Page 33 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 33
Terrors overcome --- speeding Bullets Clockwise from top left: WMC's Becky Banckert deliv- ers a serve to Gettysburg, her serving helped save a game after a 4-11 start; Becky at it aqaln, this time bumping an attempted spike as Patsy Moyles gets in posi- tion and Donna Mummert and Julie Fringer look on; Coach Fritz rallies her team after losing a game to Gettys- burg 15-13, WMC came back to win the final game 15-10; Ann Graeser shoves another spike down the Bullet's throat; Julie Fringer gets into the act with a spike of her own, capping a comeback in the first game after WMC fell behind 4-11; Donna Mummert throws a change up at G- burg, passing up her cannon- like spike and instead deli- cately dinking the ball over an air born Bullet.
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