Page 36 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 36
Pose 8 1110_ November 4. 1982 New counselor in admissions Slezakto lecture Grey new counselor joined Western Maryland College's staff this past summer. Mark A.. Gay, a recent Laura Cole the University of Delaware, wilt be visiting high Alumna Eva Slezak, '68, will I , attending college fairs, and giving interviews as a part present a lecture on sources his new position: for the research at "communi- With a Masters of Education degree in college counsel- ties and immigrant groups in and student personnel administration, Gay likes it here at Baltimore on Monday, Novem- Maryland. and he believes in being straight forward ber s. at 7:30 p.m. in Mc~ applicants. Daniel Lounge on the Westem ·hope to implement some ideas in the future," he Maryland College campus. Ms. Slezak's lecture, entitled! would like to get involved with the Minority Students "Cpmrnuntty and lmrniqrants i ,and he hopes to stay at Western Maryland for a Studies in Baltimore: An IntrO-I duction to Resources," wilt cover three aspects - places for research, types of re- sources and an example of a working paper in progress. Slezak, born in Czechoslo- vakia, received her BA in French from Western Mary- land College and her M.S. in Search for herpes cure continues Happy Library Science from Drexel ,} Institute of Technology. She is involved in various historical and is editor of the Maryland Campus Digest News Service The problem with Zovirax though Fahim doesn't think and genealogical societies Herpes is not only giving treatment is that it is not the funding problem will be Genealogical Society Bulletin. rise to increased concerns effective in treating subse- settled soon, he is determined Slezak is currently a reference about casual sex, but also to quent attacks nor does it do ble. "Somehow, someday, our B-day librarian at Enoch Pratt Free to make his treatment availa- jokes. anything to reduce the fre- Library. A joke that is now circulat- quency of viral outbreaks. treatment will 'be .on the mar- Thomas Hollowak, one of lng sums up current attitudes A reproductive biologist at ket," Fahim said. her colleagues, will present about herpes: what is the the University of Missouri be- Other researchers across the last part of the leacture. difference between true love lieves he has a better answer. the country are also doing Bef-h The lecture is sponsored by ~ and herpes? Herpes is for- Dr. Mostafa Fahim has devel- research on herpes treat- the WMC history department ever. oped a treatment which he ments. Dr. Charles Shipman and is free of charge. Herpes is incurable, but re- found to be significantly effec- at the University of Michigan search is being done on treat- tive in reducing the heating is studying a group of com- ments, one of which is now time of infections and recur- pounds known as acetylpyri- available in drugstores. Acy- rent infections. Fahim's treat- dine thiosemicarbazones. Dc yo.., bel,eve- "f""h",j prf.)-fe.~50'- ?' clovir is the only proven treat- ment involves the application Viratek, a smart West Coast HII lIe iQ/;.eJ qb("';..t __ I~ h(.>..v ment for genital herpes and of Herpigon (an ointment firm, markets Ribavirin, a"t) ~ e,..e the only one approved by the composed of zinc taotc acid herpes treatment that inter- )r"nqrT 1'/ I]d d~,)', FDA. Acyclovir is a creamy and urea) to the affected area feres with reproduction of the salve marketed by Burroughs while massaging with ultra virus by blocking protein syn- Wellcome Co., under the sound. thesis in affected celts, in 30 _. telh.; &"t ,....,lJ;i trade name Zovirax. Fahim has not been able to foreign countries. W d,ty rhll. 1".!/CH"lj When applied during the market his treatment because Another treatment sold initial episode at herpes, Zovi- he needs funds from the abroad is lsoprinosine, mar- A were ,fill rax alleviates symptoms and University Grant Department. keted by Newport Pharma- T 1'1"),":",) speeds up healing. Zovirax For the past two years Fahim ceuticals. This treatment r Iqc.rt:>sse_ works by interfe.ring with the has not been able to continue speeds up the body's natural 5 viral reproduction functions of his herpes research because curing process by boosting the disease. It's an expensive of the funding problem. the immunity system. None of tv' treatment. however, with a "Our treatment is much bet- these herpes treatments have -tube going for around $20 a ter than the one on the market FDA approval, so they can't E w tube. The tube lasts for about because it treats recurrent be sold in the U.S. r-------·-------, r--------------. 3 days. infections," Fahim said. AI- : HOUSE ! 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