Page 26 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 26
Page 6 ( It was totally Elbo Greg Elbo refused to give the machine door while the victim is reliev- As a child I was never back. With no option but to ing himself. I· will personally asked to produce an essay take matters into our own attest that this is one of the on how I spent my summer hands, Richard (one of my surest cures for constipation vacation. Realizing this, I de- managers) and I staked out known to man. I just wonder if cided it was high lime I the office until a girl opened my hearing witl ever be the performed this joyous task. the door to go to lunch. I same. Now I will make the obligatory rushed the door with Richard One of my biggest thrills beginning How I Spent My right behind me. Once inside this summer was seeing E.T. Summer Vacation. I began a room-by-room The movie was good but what I found employment, 0(i9i- search of the premises while thrilled me was in the scene nally I was hired by the Richardput the receptionistin where the 'boy runs into the government as a page in shock with a magnificent ver- kitchen while his brother and Congress, but then someone bal assault. The first two friends are playing a game. If found out I liked girls and I rooms yielded nothing, in the you listened closely the song was told they couldn't use me third I discovered my Holy in the background was Jim after all. I must admit it was Grail in the form of an IBM Carrol's People Who Died (A rather disappointing, those Selectric.. I scooped up the gut-wrenching masterpiece). Congressmen sound like a contraband and we were This just shows how cool great bunch of fellows to work gone. (It must be noted that Steven Spielberg really is. New Aid director named with, and I've never tried coke the pleasurable feeling de- My friend came home on either. I've always stuck with rived from liberating kid- leave from the Air Force, .wlth Joe Olcott Dr. Pepper. napped property came quite quite a story. It seems he had WMC has a recent arrival After this, he worked at 51. So I went back to myoid close to another pleasurable been stopped by the police Joseph's College in Maine job in a xeroxltypewriter rental feeling that comes to mind). off base with a guy who on its staff this schoat year. from 1980 to 1982 as director Kevin Gallagher is the new office. I find this place the Typewriters are somewhat unknown to Kevin h'ad drugs of financial aid and place- epitomy at a small business. boring after awhile so we find _in the car. Returned to camp, associate director at financial ment. aid, replacing Bonnie' Wans. It consists at four guys, a girl other ways to amuse our- Kevin was put on a drug While at WMC, he hopes to and the owner. The guys take selves. The opposite sex is Previously, Mr. Gallagher computerize the financial aid care of the typewriters, the the number one topic of con- program that included a urin- worked at the Catholic Univer- program to make it more girl runs the xerox machine, versation, we have to be alysis'once ,a month. When he sity of America in Washington efficient and accessible. returned from. his vacation and the owner Sits in his discreet, however, so as not they took a sample and D.C. as the associate director Mr. Gallagher, who is a of admissions tram 1969 to office and watches such intel- to offend Colleen, the xerox claimed to have found traces skiing and sailing enthusiast, 1975, and as the director of lectual daytime offerings as girl. Colleen is a very nice of codeine in his system. financial aid from 1975 to encourages students to see Loveboat, Get Smart, Hogan's person, but her knowledge of Confronting him with this, him about any financial ques- ~eroes,. and Rat Patro.1.Dur- music leaves something to be Kevin retorted that if he had 1980. tions they may have. Ing station breaks he comes desired. One day someone been doing drunqs, it sure as out to tell us all to get to ~ork. - mentioned Jimi Hendrix and hell wouldn't have' been cod- Ryan performance The owner has mucho dinero she looked at us with her eine. He is now on a new so that must be the formul~ bright blue eyes and said, drug program, with a urina- a great hour 10r running a success1ul bust- 'Who?" When we attempted to lysis taken three times a _..nes~. . . refresh her memory by talking week. My opinion of the There have been great ThiS summer '. was glV~n about Woodstock she in- was not something that one the task of Collection of Delr~- formed us that not only did armed forces has grown by trombone players in our time. would usually hear from a leaps and bounds. But on October 6, in the quent Accounts. Usually this she not know he played at I will bring my essay to recital hall .of Levine hall, the recital because it was meant consists of the Woodstock, she had never close, there are many. other to be non-serious. The selec- small audience was treated to rental and then collecnnq the heard of WOOdstock. I per- things I could write about, but a very good trombone recital tion featured a very comical payment. However this .sum- sonally pity this girl I nave neither the liberty or conservation of sounds be- Dr. Jim by mer we were faced With a Another form of amusement the desire to continue. Thank accomplished Ryan, a very tween Dr. Ryan's trombone trombone more chall.enging proposition. is blowing each other up with you for reading, welcome and a tape recorder which Not only did the company we firecrackers. A favorite back player, with piano accompa- played electronically nist Karen Buckwalter. rented to refuse to pay, their method is to slip the lighted The selections Dr. Ryan produced sounds of a com- door was locked and they explosive under the bathroom performed for the audience puter. This unique blend of r--------------, n.. Phoenix included Concertina for Trom- sounds from the electric tape and trombone amused and HOUSE ! bone and Orchestra, Opus 4 entertained the audience. David, Three by Ferdinand It was too bad that so few Preludes for Trombone and the trom- attended will publish the nUl issue on Nov. 4. OF : Copy deadline is Sun., Oct 31. Piano by Dimitri Shostakovich, people recital because Dr. bone I Sonata for Trombone and Ryan had provided the audio Frederick Piano by George ence with an hour of great LIQUORS McKay and The Blue Bells of trombone playing. The audi- Scotland by Arthur Pryor. ence enjoyed the recital very In addition to these classl- Carroll Plaza, @. Frisco Family Pub cal tunes, Dr. Ryan performed much, and Dr. Ayan showed outstanding tone quality, Westminster Prelude Fugue and Big Apple range, articulation, and musi- for Bass Trombone and Elec- cal ability. 848·1314 me Tape by Waher Ross. 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