Page 23 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 23
October 21, 1982 Page 3 f ~i2'2~s.~~~"~e_ 'in thing' fashion again Historically the symbol of big, bushy, untrimmed and above the upper lip. That, saying mustaches made her and a three-piece navy with sick, but others were over- wisdom, age strength, matur- smacking of artie fish-eating. white shirt and burgundy.tie heard to remark that as long ity and ultimate manhood - The "Fu" is an adaptation of . will get you in to see the as the thin2 is well-groomed, what else could it be but the the old oriental style which chairman of the board any it's O.k. by them. mustache? grows down to the jawline. time. - With the average length of And yes, dear friends, the You may remember Peter The word around the dorm today's campus mustache mustachioed lip has returned Sellers had one in his last is many women prefer men being about a half inch below to campuses across the movie. You may have-forgot- with mustaches. And with in- the upper lip, college women country to the dismay and ten his last movie. creased number of the furry had better make their prefer- delight of coeds everywhere. The 19th Century gave us- creatures spotted on the way ences known before hair on But how about a little hairy lip the handlebar with its long, to class or to the student the lip becomes too much to history. waxed look and ends that union, an objective observer control. After -all, women Reports have it that such curled up on the face. Early would have to believe that if should be able to choose dignitaries as Adam. 'Jesus baseball players usually women don't prefer them, at among a number of both Christ, Socrates, Zeus sported one and Rollie Fin- least men think they do. clean-shaven and must a- (Zeus?), William Shakespeare gers returned it to populafity Some students say the All chioed· men. What could be and Pablo P;cassco deigned during the heyday of the American, Clean Shaven Look more unnerving than to open to have their upper lip en- Oakland A's. is what women are calling for. the door to a trio of walrus, crusted with body hair_ A quick gl.ance around One coed __w~ Quoted as and rlqht after dinner? Some say a mustache gives as air of mystery and it has been written in books on the subject, if you can believe someone would spend time worrying aoout shaving, that those who go "weird with a beard" also declare their masculinity with this hairy statement. As in all areas of fashion, these are different styles for different mouths. A style from the 20's, the "Chani. Chalpin" features two, short· smudges spaced in the center below the nose. Then there's the "Clark Gable," a very short, thin straight qrowth which is easily grown and getting pop- ular with the teens? Two other styles not com- monly found, but which are distinctive mustaches, are the "Walrus" and the "Fu Man- -chu.'~ The "Walrus" .~s just Parents visit to WMCset Mark Lawrenson On Saturday, October 30, Western Maryland College will hold its annual Parents Day. The activities of the day will begin at 9 a.m. with depart- mental receptions at which time faculty members from each department will be avail- able to-answer questions and make private consultations. Unfortunately, and don't think this wasn't planned, by October 30, midterm grades will have been announced, and it's not hard to imagine If there's one thing undergrad It all rneeos you spend less of the package. You also get what Mom and Pop's mood business students have always time calculating, and more a rook that follows most will be after they've talked to needed I this is it: an affordable, time learning. One keystroke business courses: the Business your professors. For those business-oriented calculator. takes the place of many. . Analyst Guidebook. Business who don't have to worry about The Student Business Analyst. The calculator is just part professors helped us write it, their midterm grades, a whole Its built-in business formulas to help you get the most out day of activities is planned, let you perform complicated of calculator and-classroom. but for the rest of us, all that's finance, accounting and A powerful combination. in store is the doghouse. statistical functions-the ones Think business. ~ that usually require a lot of With the Student time and a stack of reference Business Analyst. Hinge Trick or Treat books, like present and future TEXAS Weds. Oct. 27 value calculations. amortiza- INSTRUMENTS through the dorms 7-9 tions and balloon payments. p.m. Candy & kids go hand in hand ....... ..., ,',._., ~.\ .""J.
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