Page 39 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 39
_11,1982 Page 3 I Indian lecturer to teach at'. Caffeine WMC during a rare visit 'damaging Is it possible that there is strong Hindu influences in the writings of Eliot, Mann, Yeats and Hesse? What is the i5.mpll5 Digeosl News Service and harder It's getting connection between Hinduism and Western rock music? These harder to hang on to your bad and other questions will be explored in two courses being habits without feeling. guilty taught at WMC by visiting professor Dr. Purshotam Lal. these days. Television com- A visiting professor of English at the University of merclals are bombarding the Calcutta, Dr. Lal will teach the courses, "Indian influences on public with the latest in the English, American and European Uterature," and "Indian caffeine controversy--that is Philosophy: Sacred and Secular," durinG the Spring 1983 don't drink sodas with caffeine semester. He intends to illustrate strong relationships between in them. Suddenly, public Eastern philosophy and some of the music and culture of awareness of caffeine in colas Western Civilization. has skyrocketed. Best known for his several volumes of poetry, his Caffeine Has been shown to encouragement of creative writing among young Indians, and be damaging in high doses, but his translation of the Indian epic, Mahabharata, to the English small to moderate quantities language" Dr. Lal has lectured and taught in over a dozen should not pose a problem in universities. The courses are. being offered through the terms of health. Heavy doses departments of philosophy, religious studies and comparative can cause nervousness, ir- literature, and can be chosen from the regular Spring ritability and headaches, as curriculum. well as insomnia. But some According to Dr. Ira Zepp of the religious studies people have a higher tolerance department, to study under Dr. Lal will be a once in a lifetime for caffeine than others. For opportunity for most WM_~~tuden~. _ some people, one cup a day can cause the above problems, Rumors at WMC are plentiful, weird and absurd while others can drink several cups a day with no problem. Cola drinks and tea both What do the students at a usually end up way off the first floor Blanche heard a the day." contain less caffeine than cof- small liberal arts college do track of what actually hap- noise. One girl throught it was A Whiteford resident said, "I fee. New decaffeinated colas when they are denied the pened. The only thing that a motorcycle outside. Another heard that there were two are now hitting the market in facts of a few majOrincidents can stop rumors is the truth. It girl thought it was inside. attacks. One was in the bath- an attempt to catch the health- which occurred on campus? is as simple as that. Why, Someone on third floor saw room in Elderdice. The other concious consumers who They generate rumors. then, do the rumors such as him coming up the stairs. He one was an attempted rape would rather give up cola The people who start ru- those below continue to circu- had black gloves and a between Decker and White- drinks than risk the uncertain- mors are not criminals, they late around the campus? chainsaw. Later, security ford." tv of consuming caffeine. are people trying to explain A resident of Blanche de- guards were looking for a Another resident of White- an incident with nothing con- scribed what she had heard guy." ford said, "I heard of a third crete to help them. Rumors about "the chainsaw incident Another resident of Blanche attack when Icame back from expand out of proportion as of Blanche." She said, "I first said she and her room- was raped on ground floor in Vietnam fall break.. 1 heard that a girl ~~y are passed along, and heard a few of the girls. on mate, "heard a chainsaw around 1:30 a.m. (October Whiteford. Later,1 found out it Fun is ritualistic 31) and a guy laughing and wasn't true but people were knocking on doors. Later se- in Whiteford. really scared curity knocked on our door "We had a dorm meeting and from page 1 and told us to lock our win- the head resident tried to Vets dows and door. Much good it clear up some rumors, but In the park is the annual did some research at a trailer- Oratorial Contest where par- park community. There he would do against a chain- when people tried to ask ticipants give impassioned found how certain communi- saw." specific questions the head Other rumors center around and ferverent speeches on ties can develop different val- two incidents which occurred resident wouldn't answer Honored their love for America. A team ues concerning a ritual before fall break. One them. Nobody knows the de- tails of the attacks." of judges stand by and rate another community may be Blanche resident said, "I Two residents of Whiteford the orations. The winner, of also doing. He observed that heard the first girl was at- said that they had heard course, is the one who is the in the fall after the harvest, tacked between Whiteford several rumors that were ri- at last most impassioned and ferver- the whole trailer park commu- and Decker. The other one diculous. They heard that five ent. nity got together to comb the was a faculty member and or six girls had been attacked Fireworks in the evening fields for leftover crops. What was attacked in Elderdice In since fall break cap off the day's exciting was picked up was placed in events. a communal pile and every- While these rituals may one shared from it. When - r-------'------, seem frivolous, or even laugh- Abrahams noted to the resi- able as some of the audience dents that what they were HOUSE ! found, Abrahams pointed out doing was exactly the same Frisco Family Pub their importance. These rituals thing the "hippie" communes OF : help consolidate a community were doing, they were ap- ~ in its own identity by having palled. They couldn't believe everyone participate. They they were doing anything the LIQUORS! also help a town find a place "long-haired freaks" were. ,..., DAILY SPECIALS ""'" f in America by performing cer- doing. TUESDAY - Carroll Plaza, I emonies that do the country Values as Abrahams saw MONDAY- Westminster f honor. Abrahams went on to can be bad when they are SPAGHETTlA MEAT SAUCE TWO F_BE SODAS WITH t 1 SUCES BACH comment the "phenomena" of misleading. "The American WITH BREAD -ONLY GARUC SIZE - PIZZA OF EQUAL 848-1314 t I MEDIUM SMAu.. how relatively new communi- Small Town and its supposed '1.00 OR LARGE I ties such as Claremount will values" he commented "are I sruggle or even make up an based on nostalgia. It's an WEDNESDAY- THURSDAY- I identity while older communi- American dream of the past ORDER OF STROMBOLI AT Miller Special t ties with much history are with all the past problems FRENCH FRIES 112 PRICE Reserve t almost oblivious of their own. already solved." ONLY4OC I In the late 60's Abrahams SUNDAY - 51.00 OFF ALL LARGE PIZZAS 12 oz. N.R. I I The Phoenix••• Staff meeting 50< OFF ALL MEDIUM OR SMALL PIZZAS 2.496-pak I I I 8.69 case Mon., Nov. 15, at 6:30 p.m. in the c...o_Sbp.C>r. 876-3550 : present coupon t t :::':':.~l~ : expires 11/17/82 office (Rouzer basement) .--------------~
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