Page 73 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 73
November 19, 1981 TM""oonlx page 3 Conservatively .speaking Watertower leaks I feel a draft Distribu tion IS unequal Corey N. Mann I understand that the college philos- phy. scrneenere For three years, I have wondered ophy is to provide a broad back- person who composes the philoso- along the line some- My second complaint concerns the why I am a Biochemistry major. After ground of understanding in many one must have doubted the Keilh L Arnold whole idea of "conscientious objec- all, I did have to take philosophy, disciplines. And I could probably importance of real. pure, science To state my case bluntly, I would tor" as expressed in the article psychology, history and sociOlogy, hold my own in a conversation on Especially since all life can be ex- Although "Mr. X" defines a conscien- theater and english. This itself did not anything from Freud through East plained in terms of a change in free l ~~~~r~~~V:~~lu=ksana;~i~~~it::~~ who is bother me a whole lot, but when you Asian philosophy, Kant, American energy (Delta G) tious objector as "someone "ceca Draft Advice." Needless to opposed to participating in war on consider that everyone else only had women writers. or oedipus, and the Well, that may be a little too simple; I say, I disagree the basis of .deepfy held moral, to take seven credits from my major Watts riot (heaven forbid) or every- so I should say all lile processes to Not that I have anything against the ethical, or religious beliefs", the pur- departments, and I had to put up with thing from the Kellog-Briand Pact to otter a more precise exposition of my I principle of a conscientious objector pose 01 the article denies this defini- 21 credits of everyone elses sluff. the Line-Weaver Burke equation opinion. An'fNay, it is most important non. The article states that "the then there is something wrong here. (something which is 01 interest to If you' know what Delta G means, I ~~7'a~uta~,W:~n~~aW~i~~a~yallih: classification is available to the great-. Well to make me even more bewil- me). Unfortunately, when I try to shift good. If you don't know, lt may be I Central Committee of Conscientious est number of young people." By dered, I have had to listen to these the equilibrium in my direction and worth your while to find out I Objectors. The title was misleading definition this cannot be true. Consci- psueoo" on non-science majors com- bring up the ole' L.B. equation, In closing lor this week I'd like to I as well, it should have been "ceca entious objector status is only availa- plain difficulty of statistics. people, rather rudely, tell me to rhetorically ask, "Who is John Gait?", Draft Evasion Advice" ble to the conscientious objector - Thats all well and good, but at least speak english and what might be his significance to First of ail, the article's argument someone who actually has the deep 25 percent of all physics and chemis- I think that an educational philoso- this article? was purposely invalid and based on moral beliefs of the definition. These try labs involve statistical data analy- phy ca,\ only be as ortiented as the ' I statements thai were laken out of beliefs do not strike like lightning at a sis. And to get this data to analyze; context. The author (whom we will call to arms. They exist, with or complex mathematics is almost as WYOB 98.6 call Mr. X) complains that Justice without registration, with or without a important as your pen. Aehnquist's and General t-1cCree's draft, and with or without war. All group one departments oHer view Ina! "you can', separate Ihe I am simply not convinced that ali watered down courses for the benefit Test troubles questions of registration and the that many members of our little of the rest of the campus. Essential draft", Contradicts with government "propaganda" that describes regis- ~~:~~e~~m~~~i~ :ra~~t~~~:ew~~::~ ~~cu~i~ T~~:~ a~~~at~:~c:~cu~~~ .Aflsji YoQ Your roommate lies asleep in the tration and the draft as separate not the Utopia we would like it to be Physics. I have heard it rumored Ihat It's 2 a.m. according to your deluxe rest of the darkness and you curse actions Pacifism, arms limitation, and world it may become even simpler when Big Ben alarm clock and as you mem for having the nonchalance of There is no contradiction. Justice brotherhood are fine ideals. But they Phun PhySics is offered cower over micro-economics, ac- not caring, wishing sometimes you Rehnquist's statement was taken out cannot be achieved by example. The I have a great deal of respect for counting, statistics and american IiI., could do the same. In a distant room of context from a court decision. The goal of world peace, tempered with the economics department for offer- a feeling of despair aronoceressness some people are engaging in some case concemed the charge of dis- the survival"of what I feel is a pretty ing a less intense introductory econ. sweeps over you. Why didn't you late night festivities, and as if on cue. crimination against the registration good country, will not be achieved by for my benefit, but unfortunately il pace it out better? Why did you take you hear David Bowie and Queen process because women were not a unilateral creation of ploughshares came three years too late such an excruciating course load? singing "Under Pressure," you laugh involved. Rehnquist is merely stating tactics Why DID you come to college any- (or cry). It just doesn't statistically figure that government policy dictates that they .Anti-rope that one does not register women for way? I ' R~~;~~~~~onh~~~ne~ --' and administration in response to other stimulants line your -desk top same day and in a week when two possible military emergency, when three exams are scheduled for the A stack of your finest styrofoam china ringed with tab, coffee, tea eno papers are due. You question, "Is not be used. Hence, "you cannot separate" the two questions and garbage can. Illuminating your- there a God?" Whatever your reli- sibility to the students to keep them room is one 00 wan light bulb that gious preference you find yourself on ~:Unnddr~~; In this series of incidences students social work major at WMC, indicated continued on ~ quite a wIlile, and, by most paranoid aware of possible dangers." these occurrences. Gillian Davies, a hangs naked over your desk, squar- bended knee before your TI-30 and 8 ing off a private secucn of the room I time tables, we should be at war were not made aware of me facts. As a concern over the administration's (immorally,.of course) by now. W~ are a result, tumors circulated that there failure to caution female students Of course you' can charge It not. W!1:hor Wlthout registration, It stili was an attempted rape somewhere She also said, "Society doesn't take .~m· takes the same Congressional action on the golf course and an underlying women seriously." when something to bring about a draft. CCCD sug- sentiment 01 lear and concern like this happens they stereotype ~ I gests that "Draft induction may be evolved from students' limited knowl- women as unnecessarily overreact- closer than you think." Despite one edge. !f the administration and secur- ing. These appear as accurate ob- JCPenney million Soviet draftees a year, as well ity department had presented servations considering how the whole an mandatory service in many coun- inlormation about mese occurrences r situation has been pl&V~ down by I tries _ from Sweden to Israel - I see factually, in a low key manner to the authorities on campus no movement in Congress to reinstate caution students, especially the fe- However, all this is not to say Ihe CATALOG PHONE WESTMINSTER STORE PHONE the draft. male population, the exaggerated administration is not concerned, but 848-77&6 rumors would be dispelled and the Iheir failure to inform students serves 848--5100 MON.-SAT'. 9:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m general state of fear would be mini- to errooe the mutual trust between mlzed. Encouraging students to walk the student body and the administra- or jog with a partner in well lit areas ucn. The students of Western-Mary- would be some preventitive measures 'land College have a right to know I Quotable to reduce the possibility of future 'about circumstances that directly ef- lect their safety and the administra- problems. Another teeter involved in this issue Quote that needs to be considered is the \, -tion has a responsibility to reciprocate communication with the I attitude of the security department students Match the Quote with it's author Westminster flJawn Outlet t.) Man is a slave to his bogus self. 2.) No work: No credit. 3.) Nag, Nag, Nag. SELLING NEW. AND USED STEREOS, A.) Clint Eastwood in, The Gauntlet. B.) Nietzsche, From Ecce Homo, we MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY think C.) Dr. Heriocker, on a students chem test-1979 71 WeslMaIn Sireet f'h,,"" 876·30(16 Westminster, Md. SAVE s-,oo with student I.D. 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