Page 34 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 34
Page 6 November 4,1982 David Bogdanski yards for a touchdown. The Chet Williams recovered a The Green Terror football halftime score was 12 to 7. fumble deep in Lebanon vet- team has finally amended At this point a major change ley territory. After another their losing ways and scored came over the Terrors. They pass to DeBeer, Ray Evans an impressive first victory of scored and scored almost at kept the ball and scurried the season. They beat Leba- witt for the first time this eight yards for the touch- non Valley. a team which had season. The first drive con- down. a better record than the Ter· sisted of three plays: a com- The defense again held Le- , rors. They scored more,points pletion to Rich Johnson, one banon Valley and after a pass than in all the previous games to Bob DeBeer and finally a to Rich Johnson and two long combined, but the amazing 36 yard touchdown pass from passes, one to Rich and the fact is that they accomplished Ray Evans to Bob DeBeer in other to Bob DeBeer, Ray all this in basically one half. which DeBeer made an excel- Evans scrambled in for a 16 The first half of Saturday's lent run to go in for the score. yard touchdown. The play game started out like every From here the Terrors merely was almost stopped, except other game; they were losing picked up momentum to for the timely blocks by Jim at the half. Lebanon Valley coast to the biggest scoring Buckley and John Wontrop. had scored twice in the first show in the last few years. The defense came right half, but Western Maryland The defense came right back back and intercepted a pass had also scored when Rick and showed why it is constd- at the 32 yard line. Bill Me- Conner retumed_ a punt 84 ered the Terrors strong point. Goey picked off his third pass of the season. After Dan '-X-country set goals Fielder caught a pass, Rich ners with 15 carries for 96 losing end of a 21 to 14 Ray Evans rapped all run- Johnson kicked a 35 yard score. The defense played field goal. Then, as if this was well as they came up with two yards, while Mike Baum had 6 on Top Ten finish not enough, Mike Toner mter- carries for 21 yards and John interceptions and two fumble Averell had three carries for recoveries. Pat Luce and Bill cepted a pass and took it 22 yards for yet another touch- ~4 yards. Evans completed McGoey had the interceptions down. 16 of 28 passes for 218 while Bob Schubert and Bob The Western Maryland Hom Smorgasbord instead of After the defense again yards; Bob DeBeer led the Butler both came up with the Men's Cross Country team Englar Cafeteria was the in- stopped Lebanon Valley, Mike receivers with eight catches fumble recoveries. finished up its dual meet centive remains to be seen, Chavez caught a~pass from for 124 yards and Rich John- The Terrors scored on a season Saturday with a dou- but the team ran exceptionally Evans, who continuing a ten- son had six catches for 81 Ray Evans pass to Bob De- ble victory over Lebanon Val- well. tastlc day, ran for his third yards. Beer. On the play DeBeer ley and Washinglon Colleges. Russo ran his usual strong touchdown. this one for 40 The defense was led by the made a great individual effort The wins followed another race with a second place, yards. The defense continued supurb play of Dennis Olt- to get the ball in the end double victory over York and 26:35 time for the 5 mile to play tough as they had man, Todd Rowe. Wayne zone. Elizabethtown on October 19 course. Thomas and Harfst done all day long. Bob Butler Keen, Mark Jordan and Chet Their second touchdown and split at the JuniatalLy· flnished 3-4 (against l.V.C.) stripped the Lebanon Valley Williams. The offense was led came on a Ray Evans run; coming meet during tall with times of 27:07 and 27:17, runner of the ball and Nick by great blocking by linemen Evans also made the two break. The col/ection of late- respectively. Jim Stertt Feurer recovered it. It was Paul cere. Dale Dutton, Lance point conversion. Earlier the season wins pushed the passed five L.V.C. runners in then that Evans capped an Hammell, and Benson Grove. Terrors had connected on a teams' record to 15 and 6 - the last two miles, quite a already phenomenal day with 40 yard touchdown pass from the winningest season in difficult task. and Paul Be- his fourth touchdown of the Muhlenberg 21 WMC 14 Evans to Jim Johnson, unfor- many years. neau, who's run solidly all afternoon; a 24 yard jaunt. Two Saturdays ago, the Ter- tunately the play was nullified Brian Russo. #1 runner for