Page 47 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 47
EXPERiENCE ENGlANd AT WROXTON COllEGE Serpent to slither iN TItE ItEART of sltAkESPEARE COUNTRY Spend a semester or a summer session basking in British literature, art and drama-or absorbing England's history and its contemporary social, economic and through WMC of rural Oxfordshire, England, you learn and live in lord North's historic home, political sciences. At Fairleigh Dickinson University's Wroxton College, in the heart Wroxton Abbey. Courses conducted by resident and visiting British scholars, under the English lecture and tutorial system, are offered to undergraduates year-round Elizabeth Hedges meaning for each individual. and to graduate students in summer sessions. Independent study opportunities, The Western Maryland Col- Basic life and death issues wide-ranging weekend trips, and attendance at the Royal Shckespecre Theatre all lege Department of Dramatic are confronted involving the make the time spent at Wroxton a lively learning experience, full of England's post Art will present Van Itallie's need for a god, the fear of and present. The program is conducted under the auspices of a fully accredited, play, The Serpent, on Friday, death, original sin, man's in- well-established American university. Students from your university have enjoyed Saturday, and Sunday, No- humanity to man, the limita- the Wroxton experience over the years. To find out how you can carryon their tradi- vember 19, 20, and 21, cycle from birth to death tion, fill out the coupon and moil to: Overseas Programs, Fairleigh Dickinson University, promptly at 8:15 P.M. in the tions of being human, and the Rutherford, NJ 07070. Understage of Alumni Hall. negation of society. Man's The Serpent, directed by mortality is recognized, and Harvey Doster, a visiting as- his need to question and to sociate professor of dramatic account for this unknown be- art, traces the human life comes the primary theme of COLUGEI NOW"'"END through various emotions. It the play. rM INURUUD IN WROllfON 0 UNDUG.... ou ...te 0 GR...ou ...n '.OGIAMS ,-'" explores the role in this cycle The Serpent is $1 for West- • of the stories- of Adam and ern Maryland College stu- FAiRlEiGIt dickiNSON UNiVERsiTy -, Eve, and Cain and Abel and dents, faculty, and staff and them a con- $2 for the public. Th-ere will F!orham-Madison, Rutherford/Wayne, 'teaneck-Hackensack, New Jersey .' -
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