Page 31 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 31
November 4, 1982 Page 3 Ghosts seen 'haunting' WMCbuildings Jennifer Eisberg the security guard. She came was mine." There have been several . out across the stage,· she A physical description of sightings and rumors of didn't need an elevator, she the McDaniel ghost is of a ghosts living on the Western flew from the stage right up young girl in a pink nightgown Maryland College grounds: into the balcony." and old-taahioned curlers, as This has been proven through The ghost was described as seen by two visitors to Mc- interviews with students who older with fiery eyes, a dis- Daniel second, where the have reported that through torted face and wearing a ghost was seen sittin-g in the the past few years, ghostly reddish robe. Again the origin hall. figures have been spotted in of their ghost is unknown. "We thought she was a real their dorms and in other Another ghost is the one person," one of the witnesses buildings on campus. who calls McDaniel her home. said, "until she disappeared." A specific ghost in the form The story goes that she was There are a few who are of a woman has been seen on once a young girl who, be- ~ skeptical about the ghosts on the landing leading up to the cause of an unwanted preq- this campus. Bob Fasano, fourth floor of Elderdice. She nancy, went into a closet and head of security, said "I've has been seen this year by a slit her wrists. The exact room been here seven years and few residents of the fourth is uncertain. There have been I've never seen one. You have floor and was also spotted by reports of both just strange to believe in them first." a summer resident about two feelings and the actual physi- The ghosts mentioned are years ago. When asked to cal presence of her figure. the ones that have actually describe her experience, one One girl living in a first floor been seen. Others have been Elderdice resident reported room last year, described her rumored, such as a headless that she had seen the ghost experience as chilling. While ghost which wanders in front the- weekend before fall in bed one night something of campus. The ghost has break. She said -the ghost made its presence clear by been reported as a worker was a young woman in her drumming its fingers on the who fell off Big Baker while twenties, wearing a light blue, girl's pillow along side her building the steeple. almost white dress, and with head. There has also been an brown shoulder length hair. "I totally froze. I figured isolated case of a ghost in As the girt watched, the ghcst there was somebody in th~ Baker 100.While studying walked up the stairs and room but it scared me so late one night, a student disappeared into one of the much that I felt a chill go up claimed to hear footsteps vacant file rooms. She said and down my spine. When 1 coming near to the desk she felt more intrigued than finally could move again, I where he was studying. He scared about the incident. a nightgown or what-but it ence of two years ago. This rolled over but there was did not lift his head immedi- Another Elderdice resident had many pleats and ruffles. one also occured while on nobody there." ately, thinking it was another reported seeing her while on She stood there for a few duty with security guards one A second occurence also student there to ask him a guard duty during a summer minutes, you could see her evening. happened in the same room. question. When the steps session a few years ago. His face very clearly. She looked After seeing two people "I was just barely asleep, and were close enough for the job was to walk around the at us, but we didn't feel bad walk out from Alumrli"· with 1 was listening to my breath- person to be face to face with school and assist the security or anything, She walked into scared looks on their fces, ing, when I realized I heard him, he lifted his head to find guards in locking up and the one file· room which is on they went in to investigate. other breathing besides my nothing. He then got a sud- checking for trouble. He saw the immediate right on the The three people split up to own. I felt like a head was den cold chill and a head- the ghost while checking Eld- stairs." search the building, two on beside mine on the pill~w." ache, and heard footsteps erdice one evening. He goes .The residents of Elderdice the stage, one in the balcony She thought it was her neiqh- going behind him and up the on to describe his encounter. have taken interest in their next to a stage prop curtain, it bor coming to wake her up back steps. To this day, he "The two security guards on ghost. Some mysteries still was then that she was seen. until she turned her head, and cannot explain it. _ duty came up with me at exist as to who she is and "He (the guard) was stand- again found nobody there. "I'd like to disprove it and around nine in the evening, it why she haunts only the file ing with a curtain right next to Even though the ghost was say it was something else," wasn't too dark. We came rooms. She has never been him, but right next to him on not the only reason, she later he said. upstairs and one security seen in the tower room all the the other side of the curtain moved out of that room into Other research has been guard said before that he had way upstairs. was this lady, and she was one in Blanche. She said she done which tells of other seen something but we Alumni Hall has been the very scary. She screamed, it wasn't positive about which ghosts on the WMC campus. thought that he 'was taking. setting for other ghost sight- was a good and loud scream, room the suicide took place in continued on PaRe 6 We went upstairs to the mid- ings. Many stories have been and she flowed right out by but, "I'm convinced that it dle floor, which is the two file heard. One says that some- times an organ can be heard rooms and the storage room. while walking past the build- Business is #1 major at WMC One security guard looked up, and she really looked bad ing late at night, even though after that. I didn't know what the organ which used to be in was going on, then I hit the Alumni now sits in Little Joe Olcott English- with 109. Although man five, theater engineering second level and looked up. Baker. Another tells of figures A great deal of freshmen, computer science is not a five, and comparative litera- There was a tall lady, proba- being seen acting out scenes many sophomores, some jun- major, 103 students mcorpo- ture four. bly no more than twenty or from plays or sitting in the iors, and maybe even a few rated it into their majors, such In looking at the above so, tang brownish-black hair balconies wearing antiquated stray seniors are up in arms as an economics-computer information, one should note and in a long-we couldn't tell costumes. But a witness tells oyer the choice of a college science major or a math- that many students have oou- from the style whether it was of his second ghostly experl- major. computer science major. ble majors, making a number Narrowing down your op- History had a strong show- comparison between all mao jars inexact. ------------------------------, !':I~sb~~nl:o~~e~~:j~~oie~~ ~~ti~~h s: b~~tin~u~:~~~ Looking at the breakdown - 10% WMC discount with this Ad : alon is a pretty frustrating, Sociology and social work of majors by class, one can ._ I doubtful business. Those stu- tied at 72 apiece. Sixty-two see small trends. Business is I dents wondering about this students selected chemistry, at the top of each class list, I decision may somehow profit while 54 choose economics. and psychology stays pretty I from how the rest of the Physical education tied with even in all four classes. En- : student body at Western the newcomer, studies in glish and political science rise I Maryland College has de- communication, at 40. Thirty- toward the senior level, but tire ~reen ~Iltur ltil. I I cided. is five people choose art as biology drops drastically at the senior level. From being Business administration their major. W~ !lk/m, Afo{u>u/ 1 the most popular major, cho- Physics. French, Spanish, the number two and number I sen by an overwhelming 280 and student-designed majors three choices in the freshman, . I I students. Lagging way behind tied with 21 each. Music has sophomore, and junior a£ross from 'Public Library at ~$t :Mall are biology and psychology, 18, psychobiology 17, Ameri- classes, biology slides to the I (3M) sre-ssss 'HNbmnJ{"', .lfntylmulul57 I ~~~ ~it~1i~~~IC~~f:n~~,~~~!~~:~~~~sr~~giod~:m~~~i:~ number seven choice for sen- L~':--------....:;,;;-------------:,-----.I.J. 161students. After that is nine, philosophy eight, Ger- iors.
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