Page 43 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 43
November 11,1982 1M-'" Serpent to slither through WMC ACROSS 7 EKpel 1 Nautical term 6 Curtain tree 8 Rubber 6 Uncertainly in exploration of basic man 11 Caldera 10 Surgical saw CROSS 9EKist 12 Sovereigns 14 Competent 11 Social class WORD 15 Demean 13 Diets Elizabeth Hedges ages the audience to become Each member of the cast 17 - Paso 16 Foundation The Western Maryland Col- active participants in giving plays multiple roles which en- 18 The sun 19U'I- PUZZLE lege Department of Dramatic meaning to the ritual and able him or her to reveal to .19 Make eult- 20 Heath genus able Art will present Van ttallie's overlaps the definitions of the audience a personal rela- 20 Slender linial 22 Eagle's nest 23 Couples play, The Serpent. on Friday, cast and audience. tionship with mortality. The 21 Editor's abbr. 25 Cubic meter Saturday, and Sunday, No- To create the setting for the play becomes a piece about 22 Vituperation 26 Communion plate vember 19, 20, and 21, ceremony, the set designer, the individual cast members 23 English baby 28 Thorough- carriage promptly at 8:15 P.M. in the Ira Domser, constructed a as they turn inside out human 24 Heart lares Understage of Alumni Han. series of multileveled plat- innocence to the purpose of 26 Aches 29 Subject The Serpent, directed by forms for the cast and the life and the definition of 27 Pecan. e.g. 30 Harbinger cperenqs mother Harvey Doster, a visiting as- audience, around a contern- death. The ensemble further 28 Levantine 31 IS III 38 Great Lake 44 Zeus's ketch 32 Gait 39 Pilaster beloved sociate professor of dramatic porary altar. The set will re- reflects and attempts to over- 29 PosseSSive 33 Melodies 41 Perlorm 46 Part of "to pronoun 35 Narrow art, traces the human life semble an abstract temple. come the shame and guilt 37 Belore .' , 42 Peer Gynl's , . , be" cycle from birth to death No chairs will be used. humans suffer as a result of 31 Captivate 34 At this place through various emotions. It During the 9O-minute per- their naivete. 35 Fathers , , , explores the role in this cycle formance, the 11 member The Serpent is $1 for West- 36 Gold symbol of the stories of Adam and cast will give 'an artistic ex- ern Maryland College stu- " , .. deg. " Eve, and Cain and Abel and pression of creation and will dents, faculty, and staff and 38 Miss Drew 39 Girl's name attempts to qive them a con- emotionally confront the un- $2 for the public. There will 40 College stake .. .. " 23 " temporary perspective and knowns which people face. be no late admission. 41 Got up meaning for each individual. 42 Poker 43 Draw out Basic life and death issues 45EKperiences " are confronted involving the 47 Lavishes " " londnesson need for a god, the fear of 1 Trellises .. ... " " death, original sin, man's in- 48 Besmirch humanity to man, the limits- DOWN dance .. .. ..... " , lions of being human, and the ." ... negation of society. Man's 2 Formal 3 Devoured mortality is recognized, and 5 Calumniate .' 4 Iron symbol his need to question and to account for this unknown be- comes the primary theme of 'the play, Following the playwright's intention that The Serpent be I a ceremonial ritual expert- enced collectively by cast and audience, Doster is using . 1. The Holel New Hampshire, by John Irving the environmental theatre ap- 1 proach. This technique, de- 2. The World $3.95.) Late!.:.~ovel bytheauthorol"Garp" (Pocket. by JoM Irving According To Garp, veloped in the late 1960's, {POcket.$3.95,)OutrageousstOryOf~~_ plunges beyond the conven- tional expectations of theatre. 3. Garfield Takes The elke, by Jim Davis (Balianti~e.$4_95_)Fifthbookonthefamouscartooncat. It eliminates the physical 4. Real Men Don't Eat QUiche, by Bruce Feirstein. boundaries of the stage and (Pocket. $3.95.) A hilarious guide to mascUlinity. places the cast and specta- 5. Thin Thigh. In 30 DIY', by Wendy Stehling. tors in a shared space. This (Bantam, $2.95.) H,ow to tone up and thin down. method of production enC?our- 6. Ogre, Ogre, by Piers Anthony_ (BliliantinelOel Rey, $2.95.) The latest Xanth novel. Science Fiction. The Moose is loose, but not on tv 7. Sprtng Moon, by Bette Bao lord. (Avon, $3.95.) A novel of China. 8. WhltColorl. VourPsrachute?, by Richard Nelson Bolles. Camplls Dig('st ."ews· Service infamous Mr. Big. the Panama Canal and the an- (Ten Speed Press. $7.95.) Career and job guide. Now they've done it. The With Bullwinkle's demise nouncer said the next episode 9. E.T.: The Extra-Terre.trtll, by Wi!llam Kotzwinkle networks are at it again. It was goes everyone's favorite would be titled "l'm Dreaming (Berkley, $2.95.) Novel cr tne poPC"-C"""-'':"film''-c- _ bad enough taking M.A.S.H. mountie, Dudley Do-Right. of a Wide Isthmus." 10. Rabbit II Rich, by John Updike, (Fawcett, $3.95.) off the air, but this time And the "Fractured Fairy Taking over the Bullwinkle ThesagllofHarryAngstromcontinues they've gone too far. Tales." And also on the way position on Saturday morn- The NBC execs have out are the adventures of Mr. ings will be an animated show cancelled "Bullwinkle." Peabody and his boy, Sher- called "Sport Billy." The new Tessem Stoneware That's right, moose and man. show, which will run for six squirrel will no longer delight The "Bullwinkle" show has weeks, promotes good sport- young Saturday morning car- been on the air since 1959, and smanship and physical fitness. Pottery Outlet toon watchers. For that mal- brought viewers great puns But it's probably not as run- ter. neither will Boris Badenov Who can the time ny as the moose and the squir- and Natasha Fatale or even the_ Rocky and went tO~rel. Quality Pottery at Inexpensive Prices '(;ci"%z.le.5J TOJ4)' we ~II d,»cc:t W"W; thQt} 'i/(e t;Jrody 111 John Street, Westminster q +;,t./ P":J- +0 The "''',,! Near Southern States Mon. thru Sat. _./" 10 a.m. _ 5 p.m. Look (or UI at Miatktoe Mart 876-8844 - ~!! ••••••••• Carriage, House Liquors I' 113 W, Main Street "at the forks,," SpeCial Old Milwaukee $3.99 12 pk. ,present I.D.
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