Page 25 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 25
October 21, 1982 Page 5 Heart 'performs' at Cap Center Fidy Kuo much like mine back home, I up with producer Mike Fisher Since high school I've al- realized that the Wilsons had had her breaking down in ways had a special place for become what I had always tears at interviews. Drummer Heart in my. er... heart. And wanted -ln myself. They were Michael DeRosier and bassist I'm not just talking about also just-two suburban kids, Steve Fossen had to be re- some teen-idol, heart-th-rob but through sheer talent and placed due to much internal phase for the winsome Wilson energy, they had transcended dissension over the years. sisters. I'm talking about a their lives of mediocrity. They Added to the onslaught real love affair with the band, were now "rock 'n' roll gyp- from within was the onslaught their music, and what they've sys" playing to audiences all from without. Macho "he- meant to me over the years. over the world, while I was .rnen" continued to scoff at the And just exactly what has destined to insignificance. idea of relating to women as Heart meant to -me? Are they To me, Heart also repre- artists instead of sex-symbols. more than just two pretty sents the tremendous poten- Schizophrenic like changes in poster -girls on my wall? Girl tial of five special musicians Heart's muslcal styles in- friends on vinyl over the to give musical expression to spired the critics: one year- lonely weekends? Or a reas- all the aggressions, passions heavy metal, another year-art . suring voice on tape lnbe- and pacifiers of human rock, and another year-pop tween the boring yet scary beings. True Heart's music rock, rounds as a night security does not always profess to The critics and the prob- guard this summer? -... make deeply profound state- lems may persist, but after six Sure they're much- more ments, but what Heart thinks years Heart still exists. No than that. Uving in Seattle. is in life IS expressed asser- better evidence of that fact Wash. one summer I felt moti- tively, yet with sensitivity, aes- could have been asked for vated one day to journey into thetically yet with a sense of than their October 3 concert the heart of the Bellevue sub- comedy. at the Capital Centre. urb. Th~s pilgrimage of sorts At times the musicians own When- the lights went out was to visit Ann and Nancy passions have threatened to and the spot lights went on, Wilson's old high school, render the group apart. 'the feelings that I felt two Sammamish - home of the Nancy Wilson's affair with years ago in.that same place Sammamish Totems. Upon lead guitarist Roger Fisher all came back to me again. fiding a sterile and boring failed, and two years ago he That is: those whom I had overwhelming. Surely such After that song, they wasted neighborhood and school left Heart. Ann Wilson's break- listened to, sought for, and potency of voice must come no time in plunging into their grown along with all those from some inspiration of the... familiar sets: "Even It Up," years were not imaginary or heart. "Straight On," and "Love elusive spirits. They were ac- Gone from the "line-men" of Alive". Though the tour was tual living persons who had Heart were drummer Michael called the "Private Audition" brought themselves 10 a point DeRosier and bassist Steven tour, only two songs from that in .my life where , could see Fossen. Replacing them were album were covered. This and hear them. And if I was drummer Denny Carmassi was quite unfortunate be- J close enough, 1 could have and ex-Fire Fall bassist Mark cause "Private Audition" re- touched them. Andes (an Aryan "pretty- veals Heart's intelligence and Howard Leese's guitar riffs boy"). Though they were new, versatility in different musical still pierced the Capital they seemed quite adept with styles, For example, '"Bright Centre's darkness and Nancy Heart's repertoire. . Light Girl" and the title track Wilson still lent her attractive, The first song to set off the "Private Audition" are almost quiet, blonde presence to the "Private Audition" tour was vaudevillian being quite light stage. However, it was lead the album's first track - and amusing. The latter even Singer Ann Wilson who re- "City's Bumin' ". Back screen possesses a satirical twist mained ·the focal point of the slide-projector graphics re- about the agent who turns out group. At most rock concerts, vealed a city on fire as the to be only, "casting for his the amplified wattage of the band indulged itself in its couch." But as Ann Wilson lntruments always drown out latest passion - urban para- says, "it's a grand tradition... the vocals. In Ann Wilson's noia. Bounding up and down Private Audition." case,' the reverse was true, guitar chords (much like Led The one other· song that Though she tenderizes a bal- Zepplin's "Talk about Love") they did cover from the album lad most gently, on a "rocker" added musical chaos to lyrics was Nancy Wilson's "The Slt- the range and sustenance of of people cracking under the Continued to page 8 her vocal prowess is almost pressure of inner-city life, Bloomery: All you can be Ronald Kyle About two weekends ago WMC students at Bloomery. served meal, sat around the the ROTC department spon- Once across the. river, the campfire roasting rnarshmel- sored its annual trip to Bloom- long hike to the cliffs began. lows while exchanging stories ery, West Virginia, About 14 Once there, one rock climb- both old and new. cadets (and some students ing lane and two rappel lanes The next morning the stu- who weren't cadets) who just were set up. The climb was dents practiced the com- wanted to get away from it aU about 85 feet high, and the mando crawl on rope bridges decided the trip was worth two rappel lanes were about that had been strung across some missed study time. 80 feet and 100 feet. The th-e ~field. They picked up The first evening was spent weather for these activities some sawdust for the rappel building a rope bridge across was perfect. It was cool and tower, and then headed for the Cacapon River, to be sunny, and one student ob- WMC. To date, no one has ready for tomorrow's activl- served that the tree colors had anything bad to say. With ties. Our intrepid adventurers were "approaching the peak perfect weather behind them, i rose early that Saturday morn- of fait," many people tried some ing, ate and packed to leave. After a long 9ay, our weary things th_efirst time ever, and The rope bridge was com- adventures hiked back to the found that they liked to do pleted, and it turned out to be rope bridge, recrossed the them. They found out what it the first successful two rope river, and, after dismantling might be like "to be aU you Cdt A_udreyAdams on the way down bridge ever constructed by the bridge, ate a well-de- can be."
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