Page 42 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 42
November 11, 1982 Outlook for jobs will worsen for 80's Cu"'pus Dige,l News Sen,ire away from without getting the With more than 10 million job, the more likely they are to Americans out of work, the take a pay cut just to get a job, competition for jobs is really figuring any income is better getting keen. Even minimum than none. wage jobs are highly sought- The retail field is one where after, sometimes by people jobs are highly sought-after who have earlier had jobs now. Employers are which paid much more than sometimes scared of hiring so- minumim wage. meone who came from a high Unemployment benefits are paying job, however, since getting harder to come bYJ as they hate to hire someone who well as welfare, and this is in- may not be happy in his new creasing the competition for lower-paying job. . minimum wage jobs as well. In The slump is really hitting some parts of the country, a employment agencies hard, single job opening will attract 100. several hundred applicants. With many employers not Workers who were laid off replacing people who leave, from the steel and auto in- and not hiring on additional dusfries have a good chance of people, the number of jobs for never being rehired by their agencies to fill has declined former employers. They are dramatically. Plus, agency now having to turn to fees drive away customers, minimum wage jobs just to and for jobs with fees paid by earn a living. The adjustment employers, em-players are from a $16 an hour job with becoming less likely to want to company benefits, holiday take on that additional cost. and sick pay, health in- Instead, they hire from the- surance, etc.. and that of their outside on their own, or begin will Success IS not skin deep new job, which may offer little looking at employees on their in benefits or job security, can staff to fill jobs that have be quite a traumatic shock to opened. Often, a position them. And these higher-paid be combined with several workers are now entering into others, and all will be redefin- a new level, thereby reducing ed so that a replacement is no c.w,pus Digest Ncws!>ero,ee said the number of minimum W
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