Page 41 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 41
November 11, 1982 Page 5 The team was always a winner Renee Nacref/; durance to be able to run up games. I've relived mine For four years now, I have' and down the hill after the since my freshman year and been a part of Western Mary- bans hit out-of-bounds (some- do you know what - my land's field hockey team. Fri- times that short jog kept us in record was 10-34-8. But de- day, this fellowship sadly stitches, right Sue.) Practice spite the apparent lack of ended. And today, for the first is what makes these things success, my fondest college time, it has dawned on me come natural and last week memories will be of hockey. I that I will probably never play was the last opportunity I had have never worked with a field hockey again. Let's face for that. nicer group of people. And I it - hockey is not the type of They say that old hockey have never laughed harder or sport that you just pick up players never die, they just - cried harder in doing so. I and play. It takes talent to I can't remember what comes guess that just shows thai learn not to scream when the next - I guess they get gray winning is everything, be- stick cracks into your shin and wrinkled. Or else, they cause each member of the nd it takes remarkable en- kee relivin their ast team was a winner and con- tributed a winning spirit and personality that often eased the pain of loss. We ended our season this past week - tying Gettys- burg 1-1. f was lucky enough to push that ball into the goal (much to everyone's surprise), but I only touched it last. Ten other people were pushing that ball with me. Thanks, guys. I sure would have hated losing to Gettysburg. The real treat, however, came Halloween weekend. Dauer in her sized-16 kilt, Nancy Hutchinson, Julie Jurd, We beat Salisbury State 3-1 in Susie Matthews as E.T., Unda Gretchen Onnen, Nora Kane, the Maryland State Tourna- Spring and the wheelchair, Jenny Price, Barbie Colombo, ment. We lost the next two Sue Cooke, our queen, Coach Jackie Ford, Sharon Goff, games. But after 3% hours of Weyers and her peanut butter Dena Miller, Amy Neubauer, field hockey, most of us were cake and shout and orgies, Renee Dietz, Barbie Hess, still glad to be walking. The and Cyndy Church and her and my co-captain with whom really nice thing is that I think icebags and trivia. Not to I shared my tears, Julie Mor- we would have played an- mention, Tammy Sinclair, ris. other 3% hours if we had to Tracy McHale, Patti Worthing- I salute you aIL You have Renee Nacrelli f will never forget this sea- ton, Hobin Sullivan, Liz Gates, made my last season espe- Schulman) son. How could I - with Tracy Alyce Harden, Sue Malkus, cially happy. WMC to honor sports greats at dinner this weekend Publicity honored posthumously. Education. - team in 1951, when he played laude, and received a p,...~lre- Six Western Maryland Col- Blanche Drennan, '40, is a Co1.Andrew G. Gorski, '36, on the college's last unde- teuer Fellowship to Stamcrd. lege graduates will be in- WMC graduate, but many of was Eastern Intercollegiate feated football team. After a He currently works for Gen- ducted Into the college's her athletic accomplishments Middleweight Boxing Cham- brief coaching career at eral Electric in Belgium. Sports Hall of Fame at a occurred when she studied et pion in 1934, was a four-year WMC, he joined the Carroll W. Wilson Wingate, '18, won banquet in their honor on Boston-Bouve, a physical. ed- football letter winner, and was County Board of Education, nine letters at Western Mary- November 13, at 6:30 p.m. in ucation college which has named to the All-Maryland where he has been a coach lanct-three - each Tn- football, Englar Dining Hall. since merged into Northeast- football team of 1934. He and administrator. baseball and track. He later Lyal W. Clark, '29, was a ern University. She was recently retired after 30 years George Varga, '61, was a became a sports-writer for the three-sport athlete at WMC, named to both the All-Boston in the U.S. Army, serving as soccer All-American in 1960, Baltimore Sun and News-Post, and was named All-Maryland and All-Baltimore field hockey an ROTC instructor and coor- when he led the nation in and may have originated the in football in 1926. He later teams, the All-Baltimore la- dinating projects at the Penta- scoring with 33 goals. One of term Green Terror as the had a distinguished coaching crosse team, and later be- gon. a group of Hungarian refu- college's athletic nickname. career, and served under came assistaot supervisor of Victor J. Makovitch, '52, was gees who moved to the The late Mr. Wingate is being Woody Hayes at Ohio State. physical education for the named to the Associated United States in 1957, he honored posthumously. The late Mr. Clark is being Baltimore County Board of Press football All-America ~g!!!ra~d~ua~te~c!.~f:::ro::.m:.._:W:.:M",C::....:c",u:::m,-~_-,_-, MBA THE WOMEN OF ASCENSION EPISOCPAL CHURCH invite you to the ~istIetoe ~ad Vanderbilt a gathering of Consider a Masters in Business Administration VandcHbllt University'. Graduste &hool of M.nagement Offers: SPECIALTY SHOPS "" ARTISTS AND CRAYfSMEN .an opportuni1y 10 study ata preSligious • financial assistance 10( students demon- UNDER ONE ROOF majofuniversity SI'atingneed MBA two year. fullt;me challenging THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1982 * FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1982 .a e coeceotratec stu.dy and practical e~peri- .anopportunitylO Irveand study in a ttmv- program for tomonow's business eeoers ingbuS
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