Page 24 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 24
Terrors still winless David_ Bogdanski Western Maryland Football. Baum). the Terrors got to the was still looking for its first win Moravia 9 yard line. After 3 last Saturday, unfortunately plays jn which they lost yard- they did not get it. The age -back to the 16, they weather ptayed as big a key tried to go for the touchdown. Soccer breaks even and made a tough decision as Moravia in the Terrors 14- -11 loss. Ray Evans hit Rich Johnson Both the offense and the at the 2- yard line and Ri..:h defense played wetl. but they made a spectacular play The soccer team is now 6-5 season, in the second over- just could not beat Moravia. shaking off. a tackler to get and still has a slim chance of time took the ball up the right The amount of lime which the _ into the end zone to score. winning its section of the Side and took a shot from MAC. The Terrors defense has been on the field Jim Johnson then took a'Blast split their thirty feet out that went right is finally taking its toll. as they up .the middle and scooted to last two games, which were over the goalies head sealing both playad at home. let Moravia make a few the right to get the 2 point a 4-2 victory for the Terrors. drives. conversion. Alas, time was Johns Hopkins visited West- On Friday, October 15, In the beginning of the. not on the side of the Terrors, ern Maryland on October 12 Muhlenberg came to play the gama Todd Rowe cama up as they oould not come up and left without victory. The Terrors. Known as a very first W.M.C. score came when with a major defensive· play with any further score. physical team, the Terrors as he intercepted the ball in The WIlole second hatt was Bob Wassman sneaked the were ready to play Muhlem- ball on the right side of the W.M.C. of- berg hard. The the end zone. After trading played in anything but ideal goalie. John Montanye fol- fense was impressive in the possessions a few times. the a Rich Johnson 26 yard field circumstances. The Terrors lowed later in-the game as he first half of the game as it defense forced an important goal. As the first hatt was braved the. rain and the wet took a perfectly placed pass tumover as 8i11 McGoey' re- coming to a close the Terrors and icy field to tum in a moved the ball aggressively covered a fumble on the 20 attempted a 53 yard field goal respectable effort against a from Tay Demir and crushed down the field. The only the ball through the Hopkin's yard line. The offense was with a strong wind at their very physical opponent. In all, goalies hands. The game was W.M.C. score came when Chris Beyers followed up on a halted and the 36 yard· field back, but it was no good. many Terrors received injuries tied up by Hopkins when the tremendous shot by Brian Lof- goal attempt was missed. In the second half Rick this week and may not play in defense made a few mental tus, which hit the top of the Moravia then proceeded to Conner made a 32 yard retum the upcoming game. Mike errors letting two trash goals score twice. At the end of the on a punt, but the offense Baum, Kent Galvin and Paul goal. The rest of the game first quarter Paul Wallin was could not capitalize. lawr- Wallin are doubtful; and Rick in. In overtime the W.M.C. saw the offenM play spastic offense dominated. Brian Lof- ball looking as if they were hit hard and then taken out of ence Carter then recovered a Conner, Dale Dutton, Paul the game. He had been 2 for Moravia fumble to stop a Cale and Rich Johnson are tus made a tremendous run tired. TIed up by Muhlenberg 3 10r 15 yards. Ray Evans drive. The Terrors then mus- probable. and matched it with a tremen- in the second half, the game dous came in for the Terrors and tered a drive. With timely This week the Terrors face shot that .the goalie went into overtime. The de- did a fine job. He led them on catches by Rich Johnson, Muhlenburg