Page 28 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 28
Tho_ October 21, 1982 Heart: a moving performance ---_- from page 5 its new material or too shaky Zeppelin's "Rock 'n' Ron". after all the replacements to "Rock 'n' Ron," a no-non- uatlon." "The Situation" in- trek new musical territory? No sense, non wimp-out" heavy dulges Heart in more urban answer was given, but no metal piece was turned into a paranoia. According to Nancy enthusiasm was lacking either powerhouse of smashing Wilson, a man's significance in the 1982 versions of the old drums, powerful guitar riffs, in only. that· of an inventory classics. and of course Ann Wilson's \number on a computer tape. At a live concert what may siren power vocals. Computers and technology become lost are the feelings Wen another year of work, have come to the point where you have for a group that anxiety, and frustration awaits "people have electric eyes". make it special to-you. It's me, but at least Heart albums The chorus is an impassioned hard to feel fondness or grati- will be playing somewhere in plea: "':_'Wake up. Wake up ... tude when you're with ten the background. And one Shake up. Shake up the situa- thousand other people who day, they will return. Enough tion ..'." It was rendered so- don't. And it's not because of my ill-chosen words and movingly by Nancy Wilson, they're consuming so many out-of-focus photos. Nancy that I should only be glad the drinks and drugs that they Wilson quotes best what I feel next time I hear that the didn't even know where they for Heart: "You are the only "computer is down." are. And it's not because ones! You saved me from The rest of the selected most of them are the kind of .. .t love material for the concert was people who'd leave a knife in myself Just Don't keep trade a sweet away! Heart's old classics sure to your back as collaterial for a dream true! Let's go teli the spark nostalgic enthusiasm in few corers. It's just that they world to quite -tumln' cold ... the crowd. They played wouldn't care or understand just let me be raised on you." "Magic Man," "Mistral Wind," hOlN you felt. So, Heart, stlck around a and ot course.», "Crazy on For the encore, Heart belted few more years and let me You". cut Steppenwolf's classic continue to be~ i'Raised on _ Was Heart insecure about "80m to be Wild," and Led You". Cure unknown for herpes common being cold sores on itching or tingling sensation. from page 7 the lips. Genital herpes causes In genital herpes the -first at the medical profession. sores on or around the eptsode usually lasts an 'One' Los Angeles woman genitals. average of three weeks. said, "When I first got it, I The sores of the two strains Because the disease is in- wanted to pass it 'on to. cannot be easily distinguished, curable, the herpes sufferer 1. The Wor\d According To Garp, b)' John Irving tPockat, $3.95.} Outrageous story of T .S. Garp. everyone fur vengeance until and they don't always stick to usually has subsequent attacks 2. A .. , M ... Don't £al Quiche, by Bruce Felrslein. everyone had it and it became their own areas. Ordinary with outbreaks of the blister- (Pockel, $3.95.) A hilarious guide to maSCulinity. normal." Some people act out cold sores may be transmitted like sores known .as lesions. 3. Thin Thigh' In 30 Day .. by Wend)' Stehling. their desire of revenge. A to the genitals by fingers or Time magazine reports that (Bantam, $2.95.) How to tone up and thin down. Midwestern woman said she mouth, and become a venereal 4. Culo, b)' Stephen King. (NALJSignet, $3.95.) infected 75 men in three years. disease. Because of this, oral people whu have herpes are nol safe having sex with part- Another tale 0' horror from the master. A Philadelphia man said he in- ners who clrcudy have the 5. t:.T.: The Extra- Tarre'trial, by WIlliam Kotzwinkie. fected 20 women: "They were sex may be ~ potent force jn transmitting the disease. (Berkley, $2.95.) Novel of the popular film. disease. They can be reinfected just one night stands, so they A genital herpes outbreak is 5. The Soul Of A New Machine, by Tracy Kidder. deserved it anyway." usually .eccompanted by in different parts of the body (Avon, $3.95.) Behind the scenes ala computercompany. or may receive a different The two most common 7. ThtI Holel New Hampahlr., by John Irving. types of herpes are herpes headaches, fever, aching joints strain of the disease. (Pocket, $3.95.) Latest novel by the author of "Garp." and pain in the genital area. Ahbough herpes is not the simplex end genital. herpes or Once herpes penetrates the 8. WhatColofI, YourPlltaehute?, byR/chard Nelson Bolles. worst venereal disease (un- (Ten Speed Press, $6.95.) Career and Job guide. herpes simplex II. Herpes skin, it multiplies rapidly: treated gonorrhea and syphilis fl. The CInderella Comptex, by Colette Dowling. (Pocket, simplex causes small blister- Within two to 15 days after in- do far more damage>. it can- $3.95.) Uncovers the rools of women's inner conflicts like sores on'the face, the most fection, the person may feel an not be cured. 10. ?:~:~:,e::'~~:':hci:~,~~i~~~nwomen. Students get hyped your entire college career." from page 1, He then delivered a short words to the song. After indi- lecture on hypnosis. His com- vidual performances, all ten ments included, "Hypnosis is performed their actions at nothing more than the way life once. -- workS." He explained that, At the end of this hodge- "The only way human beings podge, the volunteers were can think is in plctores." The I given the post-hypnotic pictures in your head always suggestion that at the sound crystallize into the actions in of the hypnotist's name, Gil your life. The bad news is Eagles, they would stand up, ''You are condemned to act , shout "Sock it to me, and kiss out those pictures good 'til the day is baby," and proceed to "hug you news The die." affectionately" person the become the master closest to them. They did. "You can of your own show" hypnotist To end his program, Mr. because "the greatest miracle Eagles told the audience that on the planet is your ability as the next three minutes would a human being to change be the "most valuable .. of your mind." Think about it.
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