Page 77 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 77
1- November-19 1981 The Dialectjc Draft IS a must Will"am Kreller I am supposed to register for the Would you agree that we may t would guess boot camp draft soon and I do not feel thai I become involved in a war without the Moving soldiers through boot camp should. We already have an army Soviet Union becoming involved, like and to the lines quickly would then and for me to register would be in Libya lor example? be a factor in a battle or war? senseless Yes, I agree with· that Yes. Do you mean to say that the United Then since it is obvious thai the But where do soldiers for boot States should not have a registration Soviet Union is the only country that camp corne from? for the draft? can endanger our nauooer security, From the draft. Yes, that is what I said. would you then agree that we may And where does the govemment You would then agree that the have a war that endangers our get the names for the draft? armed forces, as they stand, ccuc national security or one that does From the registration successfully meet U.S. defense not? And the quicker this is done the needs around the world? Yes, I can see the two types you better our chances in a battle or war? I would agree with thai statement are describing. Yes Even though you, as a private Well, I will agree that the U.S: can Then would you say that by having cmzen. do not have access to classi- win a war that does not endanger our the registration already completed, be Techs take titIe fied information on a possible war? national security, against countries the faster the other steps could To the beet of my knOWledge I like Iran, Libya, or Salvadorian rebels, completed and the better our would say that our armed forces are but I believe the U.S. would have chances in a battle or war? Randy Butzer adequate. great difficulty winning a war that Yes, I see how it can aid us in the "Delta shut out the Betes 6-0. Then it To the best of your knowledge does endanger our national security, time of a major war Last Sunday afternoon the intra- was the Bachelors tum to experience Would it not be best to ask someone against the Soviet 'Union Wen, are you going to register now? mural football season ended in the victory, as they breezed by the Phi with the most knowledge? I disagree, our lorces are of better Yes, I now understand why registra- same fashion that it begun; with the Dells 21-7. Thus the stage was set for Yes, I guess experts would have quality and we have higher technol- tion is needed and I want to help my recbs winning. The Techs shut down the Bachelors to meet the undefeated ~ the most knowledge and would be ogy than they do country in any way I can the Bachelors 12-0 to win the cham- Techs in the championship game. better qualified to evaluate the armed Do you think that will help us wt1en pionship game. Led by a potent pass Thanks again for the excellent tum forces. we are outnumbered 2.4:1 in men, Chaplin Film rush, along with several timely ground out of teams, better than usual reli ... True, The Defense Manpower Com- 1.4:1 in cteneer z.a.t in ships, 4.2:1 gains, the teens scored once in each ance on referees and fine quality mission, in a report to the President in tanks, and 3.6:1 in artillery? "City LimiW' half. The Bachelors also moved the play. The season was a great suc- and Congress, stated, "Considering I see wtet you mean, but I do not Tuesday, Dec. I ball effectively, but it was the Techs cess. Once again, congratulations the current instability 01 the interna- see how registration will help 7:30 pm .• Alumni HaJJ who came up with the big, drive goes to the Techs, the 1981 Intra- tional situation, these 101ces may be Well lets lind out. What would you stopping, defensive plays. Earlier in mural Football Champions! inadequate lor the luture." Army Chiel say is a major factor in winnl;'-g- a the season's playoff picture, the Pni 01 Staff Gen. Edward C. Meyers battle or" a war? stated, "Ioday's Army is not ready to There are many. go to war, and it won't be until we What would you say would be a solve the problems in~ manning the lactor about manpower? lorce" Having more men than the enemy Well, it would seem the experts But suppose you don't, where Thepriee would be in favor 01 registration, but would you get more men? I leel that our army is still capable of Reinforcements winning a war. And would it not be best to get them You would then say that the U.S. is quickly - ofsiyIe capable 01 winning all types 01 con- Naturally ventional wars? And wnere do reinlorcements come I don't understand wt1at you mean. from? " it's all greek to me hasjusf eOIUC Forum IS valued aourU: The following is in response to the from the intemal structure can only SGA Forum on Greek Ufe held last be resolved....through consistent and Thursday in McDaniel Lounge deliberate review of organizational Save 820 or m.ore on SILADIUM® If as nothing more than an acknowl- policies. The Inter Soroity Council edgement of unity among the Greeks, provides this check on the member last Thursday's open discussion was sororities. An established and sup- College Rings •••nowonly 879.95. of value to the participating organiza- ported inter Fraternity Council could tions. The weU-represented tum-out of provide the same for its members. fraternity and sorority members was Problems of the second nature can SILADIUM rings produce the College Ring table will give you both heartening and encouraging to be resolved by establishing an ulli- brilliant lustre of a fine jeweler's the chance to see the full those who seek a more positive mate body coordinating all Greek rapport between the Greek system organizations, such as a Pan-Hellenic stainless. .collection of rings for the fall. and the administration. There was Council. The formation of such an j Men's and women's SUadium But hurry on over ... this sale expressed concern over the under- organization would not only provide a representation of the faculty; how- unified voice for the members, but it rings are on sale this week runs for a limited ever, the remarks stated by faculty would, hopefully allow for direct stu- only through your time only. members provided insight and dent input into campus policy forma- shOwed the Greeks that. despite their ArtCarved representative. tion concerning Greeks. Direct widespread fear of being disbanded, A visit to the ArtCarved communication and involvement some faculty mmbers are indeed would create a sense of worth among interested ·in preserving the system the Greek organizations and would through cooperation. The independ- acknowledge the importance of the ent students' views were also appre- Greek system on campus. There ciated, as they too expressed would not be the intense sense of concem about present policies. alienation ofl behalf of Greek organi- This discussion has caused us, the zations (i.e., the formation of the members of the Greek system, to Hazing Policy) if their views were I look at ourselves - to validate our recoqrazeo and considered by the I existence as an intergral part of group which ultimately determines campus life. There is rising debate their existence. amDf1g the administration, faculty, The number of students who ap- members and non-members of the peared on Thursday to support the I Greek system concerning must the determine Greek the system exhibits the system. concern The future i which of the problems of and problems system's are are discussion at had the need impact and - we have .Date: Monday, Nov. 23rd We of the system. ct the Mure over expressed have an looked we the ourselves, actually It is for change. which structure, internal recognized problems-ariSing from lack to implement immediate organization the responsible of an now the job of the administration and the 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Location: Bookstore system Greek lor the channeling of information changes. It is up to the faculty and to between the Greek system and the the students The Intw SororIty Council .•~ DcposItrrq_uJ.mlMu~or\1"'IICCq>tcd. ©1981ArtCan·cdClwwlRlng!l -.,J them. to support administration. Problems stemming
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