Page 27 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 27
October 21, 1982 Page 7 Muellers ACAOSS 4 Region 5 Flocks 1 Prohibit 4 Leading 6 Diphthong CROSS to perform 12 Mouths 7Sumup 9 Male swan B Stains 13 Prepared 9 More com- WORD 14 Be In debt posed Margaret and John Mueller 15 More cordial 10 Possess PUULE will give an organ recital on 17Teslify ttmsect 16 Apporlions 19Perusas Tuesday, November 2 at 8:00 21 Yellow ocher 18 Fruit seed p.m. in Baker Memorial 22 Jog ao co Chapel at Western Maryland 24 Turl 22 lock of half 23 Proportion 26 Trial College. 29 Less cooked 25 Obstruct Or. and Mrs. Mueller are 31 EXClude 27 Sedate faculty members of Salem 33 Fish eggs 28 Abounds College in Winston-Salem, 34 Lalincon- 30 Quarre1 45 Most impolite 56 Canine junction 32 Cheer N.C. Or. Mueller also teaches 35 The sun 36 Hawaiian 47 Fall behind 57 Famed base- at the North Carolina School 31 Small rug wreath 49 Outet bailer of the Arts in the same city. 39 Exisl slowly AI 38 Implied 52 Girl 59 Regret 40 Drink Buccaneer Graduates of Oberlin Con- 42 Tiny 43 Abstract 54 Poker stake 01 60 Ocean 63 Zeus's 55 Collection servatory in Ohio, the Muell- 44 Seraglio being tecls beloved ers were recipients of :~ ~~~sehold. "',..., .. _.. r-rano-rr..-~~~~ Fulbright grants to study in ingoffice Germany with noted organist 50 Mongrels Helmut Walcha. Mrs. Mueller 51 Male sheep holds her master's degree 53Sedale -from Oberlin. Or. Mueller re- 55 Slowly: Mus. 58 Buries ceived his master's degree at S1'Negative the University of Michigan, 62 ~~~g-Iegged f.;'!;.t--l.J..+-JI!!!I"","I..-!-'!!II...h"j......j and earned his doctorate et 64 Petition Boston University. The couple 65 Mature Laura Cole Hopkins University, Center has performed extensively on 66 Shoulder wrap Philip Schnering will present Club-Baltimore, and the Three the East Coast and in France 67 Beverage a collection of his watercolor and they recently conducted master paintings in Western Maryland ~Sdi~~~a~a7j~,!,::~,ti~~~e:re~ classes at Georgia DOWN College's Gallery One in the in the Battimore area and State University in Atlanta. _ , Nod Fine Arts Building from N0- Harbour Island, Bahamas, The evening program on 2 Macaw vember 2 through November where he annually conducts Nov. 2 will include works by 3Contracl 19. painting workshops. Mozart, Lataize. Cabezon. Schnering, . also an oil The official opening will be Bach and Franck. painter and sculptor, has won held Tuesday, Nov. 2, at 7 awards in both the Midwest p.m., and refreshments will be Desegregation and the Maryland areas. He served. The exhibit is free. has participated in shows and Gallery One is open week- study exhibits· at the Salmagundi days from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Compus Digest Nmns SeroiCt' Club in New York, Johns A report released by History to show films Michigan State University shows that students, who at- tend desegregated schools do Laura Cole :~J'~h~OV~ljg~t~~a~stt~~~ better. The Western Maryland Col· The study is based on the lege history department will woman who falls in love with New Castle, Del. school present two Russian films, a young army officer. system. Both white and black "Anna Karenina" and "Peter In "Peter Ustinov's Lenin- students showed gains in usnncv's Lenigrad," on Thurs- grad," actor Peter Ustinov achievement after desegrega- day, October 28, at 7:30 p.m. takes the viewer on a tour ot tion was introduced. in Decker Auditorium. the Russian city of Leningrad, However, the study reports "Anna Karenina" is an city of Peter the Great and that desegregation does not abridged version of the fea- Lenin, and the birthplace of help improve racial attitudes tured film starring Greta the Russian Revolution. among the students, or their Garbo as the heroine in T 01- teachers or parents. Herpes still spreads .•.. 'CompU5 Oigest Nmns Service of McC.'ell's magazine. many people 'who get herpes One-night stands may be a "In the recent past, the most go through stages similar to thing of the past because of an detrimental things associated those mourning for the death incurable venereal' disease with casual. sex--unwanted of a loved one: shock, emo- reaching epidemic levels in
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