Page 21 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 21
'Pascal to Speak at WMC tod David Bogdanski sity, where he earned his Politics. Mr. Mills set up the loday at 3:30. Republican degree in economics and was wIlele day for Bob Pascal to ...J gubernatorial candidate Rob- an All American football spend in Carroll County. Mr. ert Pascal will speak in West- player. Pascal will come to Carroll em. Maryland's Forum. Mr. It is through considerable County at 10 a.m. and leave Pascal has served as Anne luck that Westem Maryland after a dinner at 7 p.m. in Arundel County Executive for got Mr. Pascal to speak. Taneytown. His address in the the last eight years. Through the work of Man Forum will be from 3:30-4:30. Mr. Pascal was elected del- Ponton, President of the Col- The reason the College I egate to the 1967 Maryland lege Republicans, with the wants Mr. Pascal to speak Constitutional Convention and help of outside sources, the can best be summed up by has served on the Rosenburg Matt Ponton. Mr. Ponton Commission on Public SChool stated, "The College Republi- Financing, the Sherbow Com- "...inform the students of cans wanted to bring speak- mission on County and State what is going on..;" ers jo the campus that help Government Relationships - Ponton inform the students of what is and as a member of the 1971 going on in Politics." Mr. White House Conference on Pascal will be an excellent Aging. Mr. Pascal has been College was able to get Mr. way to bring students up to chosen by the Maryland Jay- Pascal to speak. Ponton was date with Maryland Politics. cees as _one of the Five in touch with G. Melvin Mills The talk will begin at 3:30 in Outstanding Young Men in of Mills Communication, who the Forum. Those who wish to Maryland and was the recipi- is in charge of the Carroll attend the event are advised ent of the Italian-American County Pascal for Governor to be at the Forum early, Organizations Urwed of Mary- Campaign. Mr. Mills was since a large turnout is ex- land's 1975 Columbus Award pleased of Penton's interest, pected to hear the gubernato- fQr community service. He is because he wanted students rial candidate. a graduate of Duke Univer- to parficlpate more in State The Phoenix ~ Thursday, Oct_ 21, 1982 Western Maryland CollegeĀ· Volume II, Number 3 Eagles lays it on WMC students Beth Piskora of course. Did anyone ever to yourself." To the question race. After she had laughed One guy said, "I can't sit next 'We're gonna lay some hyp- have a doubt after what they "Can anyone be hypnotized?" and screamed for a full two to her anymore." nosis on you," Gil Eagles said had witnessed? he replied, "The answer is minutes, she was told her Mr. Eagles calmed every- at the start of his show last To introduce the audience yes, any normal person." horse was disqualified. one by telling them the smell Wednesday, October 13, in to the powers of hypnosis, Gil When Gil Eagles asked for The ten volunteers then en- would be gone when they Alumni Hall. And he certainly Eagles first explained the volunteers, nearly one dozen te~ed an ice-cream licking returned to. their seats. As did tay some hypnosis. By tile process. He said. "We're people were forced to return contest. The audience was they turned to walk away, he end of the show, the entire going to...explore the most to their seats_ because only nearty rolling in the aisles informed them that their audience was on the edge of interesting part of the human ten volunteers were neces- while witnessing the tongue knees had suddenly locked their seats, waiting to see anatorny---the human mind." sary. The seven women' and action on stage. At the end of and their legs were stiff and whether the ten volunteers He stressed that hypnotism, three men who were lucky the contest, they were told rigid. As tIley approached would obey tIleir post-hyp- "is not something that I do to and fortunate enough to get they were all winners of $150 their chairs, their legs sud- none suggestions. They did, you-it is something you do seats on stage were then each. They were warned that denly became rubber and subjected to the' miracle of hypnosis. First they were told ~we~~ i"t,! ~:~!:ai,o~~=:~a~ !~a~t:~z~~ to tightly grip their hands lated by pick-pockets. They it back to their seats. - together. When Eagles told should put the money in the What the audience wit- them to try to separate their safest , place possible. The nessed afterward resembled hands, none of them could. participants certainly demon- i a ten-ring circus. Each of the To prove that his volunteers strated their ''vivid imagina- ten hypnotized persons was were indeed hypnotized, Ea- lions" following those orders. given a signal to start doing gles challenged the audience Later, they were told that the some ridiculous action. There to try to raise the roof six money had turned into ice. was a tough drill sergeant, a inches with their applause. Use your imagination to traffic cop, a sheriff defending !-lis point was well-taken; not sense a terribly fowf smell, the town from a gang ap- a single participant on stage multiply that by 20, and you proaching on horses, the flinched a muscle. may come close to experienc- roadrunner, a pair of dancers, Mr. Eagles was adamant ing the next thing that hap- Tarzan, a Fiamingo Dancer, that those persons in hypnotic pened on stage. The the Queen of Rock and Roll, trances are not asleep. He participants were told that and someone shot in the hip. tapped one of the men on the when they awoke they would First they performed_individu- shoulder and asked 'if he was smell a terrible odor and that ally. Highlights include the asleep. The reply was "I don't they would "be absolutely sheriff killing the enemy that think so." convinced that is coming from snuck up behind him, Tarzan Finally, the real fun begun. the person next to you." The trying to find his Jane, the The hypnotized volunteers participants awoke, started queen of rock and roll's punk went to a horse race where holding their noses, shifted in rendition of Humpty-Dumpty they could win. $1,000. One their chairs, and finally got up and when she forgot the girl was told she won the to complain to Mr. Eagles. Continued to page 8
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