Page 48 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 48
Page 4 Preview November 18. 1982 Terrors ready for Tip-Off play Bruce Mable of Bobby Knight just happens so they could be anywhere ~~~~~--~~ The Third Annual Western to be one Alex Ober and that from very good to awful. Maryland/Rotary Tip Off Tour- means man to man alt the Drew University favors a nament, to be held this week- time. This means there are pressing zone defense and a end, features another strong going to be some tired Ter- run and gun offense. Other field of competition for the tors on the court thus giving than that, they to are some- WMC Terrors. This years en- WMC's bench an added im- thing of a mystery team trants are Drew University, portance. Will WMC triumph? Wilt Washington College, Eastern Washington College will be Washington, with the return of College and are own Terrors the Terrors biggest challenge Blackwell, prove too strong in green in the tournament. Washing- for the mighty green ma- As usual the competition ton was 13-11 last year and chine? Will one of the dark was picked to provide a vari- made the MAC playoffs. This horses come from behind to ety of styles for the Terrors to year, like Western Maryland, overtake the favorites? You'll compete against and also to they return everyone but one have to be there to find out. provide them with a chance graduate. Not only do they The host Green Terrors, to get in some real action return almost everyone, but who have won the first two before the holidays and finals they will also regain Dave tournaments, will play Drew cut into their practice time. Blackwell, "An out"standing University at 8 p.m. on Satur- Western Maryland retums player," in the words of WMC day, November 20, in Gill four starters this years and Coach Ober. This combina- Gymnasium. Washington Col- should look about the same tionshould make Washington lege will battle Eastern Col- as last year. Coach Alex Ober a real obstacle. lege in the first game of the has one major problem in Eastern College, in the doubleheader, at 6 p.m. trying to replace Jim Dawson Philly area, is an NAIA school The two losing teams will at point guard, but with five and that means they can give meet Sunday at 6 p.m., for contestants for the job he athletic scholarships like the the consolation match, and should be able to come up big boys do. Still it is a the winners will play at 8 p.m. with someone. Division III school. Eastern for championship. WMC will feature a pat- prefers a pattern offense as terned offense and guess does WMC but, unlike the p:;c~e~~~i7~~ \~f:~~~f~f~i ,-_ .... L.__=_.lL __ ......4-__ ~"'--__ .._J what kind of defense they will Terrors, they use the zone are $1.00 for students and Kohr makes move against Millers\'ille (Photo 8. Mable) use? A zone Wrong! defense. No one here knows $2.50 for adults. I all that much about Ober faces challenge of rebuilding team Bruce Mable man the shooting guard spot This weekend the 1982-83, for one more year. The only Western Maryland Men's Bas- player not returning to this ketball Team will have it's years team - is former point opening debut in the third guard Jim Dawson, WMC's all annual Western Maryland/Ro- time leader in assists and an tary Tip Off Tournament here over all excellent player. Find- in Gill Gym. The Terrors are ing a replacement for him will returning four starters from be Ober's most important and last year's team and in coach most difficult task this year. Alex Ober's words, "We're In order to make the task a looking to break the sixteen little easier Ober recruited win record this year." Ober's three freshmen point guards, teams have tied that record on top of the two returning twice in recent years, but back ups from last year's have been unable to break it. team, and is letting them all This could be the year. fight it out for this year's Senior Doug Pinto, last starting role. "The position is year's leading scorer, will re- wide open," Ober said only a turn at one forward spot along week before the tournament. with sophomore Jeff Weyer at Battling for the spot are the other forward. Junior John sophomore Kevin Ness, who Siler will be back at center played behind both Dawson and senior Dave Engle will and senior Pat Luce on last years team, and is currently in CARROLL'S 24-hour Service the lead for this years starting Come meet our resident job; Bob Butler, an Ali-Dela- Silver by Appointment ware County selection from Western Maryland Terror LIMOUSINE Pennsylvania, Jim Conner, an SERVlCE ffi Call(301J 861·8025 continued to page 5 RussellandM __ James J. Hursey Baltimore area: Penn Station - Rebecca Orenstein Freshman Basketball Player BWI only $35.00 Take a friend free of charge. 2nd & 3rd passen- ger at no cost· During Thanksgiving & Christmas ,.~,~,YiIl'I' Shoppin, Ctr., W,stmin".r, Md. breaks.
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