Page 44 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 44
Page 8 Tbo_ November 11, 1982 Quitting cigarettes 'cool turkey' best method American Medican Assocta- from the cigarette. "The test is Campus Digest News Seroice lion. the only sure way to know if "When Merrel Dow makes Cusker says. Cool turkey may be the One stumbling block in the you stopped inhaling," he it available, the chewing gum According to the physicians preferred the alter- ~un"kw.',~!~o ~:~~tes~~~~:It= path of would-be pipers is the says. "You shouldn't have any will be to cigarettes," he adds. and scientists involved in these native " ,_ ~ belief that pipe use significant- trouble having the test made, "The nicotine levels with the comparisons, Merrel Dow's 'tho!dh-taubri~.e~:~:~t:tu~y ~~c: ly enhances the likelihood of because it's available through chewing gum may be a little interest in marketing a " developing cancer of the lip, medical centers across the higher than that with the pipe, tolerable, satisfying nicotine ~~:~~~~y ni~ws~t~~~;~~g~:tongue or throat. But that country," but the asbsence of smoke has gum is just one part of the in- to overall attempt dustry's that cigarette smokers can ~fsP~~~~~f~~:~i~~m~;:~~d:;un~~~}~~~bf:O;~h:h~i~:: many other obvious advan- make tobacco use less hazar- wean themselves from nicotine to McCusker, who says the there is new promise for relief. tages, especially for those who dous. by switching to a pipe. risk of such illness among "Additional help for hard need to quit because of cor- "Industry realizes that they 'The purpose of our study cigarette and pipe smokers is cases may soon present itself onary artery or pulmonary must develop safer ways to use was to see if pipe smokers in- "just about equal." in the form of a palatable, disease." nicotine," McCusker asays, On the other hale smoke into their lungs," "It may be true," says Me- nicotine-laced chewing gum," vantage of pipe hand, one ad- For "and they reflect that new at- smoking says Kevin McCusker, M.D., Cusker. "that the pipe smoker claims McCusker. who col- would-be quitters is that it in- titude in their product sand a pulmonary specialist. "After has a slightly higher risk of lip laboratcd with physicians at volves the hands. "For those advertising. The great push to seeing the results, if i had a pa- cancer. I hate to compare the the University of Arkansas to smokers who've got to fiddle low-tar cigarettes and ti.ent who couldn't quit risks because obviously no test a gum being developed by 'smokeless' tobacco is further cigarette smoking, l would cancer at all would be best. Merrel Dow Pharmaceuticals with something, the pipe evidence of the. trend." definitely suggest switching to But smokers should know that Inc. of lndianiapolis. be much belter," Mc- :!~:S'~t~~::'t::u~~~k~~: :~: l~;a~~,'~t~hfO~~~~~;';..~~ t:~;':';~'lo~~'i~i~:~ tht;~~t:~; who dropped cigarettes and than the deat rates 0: u~g across the ocean" says Me. switched to the pipechanged cancer. Lung cancer IS t e Cusker. "Nicotine gums have f their inhalation behavior. By ~~~~:r~~n~h~au~~u~try~a~~~ ~~n Sv::~!of~:a~~nn:n;~:~s~ ceasing to draw the smoke into many victims survive The main problems with their lungs, smokers can When It comes to choosing American-produced chewing reduce by five-fold their risk - your poison, the pipe offers a gums were that they either of developing emphysema, less lethal dose than cigarettes, tasted too bad or didn't have coronary artery disease and according to McCusk er-. enough nicotine." cancer of the pancreas or provided that the smoker In the chewing gum evalua- kidney. stops inhaling. "The switch to tion, gum containing "There has always been a pipe serves as a departure 2-milligram and 4-milligram some question about whether point or the beginning of a doses of nicotine were tested. a cigarette smoker would con- new behavior pattern-not in- It was shown that chewing one tinue to inhale, and smoke the haling," says McCusker. piece of 4-milligram gum per pipe just the same as a "Also, because the pipe smoke hour will produce a blood cigarette," says McCusker. is more irritating to the throat nicotine level comparable to "Many physicians are leery and lungs, the smoker is not that obtained with hourly about recommending the pipe likely to continue trying to in- cigarette smoking. for that reason. In our study, hale It." 'The one way that pipe however, only one out of eight McCusker recommends thai smoking and chewing are dif- former cigarette smokers in- a pipe smoker tD-:'ing to kick ferent from cigarettes is that haled smoke from the pipe." the inhalation habit should ar- they don't produce a rapid McCusker's study was range for a simple test called a increase-a quick high-in the published in the Aug. 6, 1982 "carboxyhemoglobin" -,ab<_>ut blood levels of nicotine," ex- issue of the Journal of the six months after SWItching plains McCusker. Student Foundation Unpsych yourseff: The Mr. WMC Pageant .' •• has been postponed to a later date South Carroll On Nov. 18th we're asking Secretarial Service every smoker to quit for 24 hours. And we1l even help. Just ask us for a free "Larry Hagman Professional Typing Special Stop Smoktn' RU~b~~t:~d:P~~~ ':ght Look For It And IBM Selectric III find that not smoking can be habit-forming. Tenn Papers Be Part '1.25 per page For more infonnation contact Phonathon Committee 1heGreat Scott l.oIuNnn ANW #331 Chainnan Call Vicky Smelkinson "'-'lean Paul Jocosky ANW #233 Of It! ~ Frank Evans Rouzer #428 549-1043 Mooria Moront. Blanche #18
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