Page 29 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 29
The Phoenix Thu ..... v. Novem~ 4. 1982 Western Maryland Col"" Volume II, Number 4 Two part series: The academidalcohol ratio: Administration to uphold policy Beth Piskora 21, you have the right to buy Student Affairs. He adds; " If The administration set the it." they want to play games, it's following fraternity party poli- The alcohol laws are chang- going to be a costly game cies on October 18, 1982: ing so school polictes will be this year." Dean Mowbray Alcohol may be served at changing accordingly. When would like to return to the time open functions only if it is asked about policies for next when he could go to the kept in the clubroom. Noise year Dean Mowbray re- parties and mix and mingle must be kept at a level so as sponded, "How we respond with the students, not to play not to disturb other people. and what we do in future policeman. Property must not be de- years depends largely on how Dean Mowbray adds a hap- stroyed. No freshmen are al- students respond and what pier comment: "We still have lowed at any parties. If any they do." the_most liberal alcohol poli- freshmen, even those who are He hopes everyone follows cies of most of the institutions over 19, are found, the club- the rules set by_the Office of like us." rooms will be taken away. The rules will be strictly enforced. If rules are broken and clubroom priviledges are taken away, Dean Mowbray is insistent, "Don't cry to me. I'm going to yank it." He says the problems that caused this strict decision to be made "Failure of to their +·"""".'......:L~·'"'.',~~, ~b~f6 be served must be approved by the Office of Student Af- fairs. th!~i~~ff~~: ~~~~fo~t~1~~~~ institution is "our educational mission," Social life is a sec- Toppins the ole !rex may become a thins of the past a. ondary obligation. "No one WMC. (Photo: Martin Schullll41Jl) has the right to drink. If you're House council to . encourage 'self- governance' . Chris Soto points tor each offense': was floors combined. The students 'plained that the house coun- using the list of points as a The house council system handed to students at the decide how many officers ells of Blanche brainstormed guideline. The student is then of student self-governance is beginning of the year. they want to have, then elect ideas at an early meeting and required to carry out the in effect for all residence halls House councils consist of fellow residents to hold those came up with a list of many sanctions imposed on him by at WMC, excluding fraternity students and residence hall offices. For example, Blanche programs for each category. the house council. A report on members. Information on staff members. In the quad, Ward Hall has a first and The list of social programs, the student goes to Dean house cooncils and the point house councils organize by second floor house council for example contains a pizza Jeanne Higbee, associate system, a Itst of 27 offenses sections, in RouzerI by floors, and a third and fourth floor night, athletic competitions, dean of student affairs. If the along With the number of and in women's dorms by two house council. Each house and Secret Santas. The list of student is found not guilty, no council has approximately ten > educational programs con- points are given and Dean STUDENT AFFAIRS OFFICE AND RESIDENCE HALLS members. Higbee does not hear of the WESTERN MARYLAND COUEGE The ditto sent to students talne such programs as alco- incident. hal awareness training and Sanctions Imposed - 911 - 10/15 on the house council guide- red cross training, a career Ponzio stated that when a Holding an illegal party (those responsible for lines states that "the purpose fair, and a car maintenance student commits a .violati~n planning, not those attending, receive the sanction): 2 of the house council is to class. points and duties such as painting Of cleaning hallways. encourage student selt-qover- Ponzio said that the other and other students witness It, the witnesses must appear Urinating in a hallway: 5 points and letter of apology nance and to develop a purpose of the house councils before the house council. Stu- to the residents. /' Starting a fight (physical, not just verbal): discipli- sense of responsibility for col- is to impose sanctions on dents who commit offenses outside of their own residence residents who violate college lege property and the welfare nary probation; 5 points. of other members of the regulations. This is where a halls report to Dean Higbee. Breaking windows, failing to comply with a college dorm." point system comes in. Recurring offenders may be official: 5 points, disciplinary probation, restitution. Blanche Head Resident When a student commits a dealt with more severely. Stu- Fraudulent use of an 10 to gain admission to the Janine Ponzio said that the violation in his own residence dents desiring to appeal their dining hall: 1 point for first offense. Drunk and disorderly conduct: 5 points, disciplinary ~~ p:~~ilst~~!J ~atSi~: ~~~t!~diS a ~~ns~~:n!o S\~= ~~~~~ISm~r3.° De~~O~~g~~: probation. purpose is to create and violation, the student must go stressed tha fact that no stu- Failing to leave building for fire alarm (house council carry out social programs and before his house council. The . dent receives points before i action): 4 points. educational programs for the student then has a chance to he has a chance to defend Kicking a vending machine (house council action): dorm. Two elected students, himself. def@nd himself. If the house 3 points. a social cnalrperson and an COlJQIiiiI decides that the stu- In her letter to students at Any student found guilty of an act of violence has educational chairperson, runs dent is guitty, he wiU receive the beginning of the year, also been warned that any repetition will lead to the two programs within each the number of points that the continued on pqe 7 suspension from the college. house council. Ponzio ex- house council decides upon
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