Page 80 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 80
The Phoenix Conservatively speaking Nuclear yes & no Letters to the editor P.rt Two: Nuc... r Weapon. Keith L Arnold I am against nuclear weapons. The Quad needs I am against nuclear power, when thought of utterly certain and immedi- Part One: Nuclear Power Unfair professor the question is point-blank, with no ate death scares the hell out of me. And it should. Personally, I would like se If -respect alternative given to explain. Nuclear no to see them disappear as soon as or answer offered, chance possible instructor Dr. Long aimed at impress- power, given present technology, is But unilateral action is not the Dear Students 01 Evolution, it's ing the class. Unfortunately we were Dear Editor limited and there are dangers answer. t-.1an,whether by nature, or approaching Ihat time of year when anything bul impressed. I recall sev- I'd like to address this letter to But there are dangers in everything due to Adam's fall, is capable of we must fill oul endless teacher eral classes moving in and out during residents of the Quad and to whom- one does. Fear of getting on the doing evil. And to deny the possibility evaluation sheets. I know it's tough to the lectures so I'm sure we caused ever it applies. freeway does not prevent us from of Soviet (or American) use of nuclear take these matters seriously, but I no problems with the lectures as you Dear Friends, driving on with our life. Danger yes, weapons is unrealistic suggest you do future students a have been led to believe You wonder why we don't come to but precautions can be taken, and, if Disarmament. though desirable, favor, Sit back and take a long The degree of immaturity with which visit too often. Here are a few we signal properly and use our must be bilateral and verifiable. Such unbiased look at the man who stands we were dealth by a so-called profes- explanations: mirrors, we go on safely criteria are difficult, but essential, if before you twice a week in Evolution sor was mind-blowing. Don't hesitate tn order to get to certain sections of The Jane Fonda's of the world (or the effort is to be successful. class to consider the fact that the near And, in order to succeed in such Did you know that last fall in his cancellation of your trip this year was ~~ti~s~d~t W~i~~v~m: ::s~a:eth~~ ~~~e l~e~~veOfth~Of~re~t~0:~~)na7u~I,~ negotiations. one can not enter, al- infinite wisdom he left seven students perhaps a cunning plan of the crafty face verbal abuse andlor bagging sake, not bum coal, for the environ- ready resolved to disarm. Bargaining behind on a field trip to the Smithson- orator of sob stories after the field with the Russians when tIley know ian? Yes, that's right. one fourth 01the trip.1 was verbally thrown out of his When we do get to the section of our ~a~~~:: ~::.a~~e~ot ~~I;u~~:~ ~~ you are not going to build any more class was running toward the bus at office for confronting him with the ~=~y":to maU~ig;:kar:~r~~h h!~: bum Arab oH or live in the dark weapons ariyway, will not bring about seven o'clock sharp (on time) as they IMh are littered with gargage and glass: These same individuals profess a disarmament, it will bring about di- literally watched it pull away to the I next found myself in Dean McCor- th~re are puddles on the floor: and desire to renounce foreign entangle- saster great city of Washington, not one- mick's office hearing "Well~we'll look Yes, a nuclear war probably would hundred yards in front of them into it," and "there isn't much we can th~C!,iS g~~~:t~~~s was not a ~:;tsio bU~eg~~en~=n~~o~~r :O~:i~a~ wipe out everything, that is a fact In fact a student on the back of the do," We had two percentage points. school owned dormitory, would you nations. Wind, gee-thermal, and solar There would be no winner. But facts bus confirmed the lact that we were deducted off of our final grade for the tr~c!u~t;:: mean little here: If one side thinks indeed in sight of the bus. Your year and-virtually nothing was done ;:~~~r~~ ::c~ ~~:Si~~m~:y't~e~7;~~~~sti: they can win, then reality has little to wonderful instructor simply informed Many talked, but few did. a young lady to your room or worse ~~ i~~! o"n!~~~ilf~~e~I~:~~nsg:~~~' do with it the bus driver to drive on knowing As predicted, we received no No one would run their personal life fully that the seven students were left teacher evaluation forms so they were :,~.~~=~.;sth~t:=pi:P:; Nuclear, then, is by no means me the way many suggests we run our behind. Our next reaction, and a passed out among the members of foreign policy - isolated, with door reasonable one at that, was to drive the class by a member of the class. If be more likely to come visrting if yon ~~~ :~~t~~iid~~~ ~~~:s ~~eagt:fn'; unlocked 'and lights oul. Like it or not, to Washington and meet the class you should be so fortunate to receive ~e were more inviting. Think about - wheat would be foolish, but stopping we need other People. we need locks there such a sheet, fill it out and remember, Someone whO likes you. construction and tearing them down on our doors and we need lights on At great expense we made the we are talking about a man who has would be irresponsible the streets joumey and finally found the class in read the names of the seven students the basement 01 the museum and out loud in your class no less than Watertower leaks joined the class in 'a lecture which one year after the incident occurred. was interrupted on several occasions That my friends is slander Turn your head by inane Questions from our great A member of the Westminster Seven Corey Mann your beals," Americans would have a conversation usually ends up: that if I'd like 10 make an appeal to the different perspective on human need. those who had. give 10those who did college community 10 affect a mea- The plain simple fact is that poverty not have, everyone would be equal sure of concern for human life in the does exist in the United States, in and then where WOUldbe the reward United States. Maryland, in Westminster, and if you for a man's hard work? How do you It seems that the President at hand don't believe it open your eyes, or think that this country got this way in desires to participate in no such more to the point, turn your head the first c'ecet-ccrev, you are talk- concern. Now, I am a political policy Hell, I saw a grown man eating what Ing communism analyst by no means, but it takes no meat was left on a thrown-in-the-trash Well for the record. and nothing special talent 10 believe that people chicken bone just last week and it else, let me say that I am not talking should not be made to go hungry. made me so sick to my conscience communism; I am talking Humanism, And it is apparent that they do thaI I went into Gino's and bought and in the first place no one wants You must remember mamma say- him some food. one of your Mercedes or your ing. "there are lots of little kids in Ibis-was not as much to my credit kios'colleqe education. Just to raise Africa with distended tummies that as it was to the countries discredit the. bottom level of the standard of would love to eat those beets" And one person can't buy cheesebur- living scale a few feet out of the Well that may just well be. but gers for everyone who forages in water. It should be easy for you to perhaps if mamma had told you that trash cans and so people give me see that a few potent letters to a few there were "lots of people just a few - this who struck John garbage about at the moment politicians blocks away who i to foot the bill The Phoenix Editor.. ...... RobertHolt Managing Editor . tes Martin News Editor . .. HelpWanted Sports Editor .. . .Rob McQuay Photo Editor.. .. Andy Chang Layout... . Cathy Bowes Cindy Wilcox. Diane Perry Paste-up .. Jeff Frazer Judy Mitnick PrOOfreading,.. Chris Soto. Melanie Clippinger Business Manager.. Jonathan Dickey Ad Manager Jeannine Railey Ad Artist. Cindy Wilcox Typist .. Alice Krempasky Michele Everett Published by and for lhe students of Western Maryland College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration. We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail , to The Phoenix, Box I, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md. 21157.
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