season long as fifth man, This ended the scoring with rors could not overcome because of an illegal motion WMC all year, set a school passed another after a long, the Terrors winning with the Muhlenjjerg. Despite a strong penalty. Thus the score was record on the York course close battle. Each position onesided score of 51 to 12. showing, they were on the only 21 to 14. crushing the old mark. Rich was of great importance as Hartst and Joe Thomas fin- the team won' 27-29, the sec- 'The Serpent' to crawl in Alumni Hall ished just off the old record - ond closest score possible. a telltale sign of the teams' McKegg and Senior Dwight The Dramatic Art Depart- the audience into eating the ence. Chaikin carried out this dramatic improvement. Senior Eichelberger rounded out the ment at Western Maryland apple just as the serpent did task by allowing his actors to Bill McKegg got all "jacked top seven - those who will College will present Jean- with Eve. The play also deals improvise through rehearsals up" and ran one of his best make the trip to the MAC Claude Van ltallie's play The with the human attempt to and bring their own lives into I races. meet next Saturday. And al- on Friday, Saturday, \. Serpent confront the ultimate reality of the play. At Juniata it was Tony though they won't be going to and Sunday, November 19, death and bring this reality to Though the play does not Japzon who popped one, as the MAC's. four runners (Joe 20, and 21, at 8:15 p.m. in a conscious awareness. The give any answers, it confronts Coach Rick Carpenter would Hedrick, Chris Vaughn, Tim the Understage of Alumni play is an adult treatment of us with our mortality and say, running as fourth man. McGlaughlin and Joe Olcott) Hall. psychological nakedness. brings our fear of the un- A week later the team jour- deserve credit for the work The cast of eleven, directed Chaikin's task in this play known to a consciousness. neyed to Washington College, they put in all season. by Harvey Doster, includes was to guide the actors, yet Seating will be on platforms, where it had opened the At the start of the season Janet Collins, David Crowe, allow them to collaborate as a and admission is $1.00 for season with a third place in the team set two goals for Tony Japzon, Karen Lambert, group, and ultimately encoun- Western Maryland students. an invitational meet, to close itself: a winning season and a Lori McCoy, Robert McQuay, ter the feelings of the audi- faculty and staff. out the dual meet season. top ten finish in the confer- Reed Mortimer, Stacey Ptel- Whether it was knowing that a ence. With the 15--6 record finish in the teams' top seven the first has been blown ~:;,~",;'Jns~s",;~\J~~bertStar- Ghosts abound at WMC would qualify you for the away. next week 'the teams The Serpent is a ceremony Conference Championship's will go for the loftler goal: a taken mostly from the story of from page 3 ghosts, except that they are or Coach Carpenter's promise top ten in the highly competi- Genesis in the Bible, which Elaine Meyers, of the Carroll tormented spirits that were that a double victory would tive MAC race. required the actors to create County_Library, has heard of never put to rest. In an article mean eating at the Hom & in People Magazine, Suzanne ~~~~~~c!~~~sc~~st~~s~e~f~~~ ~e~hnOS~~ec~rr~~I~in~hiCuhph~~ Adelson talked to ghost Joseph Chaikin, the director Blanche and disappearing. hunter Richard Senate. His Carriage House Liquors of the original production of There was originally a drive- explanation, "I believe we're The Serpent, believes that the way which lead straight up to all living creatures, made-up ·113 W. Main Street greatest value of any commu- Blanche, this is the path that of energy. Wherever we go, the carriage takes. She has we leave that energy behind." nity of people, including the 1-__ "at the forks .." theatrical community of actors also heard from sources in The ghosts at Western Special and members of the audi- Carroll Hall that they have Maryland have harmed no- ence, is their confrontation experienced strange feelings body. The people who have Rolling Rock with morality. as if something is present, yet seen them agree that they are Chaikin generated this c~, r nothing has actually been not here to hurt us. As one 12 pk. $3.50 frontation by making-the audi- - seen. student put it, "no -ghosts present I.D. ence active participants. For There is no explanation example, the actors seduced about the occurrence of ~~~~~dt~~~~, t~~~yt~~~~.~alk
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