Page 22 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 22
_Opinion _ Let the good times roll J FOOi ~~A. Holy Maleyl Wouldn'l you sensible male should miss - ~ElDiED agree that it was a fabulously entitled: "Guarding Your Fam- ',. In keep- R.U. Disgruntled fun-filled ily Jewels," or-"Why I Never weekend? I,I[FoR,. ing with western Maryland's Smile at You." Third, all fresh- ...• "'I:! world renowned reputation of dience at times could not tell men are eligible. and strongly being 1he greatesl partying 1he difference be1ween the urged to anend a Tylenol they were ec- school on the East coast snort competitors, the final bell party held in their honor at the A \IIItiE . Oklahomal) congratulations hairy of the two creatures . and alternate capsule pro- static as Physic Lab the night mid-term University of Oral Robert's (yes, sounded victory for the less that it is in I know are issued. Tylenol grades AND .m ~ In weekend sporting events, are rightfully due to aU y.ou and finally, dur- vided. Fourth, party-hearties! Fiord proved vlcto- However, for Gerald ing Hell week this $pring one the industrious and absolutely rious in the First Annual Dean ~, fraternity will be soliciting IT minority crowd wno boring WoeBray PGA Celebrity Clas- freshly· glazed coconut cream GO!' sic even after dislodging two didn't participate in any excft- cookies, and other assorted ready" "strike force ROTC ing things this weekend you culinary delights (made fresh each day). pel tower. When asked to day knowing nothing of what So, this past weekel)d, like College not needed went back to class on Mon- cadets from the smurdy rap- most others was a smashing happened, Well, multitudes of what he anributed his sue- spectacular events did hap- cess, ole Gerald said that his success due '0 the innovation pen, and I hope you can find wife always' kisses his balls solace in the fact that it is (golf balls, that is) before he and goodwill of the majority of people here who know how to CQmpli5 Dig;;;t News Service Group Attitudes Corpration. solely due to the high effi- plays. ,We can only wonder live life to the fullest. If by A recent poll shoWs that of New York. Nearly 1200 ciancy of our grounds crew how this gets his putter up. chance any future weekend Americans no longer regard a people responded to the' 4200 that you won't be able to Jiminy Crickets! How could doesn't quite measure up to college education as the road surveys sent out. remember the splendour that the weekend get any .better? this one I know who will be to riches. Although those pee- . Fifty-five percent of the occurred here at WMC. They Well. all you exciting social- the first ones to complain: pie polled feel that qualified respondents were worried that worked non-stop (as usual), ites will be pleased to know those few of you in the minor- students should have the op- they would be financially and the campus is now so that A.lJ.. has divulged some ity that always let others plan .r portunity to attend college, unable to send their own clean that the squirrels have highlights of coming attrac- a good time, that you some- they did not feel that it children to college. However, lost their bearings, and can't tions at WMC that will take times take advantage of, de- guaranteed employment after over half agreed with Ronald even find their nuts. You· place in the near future.. First, pending upon if you feel like graduation. Reagan's cuts in federal aid. blase ones missed the Who Redneck Night in the Pub will being sociable at the time. The poll was conducted by concert sponsored by SAG be a weekly sensation attract- Well, I challenge anyone of (Students for ApathetiC Gov- Introspection ammant). Millions of people Ing not only our elitist campus you closet-dwellers to come community, but also many of idea that is up with anyone thronged through the narrow Westminster's finest townies, more creative than the ones I (Dartboard) Second, Bani entrance of WMC's own night I Nuclear distracts mutilating three neoprepite bi- Sadr'will soon give a one time have just proposed. So. come pub, of course) spot (the on, put a little weekend in * * * only security presentation no ~rlife. 