Page 46 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 46
_Opinion _ Letter to the Editor and ages are eligible to audi- ing community support to Dear Editor: tion. Anyone interested should continue providing transporta- Once again hidden talents schedule an appointment by tion for shopping, medical, can be brought out of the calling the senior center at and R look at WMC as seen daily through the closet and put in the spotlight 848-4049; ask for Teresa. and employment needed trips by the other services eyes 01 the Phoenix editor, Robert Holl at the 2nd annual Sing Our Tim Weinfeld once again elderly. will Artist and (Photos on pages 2 & 3) Song talent show to be held will be talent coordinator and be displaying handcrafters their at the High Westminster will audition each act. and and selling School auditorium March 5 direct the entire show. Mr. wares in the lobby before and 6, 1983. Weinfeld is Director of Drama each performance. To obtain Auditions for the Senior at Western Maryland College. more information or sign up, Overland Service (SOS) talent A group of volunteers and contact coordinator, Shirley show will be held Saturday, senior center staff members Lippy at 848-4061. December 11, 10 a.rn. to 4 are working together on this , Peggy Henderson is Chair- p.m. and Sunday, December project to raise funds for the person for the Program Ad 12, 2 p.rn. to 6 p.m. at S.O.S. transportation system, Book and may be reached at Westminster West Middle used by local senior citizens. 876-6616. Patron ads are School, Monroe Street, West- As a result of budget cut- $3.00 for up to 36 letters. minster. Talent of all types backs, S.O.S. has been seek- Lynette Brewer
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