Page 35 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 35
November 4,1982 Page 7 Pascal attacked Governor New 'den' rooms .for mismanagement of State designed for Rouzer David Bogdanski bone of our society. He bate. Pascal said Mr. Hughes Republican gubernatorial proposed doing this by set- stated he is lowering taxes. candidate Bob Pascal spoke ting up and insurance fund Mr. Pascal said, "What about Joe Olcott . on Thursday, October 21, to a with loans to small business- the rise in state gasoline tax." Rouzer used to be considered underprivileged m captive audience in Western men at cheaper interest rates. Hughes responded that the comparison to the other dormitories on campus. While .the I .. Maryland's Forum. He talked He also attacked the crimi- roads are in desperate need women's dorms have their spacious lounges and lobbies, about his pol!s:ies and then and the Quad dorms have their fraternity rooms, Rouzer I nal justice system. He stated of repair. To this Pascal said, answered questions. that a majority of crimes are "i.but weren't you in charge had no community areas to speak of. Being a politician, Mr. Pas- caused by a small minority of of transportation, wouldn't you Now, however, the second and fourt~. floors of cal spoke in generalities, ~ut repeat offenders. He said he figure in your budget that the Rouzer have acquired dens, and the remaining floors he backed these up with was for the death penalty and roads are in need of repair." may soon follow suit as students drop out of the dorm, specifics. He stated, "As Gov- also for showing these repeat Mr. Pascal left the audience leaving extra rooms that can be converted to dens, states enor, I will run government, offenders that we mean busi- with a thought. He said, " The resident assistant Victor Gulatta. handle problems and not go ness. government will spend every- "I'm just very surprised that the contractors w~o broke." He backed this up Pascal also proposed thing you give it. It first col- built Rouzer didn't design it with dens all around," said with his impressive record as putting prisoners, to work on lects your 'money, then it Victor. "lt'a built more like an asylum than a dormitor(' Anne Arundal County Execu- state projects. This he .said spends it. The bureaucracy The former dorm rooms will be fumished With tive. ~ would accomplish two thinqs. will Qlde behind the system so couches, chairs, and possibly televisions. Other item.s He said that interest rates First, it would offset the cost it can spend the money. So, can be bought with house council dues. The'r<;Xlms~II are the major problems in the of the taxpayers which is 'we must let elected offiCials be used bOth for studying and for recreation, With economy; because of the $60,000 per cell. Second, it be responsible for where our designated hours for-each. pressure they put on the would cause the inmates to money goes. This way, if we The dens, Victor hopes, "will build a sense ot small businessman He said help' pay for themselves ere not satisfied wlth how our community and pride' on the froor~." I ~ we must help the small busi- Pascal attacked' Governor money is spent; we' can get Next on the agenda, says Victor, is to change t~e nessman which is the back- Hughes for declining to de- rid of our elected officials." college prohibition of kegs .inRouzer..The house councils will plan to push for allowmg kegs In the dens, Just as kegs are allowed in the fraternity rooms of the Quad. Also planned are hall murals and campus extension phones in Lecture to focus on fun each room. Students regulate Laura Cole The Western Maryland Col- The Phoenix.•• lege History, American from page 1 Dean Higbee explained: "The Studies and Sociology De- point system was developed partments will present Phi by students serving on the Stoff MMling Beta Kappa speaker Roger Abrahams, Kenan professor residence hall staff as a result Monday, Nov. 8, of an open meeting held by of humanities and anthropol- 6:30 p.m. ogy at Scripps and Pitzer the SGA last April. The pur- pose of the point system is to Colleges, on Thursday, No- in 1M ollie. - vember 4, at 8 p.m. in Mc- establish consistency in the of Rouzer.) cases, Daniel Lounge. handling of discipline (basement Abrahams' speech, entitled since this has been one of the Photographers urged to attend. ''The Thrill of It Ali," is a major complaints made by students in the past." survey of American ways of having fun. Special emphasis Rebecca Orenstein South Carroll will be placed on large anony- mous occasions such as tesu- Secretarial Service vets. big games and media events. and on more private Professional Typing occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. IBM Selectric III Abrahams' research inter- Te!", Papers • ests have focused on the importance of creativity in Wedding Photography '1.25 per page specific cultural environments. 848-2148 Call VickY Smelkinson He has done fieldwork in a 549·1043 range of Afro-American com- Portraits • Commercial munities and in the Carib- I bean. He has written several The Counting Place publications on the topics of his studies. ' L__ ~~~~~I~~ru~r~e~iS_f_r~__._nd~ope__n ~ __ Decker Center I to the public, Lower Level I r ;:o~~:,:a~o~ir~' 1\.- ;::~_: H;:j1-J:"'O'"~::[7' Count onus Accessories (J-\ _"'!~J. 1.1 for all your Supplies Cross Stitch needs Customized gifts Classes Framins to order Hn: T..... 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