Page 45 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 45
Part II: Alcohol!Academic ratio: Students say policy discriminates Beth Piskora opportunity to meet th'€! male school is allowed to sell beer The fraternities have ex- freshmen class. One fraternity to freshmen" of age. He pressed several concerns member commented that it's questions why the fraternities about the new college alcohol very hard to vote someone in are not allowed this same policy. Chris Carter, president when he is not known. Bache- privilege. Different members of Sigma Phi Epsilon, said "In lor president Creamer said, of the IFC have approached a way, it is discriminatory." "We don't make an active the Student Affairs Office with One of the concerns of the attempt to meet freshmen," the idea of carding but Loh- fraternities is meeting the This attitude poses a prob- man believes, "It's a beat freshmen, Mike Creamer, lem for all the fraternities, but issue." president of Alpha Gamma the Sig Ep's are affected the The tratemltles are con- Tau, believes that "A lot of the most. Carter declared, "Our cerned about the future as social life comes from th'e main goal is getting chart- well. Creamer pointed out, fraternities and sororities." He ered. We have to have a "The drinking age is going to thinks "it's a shame that fresh- successful rush," That means change everything. They want men can't come" to the par- an excess of thirty people. to phase out section parties, ties. Sig Ep Charter Scott Lohmann, president of It's going to hurt the fraterni- commented that the fraterm- Phi Delta Theta, said "A lot of ties monetarily." His attitude is ties must develop "alternative people are thinking about ille- optimistic however; he said "I plans without alcohol in- gal parties." hope everything works out." volved." Lohman suggests that the Carter added, "It is evident With pledge classes con- IFC change its policies. The that he (Dean Mowbray) is stantly declining in number, rules now state that each going to stick with his policy." the fraternities are worried fraternity is allowed "only one He sums up that "It's a about the future of the Greek closed' party per semester transition period." He hopes system on campus. The fra- with freshmen." "I don't think that everything works out for ternities traditionally have it's fair," he claimed the best. used the open parties as an Lohman added that "the The Phoenix Thursday, November 18, 1982 Western Maryland College Volume II, Number 6 Beer flows quick at Senior pic (photo M. Schulman). S.F. builds for new year WMC to honor Assisi Western Maryland College on firm foundation will celebrate the historical and religious signifjcance of St. Francis of Assisl with a special lecture on Thursday, November 18, at 8 p.m. in Diane Perry Parent's Day and Parent's Maryland College, The _tQ_un- McDaniel Lounge, "I think that the Student Weekend are also activities dation is organizing a Sib- The Rev. Dr. Dominic Monti, Foundation has really devel- sponsored by the fondation. ling's Weekend for high O.F.M., assistant professor of oped this year and is finding Three hundred parents partic- school brothers and sisters to ecclesiastical history at the its own place on campus, It ipated in this year's Parent's visit for the weekend of April Washington Theological got a good start last year and Day. Activities included re- 9 and 10 to get a taste of Union, will speak on "Francis has been making a lot of ceptions, speakers and an college life. Some of the activ- of Assisi: His life according to positive steps this year," said auction. Money raised from ities presently planned are the Gospel and its Impact on Student Foundation president the auction was put toward campus tours, brother and Society." The presentation is Caryl Conner. construction of facilities for sister sports competitions and part of an world-wide celebre- The Student Foundation was Western Maryland College's movies. tion of the saint, one of the founded last year as a group Egyptian art collection..... The Student Foundaton is most important models of that works in cooperation with "We're going to have twice not an organization of all work "holy living" since the found- the development office. It as many prizes this year at and no play. Social chairman ing of Christianity, on the consists of members chosen the Phon-a-then." promises Mike Kline has organized a BOOthanniversary of his birth, from each class through an Scott Lohman, chairman of wine and cheese Christmas Born in 1182, the son of a interview process held early the Student Foundation Phon- party on Friday, December 3, wealthy cloth merchant, Fran- in the spring semester. a-then. The Phon-a-thon will for foundation members. Fu- cis renounced thecomfortable The new hospitality tent be held during January Term. ture soeail activities presently life that might have been his, which sells cokes, beer and the first two weeks will be for being planned are a pool and took a vow of poverty, hot dogs before home football anyone interested in. helping party and a banquet. following the ideal set out by games is run by the Student out and trying to win some "With all of the activities we Jesus in the gospels. So Foundation. The tent provides prizes. The third week will be have planned, I think that the stunning was Francis' new food at low prices for alumni "Greek Week," a friendly school -is definitely going to way of life that people flocked and students. According to competition between the know about us at the end of to -him. These early followers Student Foundation member Greek organizations on cam- the year. I hope that it will reported miracles; legends Caroline Benson, one of the pus. Said Lohman, "The encourage more students to - grew up around Francis. And, workers at the tent, "We were Phon-a-then is coming along become involved with promot- in order that the ideal might always busy. the people who great! We still need more ing Western Maryland College be continued, he founded a came really seemed to appre- student participation." to other students and to per- small group of brothers, soon ciate it being there and its low The Student Foundation is sons outside the college," recognized by the Pope. This prices. It was definitely sue- also in the midst of planning a said Student Foundation continued to -page 7 cesafuf!" new tradition at Western member Michele Everett.
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