Page 38 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 38
_Opinion _ Letters to the Editor You shall know the truth ... , Editor: RA.S. respond to editorial light ..." We would like to To quote you, "Rumors ere, We, as Resident Staff mem- know how you were led to terrible and disastrous crimes bers, would like to clarify a believe that the administration in themselves. The people few things in regards to "Pow- felt this way about the secur- who start the rumors are cnm-" ers That 8e Neglect Duty." but when? We feel that the statements ity staff. The security staff has tnals. the people who spread responded to any incidents to and perpetuate the rumors pertaining to the situation re- which they have been called. ferred to in this editorial can- The following statement are criminals ..." We agree harm caused by with the not be justified. "Why do the RA's deny that rumors, how about the harm In reference to the state- they call for security to inves- caused by "libel?" ment "Men must be escorted tigate strangers, possibly rap- Jane Davol On one entrance to Elderdice Hall is the inscription in the women's dorms and ists who are in the women's Alison Luca "You shall know the truth and it shall make you free," women are urged to walk in dorms at night?" The RA that Janine Ponzio Unfortunately the liberating process of truth is not always pairs," we would like to re- the newspaper questioned Head Residents of Women's painless. Such is the case at this campus. The truth mind you that the escort pol- did not in fact call security buildings about an attacker being on campus is more and more icy has been in existence in that night and during numer- coming to light, despite there not being some indication the past years. Our enforce- ous rounds no "strangers, of the danger from the administration. There have been ment of this policy is for the possible rapists" were found Help two incidents of attack on the campus recently, and the safety of the residents as well in any women's residence local police are investigating the situation. Measures are as that of their male guests, halls by any staff member. being taken to assure protection for the campus Le., an escorted male has a A final statement. "The col- wanted residents. Yet not all students were told of the situation. witness on his behalf if any lege administration has nei- Another painful truth is the problem stems from a destruction should take place ther denied the current long standing attitude of the administration that it is not in the building while he is rumors, nor substantiated Dear Editor necessary to tell all students of all things that affect their there. them, thus the biggest crime The eighth annual Carroll lives at WMC. Only a portion of the student body was With reference to the sec- of all, the students have been County Christmas Shop for accurately informed of the situation. Thus only an elitist ond part of the statement, denied their right to know if the Needy is looking for few of the campus had access to the truth and input to women have always been they are adequately pro- friendly, courteous volunteers the resulting actions taken to cope with the situation. urged to walk in pairs, espe- tected. to staff the shop, December 6 There is not an attempt by the administration to deceive cially after dark. This is cer- The college administration - 10. If you contribute even students, only a lack of any attempt to tully communicate tainly not restricted to the through Resident Hall Staff just a few hours to help a important information and issues to all students. WMC campus. has in fact informed students needy family have a merrier I events of any particular situation. Students only want to would like to address is: "The of the situations that have holiday season, please con- No one is requesting to know the ugly and tragic next The we statement tact the Christmas Shop at 22 occurred on campus, through 1 be aware that many situations can, and do, occur on the .quards should be respected, Emergency Resident Hall N. Court Street, Westminster, campus. How can a sense of community be achieved at (848-6160). WMC when every student is not treated as part of the but they are seen in a bad meetings. community? There is not a need for drastic measures, only a little more communication among all members of - the campus. Creating an environment that is humane must begin with the involvement of all persons in that environment, not just a few. The Phoenix Editor Robert Holt Managing Editor Teresa Norman Asst. Managing Editor Oan Gilmore News Editor David Bogdanski Features Editor Steven Rossman Sports Editor Bruce Mable Photo Editor Steve Brady Asst. Photo Editor Martin Schulman BUSinessManager. Deb Armsworthy Publishedby and for the studentsof WesternMarylandCollege. The opinions expressed in this publicationdo not necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration. We welcomecommentsand/or suggestioos.Pleaseaddress all mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, Westminster,Md. 21157. Ell Member of the Associated Collegiate Press
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