Page 37 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 37
I _-Parents pack campus Diane Perry Other activities of the day ceptlon. Palijezuk painted a "The response to this year's included the women's volley- picture before his audience Parents' Day was extremely ball game against Dickenson, explaining what he was doing positive," stated Gary sroeu- B_soccer game against Frank- as he went along. "The par- wood. Three hundred parents lin and Marshall and several ents that were there were participated in the activities lectures. Guest speaker Dr. really amazed at what Wasyl planned by the Student Foun- Warren B. Martin, a scholar in could do. The audience got dation for the day. residence with the Carnegie really involved in what he was There were five receptions Foundation for the advance- doing. He really put on a ••.'neld in the morning for par- ment of teaching, spoke at good show," said Rixey. At ants and students to talk to the conclusion of his speech, professors. According to some of his sculptures, water Rixey Lebherz, Parents' Day "Is there a role for alumni colors and oil paintings were Chairman for the Student and parents?" auctioned off. Two hundred Foundation, "All the recep- dollars earned from the auc- tions generally went well.,. tion will be used to help pay Student Foundation member the convocation "on "Educe- for constructing facilities for Kaki Brusia worked at the tion in liberal Arts Schools." Western Maryland's Egyptian reception held in Lewis Hall of "Is there a role for Alumni and Art Collection. Science where "it was parents?" was the topic of The winner of the Student packed! It was supposed to Dean of Admissions, Leslie Foundation 50-50 raffle was be over at 10:15 but people Bennet's speech also announced at the after- didn't even begin to leave Professor of Art, Wasyl Pall- noon reception. Sophomore until 10:45. All the parents jezuk, gave a demonstration Lisa Wasshausen was the re- seemed to enjoy talking to the speech on "The Art of Oil cipient. professors." Painting" at the afternoon re- The Phoenix Thursday, November 11, 1982 Western Maryland College Volume II, Number 5 Festivals are needed rituals SGA'NEWSUNE Houalng Comm_: Co-ed Housing Forum interest in Anglo-American for America, buf'the -perform- Date: Thursday, November 18 Ady Kuo folksong and children's lore. era themselves laugh at the "The Thrill of it AU" was the Time: 6:15 p.m. Abraham's lecture on Thurs- idea that their own attitudes title of WMC's Phi Beta Kappa Place: Forum Visiting Scholar, Roger D. day evening was concemed are the same. Celebration be- Topic: Co-ed housing on campus Abrahams, lecture. His ad- with "festivalization" of certain comes an end to itself be- T...... ..,.. Report: Balance - $2,983.79 dress was given on Novem- American holidays. The one cause its performers are more ber 4 in McDaniel Lounge at holiday Abrahams discussed serf-conscious of how they SOCial Commlttoo: 8:00 p.m. and was open to was the 4th of July, and his celebrate than what they are Open Mixer students and the public. research was done in Clare- celebrating. Date: Saturday, November 13 Abrahams is a Kenan Pro- mount, California on that spe- Abrahams went on to de- Time: 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. fessor of Humanities and An- cific day. He added that scribe the- typical July 4th Place: Forum thropology at Scripps and Claremount consists of single- activities of Claremount. First Band: Off the Wall Pitzer C9l1ege. He was also a family dwellings and is not too there is the: annual town pa- Admission: $1.50 member of the English and large, much like any town in rade. This parade allows al- Movie anthropology faculties at the America. Claremount is also most every civic and social Date: Sunday, November 14 University of Texas at Austin separate enough from other group to march along and Time: 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m. during 1970-79. As a member towns with a college commu- prove their existence to the Place: Decker Auditorium of the Smithsonian Institution nity of its own to have its own world. The town's police drive Movie: The Jerk Council, the National Board of sense of identity and only half their cars down the street in Admission: $1.00 Consultants of the NEH, and an hour away from Disney- formation. The kids who've the Folk Arts Panel for the land. received "Good Citizenship" Election Comm_: NEA, he has been concerned "Festivalization" of a holiday awards march behind. Bob's Congratulations to Monica Brunson as the new recording with questions of our national is the making of that day Escort Service (a college secretary of the SGA. service to escort students to appropriate for certain rituals I application to Matthew Baker, Box 1538. cultural life in its relationship or celebration. Analysis of and from their dormitories and Position open on the Publications Board. Send letters a to the quality of life. In 1976- these rituals over a period of not what you first thought) is 77 he was a fellow of the I Position open on the Trustee Committee on Studen Affairs for a junior. ~etters of application to Matt Baker. National Humanities Institute time can indicate how a com- out there also. Music is pro- munity's values and approach vided by the local high school at the University of Chicago and in 1965-66 a Guggen- to the holiday have changed. marching band as well as the I ActIon Comm_: - heim fellow. He is also a Analysis also determines a local kazoo band. Since this j How do you feel about coming CAP Board and the SG! former president of the Ameri- community's attitudes toward is a free country, minority 1 ~ =~d ~on;,m::~?HOW do you feel Jan. Term registratior can Folklore Society. family and division of work groups such as student draft- Professor Abraham's re- and play. resisters are allowed to march If you have an opinion or suggestions on these matters search interests have focused Abrahams believes that holi- as long as their picket signs please write Bonnie Banks, Box 1531. on the place of creativity in days have taken on the signif- are not too vulgar. The high- NOTE: If yO).!are interested in gIVIng tours ouring Senio specific cultural environments. icance of a weekend day, light of the parade is the Visitation Dayan Saturday, November 13, please see George He has done fieldwork in a which is when most Ameri- Precision Power Lawn Mower Brigade which performs skill- cans find time for rest and Gressman in the Admissions Office. ~~~i~e~~ ~~~~:ri~~; ~~~: recreation. The July 4th cere- ful maneuvers, and an in high Next IIeetIng: Wednesday, November 17, 8:30 p.m., Mc toes of Philadelphia, and in monies may be performed throttle as Abrahams noted. I~D::a~n~ie:_1~Lou~ng~e::" _J the Carribean. He also has an with great pomp and honor continued to ~Ke 3
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