Page 30 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 30
_Opinion _ Powers that be neglect duty There are rumors flying about on campus, some- thing about some women being molested by some man, or some men from the town - a "townie!" The word is perhaps a run~ing joke on the WMC campus. The rumors persist, getting stranger and more out of hand. Rumors are terrible and disastrous crimes in themselves. The people who start the rumors are criminals; the people who spread and perpetuate the rumors are criminals. The people who hear the rumors and believe them are scared, and rightly so. The students do not feel safe on the campus. Men must be escorted in the women's dorms and women are urged to walk in pairs. Is the protection on campus adequate? There ts great doubt as to the answer to that question, and we feel that the doubt -leane toward the answer of "No!" Is the WMC security force qualified for their serious duties? Is their role viewed in a realistic context, and are the men, and women, who patrol the campus allowed to perform their duties withou_tfear of recrimination from students and the college administration alike? The answer is probably no, However, their P.A. man is not projecting a positive image, or maybe the guards just keep a low ,ACTUAllY, HE'S NOT THE MOST REASSURING DOCTOR profile. The guards should be respected, but they are I'VE EVER BEEN TO .. .' seen in a bad light cast by the very people who hired them - the WMC administration. So we pose these questions to all who are Ode to a job well done concerned about WMC: Why did the administration request the Westminster City Police to make extra patrols of the campus as soon as the fall break was over? Why "Do you know what's caus- ways seeking to pad their do the RAs, deny that they call for security to investigate ing the commotion in the thrist for infinite knowledge. strangers, possibly rapists, who are in the women's Registrar's Office?" I heard R. U, Disgruntled And finally, most seemed dorms at night? Why did a WMC security guard te\1a law one student ask another. impressedwith our method of enforcement officer not to converse with the et1itorof this "Yeahf;' J1 sate- the second, student evaluation of profes- publication? Why has the editor of this publication been "didn't you hear? WMC just distribution requirements. I sors. At other institutions, they harrassed with illegal searches of his office at western received 6,247,122 applica- think you'll feel the same as commented that the same Maryland - where the phrase "e tenebrts in lucem voco" tions from students requesting the overwhelming majority of mundane evaluation sheets is proclaimed proudly? transfers to this school." Golly those six million students are handed out at the end of Most important, the college administration has gee, I thought to myself, so when you ponder those the semester when students neither denied the current rumors nor.substantiated them. that is the ~reason for the pleasing prosects presented need to spend time studying Thus the biggest crime of all, the students have been increased pace of flailing fin- in that pink portfolio. for exams. But not Western denied their rights to know if they are adequately gers in there. Dew must have You, like 131% (there's ob- Maryland! Here students have protected. The students have the right to know what is his staff calculating how many viously a flaw in the system) a unique opportunity to scrun- true, and what the truth is. Is this the "humane times the line of students will of them will surely notice the nize their mentors each and environment" assured to students by the "First Principles" stretch aroung the Quad great selection of courses of- every class period. At the statement that is lauded in the college catalogue? when they come here and fered in specific study areas. beginning of class, the prof. The WMC administration has an obligation to tell the metriculate. Still not satisfied You can most certainly vouch hands out an index card to students about the events and situations that affect their though, with the details' of this for the fact that the professors every student. These slips are immediate safety. When will they do it? situation, I decided to get seem to be uniquely devoted then used to objectively cai- some inside information. So, to the quality of education: a culate how much the profes- here is the dirt: standard of excellence un- sor's lecture was worth to the Why do over six million matched at any other institu- student that day. And when -scholars want to come here? tion. While these new all the cards are tallied, the The Is it the social life? No. Could students obviously realize the professor can graciously ac- it be the amiable squirrels? temptation for lecturers of cept their offer, try again next Phoenix No, No? (And by the way I oracles of complacence after time, or pack their bags. Of lesser quality to atrophy into didn't mean the econ. profes- course, these transfers real- sors). Might it be our unblem- ished football record? No, No, countless years of continu- lzed that this system was only ously a technicality since no profes- reteaching the same Na. Or could it be the exquis- unaltered course, we are glad sor at Western Maryland Editor.......... . Rojlert Holt ite cuisine at the Glar? let's to see that these people are would ever think of giving be serious. So, why then did Managing Editor Teresa Norman these people happen to well informed and do not students less than their best Asst. Managing Editor Oan Gilmore choose this haven? The an- attribute qualities to the pro- effort. So, next semester when you News Editors David Bogdanski swer is painfully obvious. It fessors here. see a new face staring out Another 215% of the trans- Features Editor Steven Rossman seems that Admissions, at a fer appliants noted that WMC into space during your favor- Sports Editor . Bruc. Mabl. nominal cost. sent our copies students study vigorOusly for ite liberal arts class (obviously Photo Editor Steve Brady of out Spring Course catalog these BLAR'S, and unceas- pondering great thoughts). Asst. Photo Editor. . Martin Schulman to 0YerY living, breathing col- ingly put forth their utmost think of the vast multitudes of Business Manager Oab Armsworthy lege student In the U.S. "The efforts to contribute their former students who have sat response was overwhelming." Published by and 10( !he __ 01 West.m MaIyIand. C<;1ege. commented Bas Lennet, "but thoughts to the fine learning ~ in that same seat, in the exact The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily in my infinite wisdom. I real- atmosphere already estab- same classroom, with. the reflect those of the staff or adminis~. ized that we couldn't lose with lished by the unparalleled de- exact same professor taach- ing the exact same material, professors to votion of the Please suggestions. i We welcome comments and/or 1, Western MaI)'fand address all the path we had decided to hold the student's interest. in exactly the same manner, Box mail to The Phoenix, C<;Iege, Westminster,Md. 21157. _," This path, and the Doubly true and statistically and who have stared out that answer to our question is the same window in exactly the pre-Med significant is that F Member of the Associated Collegiate Press magnificently enhanced array students are in the forefront of same manner. of liberal arts courses that I wonder if Buddha started can be used by studentrs as the liberal arts crusade for this way? enlightenment. They are at-
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