Page 40 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 40
Page_ 4 November 11, 1982 -_sports---------------- Terrors fall to Juniata In MAC • Western Maryland's Wom· 3, in the semi-finals. Going ens Volleyball Team, once from the likes of Gettysburg to regarded the Middle Atlantic a powerhouse like Juniata is a Conference Championship as difficult adjustment to make in its personal property, was the space of the two hours forced to give away that title that separated the semi's for the second straight year to from the final match. Juniata College. Even with this setback the - The Terrors were defeated Terrors are still in an excellent in three straight games in the position to be invited to the finals 9-15, 7-15, 9-15. This NCAA national championship was Juniata's second straight tournament. Last year WMC MAC Championship and was invited to the AIAW pushed Juniata's record to championship in California. 35-3 for the year. Anne Glaeser and Donna Western Maryland, now 35- Mummert lead the Terrors in 4 on the year, had won the the Juniata match with 13 and MAC Championships from 14 kills respectively. 1976 through 1980 and had In the qualifying match play finished in second place last WMC defeated Scranton 51-4, year. 15-0. Albnght 15-0. 15-1. a In this year's final, the Ter- surprisingly strong Elizabeth- rors just couldn't match the 15-4, 15-7, and finished power or the intensity of num- ber one ranked Juniata. Jun- iata's spikes were consistantly . powerful and accurate, where WMC's were inconsistant and many times the normally hard- hitting Terrors seemed hesi- tant on their spikes. As a result many of their spikes, which usually would have been converted into points, ended up being returned with devastating effect. WMC had an easy road to the finals, not losing a game in pool play, and this might have brought out a bit of over-confidence in the Ter- rors. The MAC is really a two team teague in volleyball with Western Maryland and Jun- iata way above the rest in ability. The closest rival to the throne is Gettysburg, a team the Terrors crushed 15-2, 15- WMC gridders make good show> David Bogdanski As can be seen, the defense yard tying the score. The Western Maryland foot- gave the ball to the offense a ball team gave a great show- number of times, but out- a bad break as a Swarthmore -..- of the beginning In the ing against nationally ranked standing Swarthmore defense fourth' quarter the Terrors got Swarthmore Saturday as they would not let our offense almost upset the little Quak- capitalize. punt was downed on the 1 ers. Swarthmore, which is Offensively we were led by yard line. The next play, the ranked 9th in the country in Ray Evans who is having a quick Swarthmore linebackers ........ Division til, remained unde- fine year. He had 101 yards caused a Terror loss of yards -- - -- feated thanks to a field goal rushing on 21 carries and and a subsequent safety - "''''''' with only 1:45 left to play completed 8 of 26 passes for making the score 9 to 7 NIJtI. ,. making the score 12 to 10. 93 yards, but also threw 3 Swarthmore. The Terror de- (1"~4!h) The defense played very interceptions. Wayne Pollock fense then came up with a NIJtI. ,. -- well, although again they had 9 carries for 13 yards big tumover on which the NIJtI. ,. --., ""."" were on the field for a major- while Bob DeBeer had an- offense drove down the field. -- ity of the game. They were other fine day with 5 catches But, with fourth and 1 at the r.t;n;IIy.NIJtI15 - led by great individual efforts for 66 yards and Rich John- 2 yard line, the Terrors settled -""" by Mike Toner (5 tackles, 12 son had 3 catches for 27 for a 19 yard Rich Johnson "'"'- assists, 1 fumble caused and yards. field goal putting them ahead """""""" .... 1 fumble recovery), Dennis The very physical game did 10 to 9. Alas, with 1:45 to go FrIdiI¥.NIJtI.10 ,,__ Oltman (16 assists). Nick Feu· not see much scoring be- Swarthmore kicked a 25 yard rer (1 tackle, 13 assists and 1 cause of the strength of both field goal which clinched it 12 Intramural notes; fumble caused), Rick Conner defenses. Swarthmore got on to 10. (5 tackles, 8 assists), Kent the board first after a crucial Tennis - The team of Helen Cole and Jeff Morrison Galvin (2 tackles, 10 assists) Terror fumble on their own 5 The Terrors play Johns defeated Steve Ports and Julie Morris 6-4 and 6-2 to and Wayne Keen (2 tackles, 5 yard line, which set up a 4 Hopkins next week at home in win the mixed doubles championship. assists and 2 sacks). Both yard touchdown run late in the season finale. There is Racquetball - Darryl Grant deleated Steve Ports 21-5 to Chet Williams and Todd Rowe the second quarter. In the such a rivalry that, no matter win the mens singles racquetball toumament. also recovered fumbles and third quarter we mustered a what the previous records Bill McGoey came up with his drive capped with a Ray are, a Hopkins win can make fourth interception of the year. Evans touchdown run of 1 for a winning season.
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