Page 79 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 79
The Mixer dispute Phoenix resolved by SGA I Robert _!:!olt repeatedly described reiterated SGA a statement statement the clearly minutes The In a decision at Senate non-punitive, SGA ~~ursday, December 3, 1981 Western Maryland College Volume I,. Number 11 as unaccusing and co-chalrman Ward meeting by Ward Street, 'We are not Committee Social anyone." accusing Street announced the Executive The written statement by the SGA Council decision not to spilt the Ex8cutive Cooocil contradicts earlier AWARE panel discuss admission Punk-Rock receipts mixer from with the the Hallow· co- Committee who by not represent the Council SGA Executive statements een Social that said members the fratern- did Theta sconscrs. the Phi Delta ity. the .dilemmc of disabled the SGA announcement meeting was on Novem- at or the Executtve was Council, and way that asso- in no The made investigation with the SGA ciated Senate Yet, is the result of the ber 18. The action Executive Social Committee investigation of dis- intended tha not to announce Council 1116 Social had f"1dy Kuo their lives and never take respoosibil- because they are afraid that they crepancies in the receipts from the "Disabled persons in the Commu- ityforthemset\les." won't understand them or make them October 31 dance. Committee body investigation to the stu- .'lity: Problems and Issues lor Stu- The third panel participant was Mr. self-conscious. So, usually, I have to "We have studied the receipts lrom dent until after it had been a decision dents in Carroll County was the Gary Gates, a latin instructor at approach them first, break the ice, other mixers and the Punk-Rock concluded, action and determined. The 01 appro- Social priate 'ubject of a ~anel discussion held Westminster High School as well as self-conscious. "so:- usuaily he ooted-:-"i Mixer and see a discrepancy," said t'kwember 20, In The Forum. Of the an a1urmus 01 WMC. He was accompanied Street Committee discussed after the investiga- informed tion publicly, only five participants, three were handi- byhiswife,Lynette.Bo!harebiind I~~a:m~=first.breaklheice, In a statement prepared in the SGA sources disclosed the investigation to capped. caps sometimes only understand minutes, the SGA reported, "It is the members of The PfIoenix staff The first participant to speak was "I prefer not to be called 'otse- their own disabilities," Later, he ad- Executive Council decision that no continued to page 4 ;".. Hal Balle, an income maints- bled," said Gales. "That's because I mitted. "there are probably many money from this event be given to the r· nee supervisor at carroll County's am able. I prefer to be called noo-haodicapped persons who un- Phi Defts. The reason for this decision Dept. of Social Services. As a result 'handicapped." derstand blindness or deafness much is that we feel that the Phi Delts didn't SGA News of an accident in 1954, Baile became "It's like a game of goff. You may better than I do." fulfill the contractual agreement." a parapalegic and is confined to a have an advantage eNer me. So, to The panel also discussed individu- The statement further explained that R. A. Michlowitz wheelchair. He started the discussion make up for it, I am given a handicap ality and bittemess. "In our work- the decision "is not to' be seen as a On November 18, there was an by stating that "a large problem (help in job placement and work Shops, there are no carbon copies of sanction against the Phi Delts," and SGA meeting. It was ordinary by most facing handicaps is that people are situation). \'Vhen we start the game, , continued to page 4 only concerned "the fulfillment of the accounts, but some important deci- just uninformed." am on equal terms with you. And, if I contract." sions were made. These decisions As an example, he used an anec- try hard enough, I'm going to beat will have a strong effect on groups dote where once someooe asked him you " and individuals on the campus com- what activities handicaps partici- Gates' "handicap" was the help he ROTC scholarships munity in the future. pate in at the annual Wheelchair gal in obtaining his position as a The Phi Delt money scandal, which not what I for WMC cadets Olympics. Balle answered that they secondary school teacher. Accocding was exposed in the The Phoenix, came participated in activities such as to him, it was "who I knew, to its conclusion. The Executive races, table tennis matches and knew that landed me my job." This Council agreed on not giving the swimming. When Baile said "swim- was in spite of the fact that Gates Ronald Kyle tuition payments. book prices or lab fratemity any money gained from the ming," the. person asked, "but graduated as a Latin mapr from 'NMC Flve more ROTC cadets were fees. In addition they will receive mixer for their irresponsible actions. doesn't the wheelchair sink?" The and obtained a masters degree from awarded scholarships recently, bring- $100 per month This was not to be seen as a sanction person was unaware that wheelchair Penn Slate ing the total number of scholarships All had pined ROTC because they against the fratemity, but as a warn- handicaps can swim easily and they This led to discussion of problems awarded to WMC cadets to eight. felt lt would be fun, Katrina seemed ing to co-sponsoring groups in gen- don't do it in wheelchairs of acceptance conceming handicaps The following people were awarded to show an extra interest in such eral to be more responsible. SGA The second participant to speak According to Mooney, the clients in Three-year Army ROTC SchOlarships: ROTC activities like rapelling and Social Committee co-chairmen, Adam was Mrs. Mollie Mooney, Director of her workshop are not worried about Benson Grove, Denise Humphrey, marksmanship. Denise also men- Wrighl and Ward Street, announced the Carroll County Workshops. She their own handicaps SO much as they Katrina Davis, and Russ Miller. Dale tioned that ROTC "was a good way to plans to have written contracts drawn became involved in the field of are worried about 'Nhat others will think of Dutton was awarded a two-year serve the country" up for lhe co-sponsor to sign. This handicaps when her own daughter !hem. Mooney also said that, "some so- scholarship Benson Grove had had an interest along with other measures will enable was bom mentally retarded fifteen calfed 'religioos establishments' refuse to In order to be selected, these in the military before he came to better accountability of co-sponsoring alklYl them to participale in lheirservices" years ago. students had to be screened by a WMC, and even considered attending groups. . The Carroll County Workshop is an local board to determine eligibility. Ithe U.S. Naval Academy. He did not Also discussed for the second time, educational facility for the mentally Gates talked about the resentment The student's academic GPA, per- want the commitment. however. He this time with a common resolve, was handicapped. Much of the work cen- on the part of co-workers for the extra formance in miliary science, and pined the ROTC and liked it, so he Jan. term registration. Keith Arnold's ters on "normalization" of their clients. help a handicapped worker may officer potential were all factors in decided to try for a scholarship. Action Committee presented a new This means traJning them in a voce- receive. He noted that sometimes the determining eligibility for the scholar- None of them have any idea proposal for the number distribution Iional skill so that they will be able to co-workers may set him up to fail. ships. If all the winners would have whether to make the milltary a career to be moved to Sunday at 8 p.m. and find a job and live independently of According to Baile, employment accepted their schOlarships, the total yet. As Russ put it, "it's a long time registration to be held on the follow- their families opportunlties for the handicapped are number at WMC cadets attending from now." But none of them deny ing Monday. The motion was carried "A community live-in option is im- getting better, but problems still school on a scholarship would have the possibility that they may stay in by a majority of attending Senators portant for the mentally handi- exist. been twenty-three the Army after the mandatory four The Housing Committee chairman capped," said Mooney. "Otherwise, if Overcoming social barriers was an- The reason that was invariably years is over. Let us hope they may stated that a survey about co-ed they Jive with their families, they will other topic. Baile said that sometimes given for applying to the Arrrry was have an enjoyable and profitable housing was being prepared ..~ treated like children for the rest of, .peccre are afraid to approach them the financial aid offered. T~, ce- . ~X;PI'!~en~e with the Army. At 9J8.p,m, ttl8 meeting adjourned .
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