. The play was performed on (Emma;s husband), Rob Mc- As can be inferred from the the Understage of Alumni Hall The girls who, hold out are five days before the Super- Quay as Jerry (Emma's lover title of the play, the charac- on a revolving, circular stage. now teases and flirts,- a label bowl. Verification can be ob- . and Robert's best friend). and ters betray one another: designed by Ira Domser, that almost as unattractive. Y_gun tained from Susan Panek. __Robert Alan Stamer as an Emma cheated on her hus- was divided in half so that Italian waiter. band Robert. and we later when one side face the audi- Carriage House Liquors find that Robert cheated on e-nce,the other side could be Sex lecture her in turn; similarly, Jerry prepared for the next scene. 113 W. Main Street cheated All in all, the play was very his wife, and on "at the forks.." there is a hint that she may entertaining, being both dra- Anthropologist Dr. Heier. have been having an affair matic and humorous, and the Yukon Gold Rolling Rock Fisher will speak on the evoiu- with a doctor. . actress and actors should be tion of human sexual behavior The complexity of their rela- commended for their suave. 3.99 six pack 6.50 case (cans) at Western Maryland College tionship and the retrogressive sophisticated English accents (bottles) on Wednesday. March 30 at 7 course of the play seems and their fine performances. p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. confusing at first, but after a present I.D. expires 3131 Dr. Fisher's speech, based on her new book The-Sex , Contract: Evolution of Human Behavior, explores the ques- ANGELO'S tions of human sexual exist- ence: What draws man and woman together as mates? Why are humans the only females who enjoy sex when- Wednesday D.J. Nite 9-1 ever they plese? Why do we love. cry, commit adultery and All High Balls $1.00 share? Dr. Fisher intends to reveal how the first "sex contract" Thursday nite ultimately led to the develop- ment of language, govern- St. Patrick's Day Special ment. religion and human MARIA'S emotions. I Complete Dinner for Two ~ A reception will follow the lecture. Dr. Fisher 'will be Carry Out & Restaurant available to answer questions ,532 Baltimore Blvd. & Rt. 140 $12.95 and autograph copies of her Chicken Florentine book, which will be on sale Westminster during the reception. The lec- Phone 848-5666 or 876·2611 Crabmeat Shamrock ture is open to the public for _ Salad ala green a $1 admission fee. Dessert Leprechan Rebecca Orenstein' OPEN 7 DAYS Party Time Front Lounge Special' Drinks and Sing-along 9-1 Doris Barnes TO AVOID WAITING CALL 848-5666 or 876·2611 F_ri.-Sat. dance to Music of Wedding Photography AND WE WILL HAVE YOUR ]YfS:MIJIf'E Portraits • , ORDER READY 5- I 848-2148 No cover
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