at home. The couldn't even touch. Mean- fense played dismal soccer Paul while John Shavone, a drive in which a couple of BOb DeBeer and Dan Fielder Mules lost last week to Leba- letting the Muhlemberg of- Langrier and Carl Holz played fourth down plays were con- and good running by Evans non Valley so hopefully the steadfast defense, controlling fense attack most of the over- verted into Terror first downs. and Jim Johnson (WIlo was Terrors can finally rack up time. Muhlemberg scored a Western Maryland settled for playing for the injured Mike their first victory. the Blue Jays offense. John goal in the overtime and went a great Montanye, having home a 2-1 winner. Sports Quiz c.c. runs over J.H. in best day ever Campus Digtst Nrws Seroice 1. Name the last Bi- ~ player Diane Perry to be a consensus AU- The cross-country meet American selection in two against Johns Hopkins was consecutive years? "the best total team perform- 2. Who is the all-time Big 8 ance that the college has ever total offense leader for' a had in cross country, all the career? way' from top to bottom," 3. Oklahoma joined the Big 6 stated cross-country coach Conference in 1928. Which Rick Carpenter, of the Octo- two conferences had -the ber 12 event. Both Western Sooners had memberships in1 Maryland's .men's and 4. Name the last team (other women's teams won their than Nebraska or Oklahoma) meets against Hopkins. to represent t he Big 8 in the The men's team ran over Orange Bow•. Hopkins with a score of 24 5. Name the NCAA career points for Westem Maryland leader for all- TPOse runn- 9/;-SL:6t WOlj snld-sple,{ 09 and 31 points for Hopkins. ing? WOlJ 2J f 'uaqal)(J3 lI;)Ssn~'or Rick Converse of Johns Hop- 6. Billy Sims, Oklahoma. won 09-L:L:61 WOl} kins won the men's race with the 1978 Heisman Trophy. '2} 09 'uoswaD '!l!JV paqO'6 a time of 25:44 for the 8km Who was the quarterback on 9l-SL:6I race. Western Maryland's the 1978 Oklahoma team? WOJ} SPJ~,{ ..0911 'a~~~s number one runner, Brian 7. In Sims' 1978 Heisman I!'UHole:> lf1l0N 'UMOlB paL 'g points was a "dynamite show- em Maryland with a time of season, in which single game -mo.r l-99 a U! SpJI!'..{ Russo followed with a time of ing," states Carpenter. West- 2,1:04. Total team times re- vealed Maryland's personal JtJlie Craig 25:57. Freshman Joe Thomas em many did Sims not. gain over 100 ec JOJ p3t{snJ pu~ JalJenb 3UO yards? ue41 Ss.1( pa'(eld IW!S -aJ1M 'f. and Sophomore Rich Harfst and Leslie Ann Yarrow took records and that the team is clenched the win for Westem 8. Name the all-rime career HOl sewolf.l '9 Maryland by crossing the line first and second place with "targeting where it ought to rushing leader in t} Atlantic SPJeh !i999-PlOJuelS in 26:52 and 27:01 before time of 19:34 and 19:58 re- be," said Carpenter. spectively for the 5km race. Presently, the men's team Coast Conference? 'uosP~N uplea ·S Hopkins' number two man, Hopkins' first and second record is seven wins and six , 9. Who holds - the NCAA LJ:6I 't 'uef-opeJol0:>"''_ John Waters. Westem Mary- place runners, Jackie Chen losses and the women's team record for most career field A3UeA !lnosS!W land's Jim Startt and Paul and Kathy ConeUy_were split record is four wins and two goals? 10. Who holds the NCAA If olJUaJaJu0.J ·153r lnos or Boneau placed in the top ten up ·by Western Maryland's losses. Carpenter has a posi- record for most career field 'pnoss!W SPJeh teJol 6Sf19 with times of 27:45 and 27:57. Tracy Serratelll and Sue Stev- tive attitude towards the respectively. goals from a distance of 60 or '..{arpe.lB I!lfd 'z enson, who tied with a time of team's future, "We are a more yards? • 6-QL:6I The women's team's win of 20:31. Freshman Karl ·Gustaf- young team and we're really 'l?wot.l"epfO 'SW!S AII!B 'I 19 points to Hopkins' 36 Sen placed seventh for .West- improving."
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