1 Steve Brady . but regardless, he makes it ing while slanding in a ramer The Phoenix * * Staff meeting oIogy majorS who were study- clear that the timing will be The Nuclear weapons issue is more in the news today his, not ours. short beer line. While partici.- than ever before. There is the It has been said that we Nuclear Freeze Campaign, should do all we can to :~lonov~'r!~m:aitC~~~ Weds., Oct. 27, 6:30 p.m. Unltatereat Disarmament postpone the destruction until ~~~~rinr;st~~e~~at~rd~h~ r----.....--------------., Campaign, the START (Stra- we have brought as many to tegic Arms Resolution Talks) Christ as possible. It is folly to waited for hours to get a Negotiations, and more. Many think ·we might destroy the glimpse of the 69th Annual of these are supported by world before God is ready to Pie Alpa Moo Mudwrestling church-related organizations, .do it himself, or that we can Championships held in the The as are many Pro-Nuke argani- delay God from Qoing it, Westminster Memorial Metro- zations. maybe even forever. In Acts, dome (see last week's The ~ Is it right for a Christian to preceeding Luke's description Phoenix). In one of the most actively campaign on this of the commissioning to wit- invigorating bouts one of the Phoenix issue to "save the world from ness, Christ redirected his more bulbous participants total destruction"? Or are the dis_ciples' misguided vision. was evenly matched against efforts spent on this attempt They wished to -know of His a 2000 pound Ugandan water by Satan. the great deceiver, kingdom and the end times. .buffalo; and aHhough me au- to divert our attentions from He shrugged it off saying. "It our primary goal "to go and is not for you to know the Editor .., ,. , Robert Holt make disciples of all nations. times or dates the Father has It's not bad! Managing Editor Teresa Norman baptizing them in the name of set by his own authority." Asst. Managing Editor I..Dan Gilmore the father, and of the son, (Acts 1:7) And proceeded to News Editors David Bogdanski. and of the holy spirit, and instruct Ihem to witness "to Dear Ednor: John Palmer teaching them to obey every- the ends of the Earth." (Acts As subjects of part of tne Features Editor " .., ".Steven Rossman thing I have commended 1:8) article on ute Enrichment in SpOrts Editor ", Bruce Mable yoo." (Matt. 28:19.20) (Mk. Pol off tnese crusades 10 last week's paper, we feH a Photo Editor ,.. · , " ..Steve Brady 16:15,16) Our purpose is not save the physical world, Put need 10 corrvnent. The im- to save the world as a physi- on the armour of Christ (Eph. pression given In 1he article is Asst. Photo Editor, ~ , , Martin Schulman cal entity, but to save th~_ 6) and set to save the world that we do no1 enjoy our Ad Artist, " , , " ..Cindy Wilcox world's souls that are pres- from an eternal damnation. If involvement in the program. Copy Edilor .Greg Elba ently in spiritual death! our priority is set at glorifying Though ~ is true 1he1our visi1s Business Manager. . " .., " " : Deb Armsworthy Efforts to save the world Christ and bringing others to 10 1he nursing home are not from total nuclear destruction Him, we all will be doing our always easy, 1here is rarely a of WestemMarylandCollege. or any other global disaster is part (with His ....strength and time that we leave and don1 Published by and for the students The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily at best futile and at worst a guidance) to prepare for the feel happy to have been complete disregard for the glorious return of Christ when 1here. The residents have be- reflect those of the staff or administration. scripture, God's WOrd to us. Satan shan be defeated for- come our friends. Though n We welcome comments and/or suggestions.Pleaseaddress all Throughout the Bible God ever, along with war, povertY. may SOUnd ciiche. 1he lives mail to The Phoenix, Box 1. Western Mar;tand College; talks about, and alludes, to destruction, and starvation, 1he1 are enriched tnrough Lne Westminster. Md, 21157. 1he deslruction of 1he world, Save souls - nol carboni enrichment are no1 only 1hose at His hand! He may choose h)ldrogen biochemical units of 1he etderty. EFI Member of the Associated Collegiate Press to have us commit suicide as called bodies - keep a soul Sincerety, a sinful race, a divine irony, count, not a body count. • Donna Troxet and Usa Kulick
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