Page 75 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 75
November 19, 1981 page 5 WMC life examined Chris Beyer process, the Committee on Student 1971, the year of the first five 'Year used primarily to reveal the differing general improvement to student dorm The future of oct-et-class life at Ufe has no direct say--their findings plan, all but one of the major recorn- attitudes of the various factions in the life. These recommendations will be Westem Maryland College is being are reported to the Committee of mendations were implemented committee written up by the newly-formed Writ- decided, in part, right now by the Philosophy, Programs, and Goals, The Committee on Student Life is Thesediverseattitudes have slowed ing Committee. This is the first step StudentlFaculty Committee on Stu- and this group will consider these made up 01 trustees, administration the decision making process a bit, toward the formalization of the forum dent Ufe, The committee is holding findings' in light of the recommenda- and faculty, and students. (According "but is also a source of our strength" process, and is an attempt to get the numerous forums on topics covering tions of the other committees. to one member of the committee, the according to Yob. By taking into recommendations in by the Decem- the vast spectrum of student life. The PPC will men report to a major input of the trustees is minimaL) The account the various viewpoints, the ber t deadline recommendations are more realistic students were appointed by SGA The next forum will be November The committee is only a part of a task force, who will then consider the large-scale re-evaluation process by recommendations again, and finally president Teresa Baker, and they are and "concrete." The forums are also 19 at Harrison House on.the topic of the college. A five year plan is being carry mem out. As indirect as this Andi Yob, Jerry Ballentine, Jay Win- an opportunity lor students to "get alcohol The committee invites any information" and gate and Charlotte Whittaker. They some j first-hand' drawn up to satisfy the Middle States process Is, most of the recommenda- were given no specific goals to shoot input on their future, Yob said. interested student to air his views to Evaluation Committee, a regional ac- tions are carried out, according to for, but told that they, should feel out The committee is trying to get as any member of the committee, or at the lorum itself. creditation association. In this Dean Mowbray. For example, in the opinions of the student body much student input as possible. The Women fight fears "pretty good, especially for the stu- cluded all the RA's from the various Video boom Thus far, the discussions have gone last forum on student housing in- dents" according to Ballentine, but dorms, for example. At this meeting Liz Siegenthaler crime of violence. "It's not that he has the lastest forum was the first meeting the committee decided to recom- ChfliJJ Greco "No man has the right to sexually an overpowering_ urge for sex, but in which anything has been really mend that the RA-te-student ratio be Fads come and go but America's assault a woman, no matter what the because he hates women." The best decided. The previous meetings were decreased, as well as suggesting a newest looks like irs here to stay. circumstances," asserted Mary Ellen way he knows to destroy a woman is Cramming, slreaking"and Mr. Bill ran Ellwel1 and Genie Golladay on the to sexually violate her body. their courses but the electronic game topic of rape prevention. The discus- In addition to being humiliating, phase just keeps growing and grow- sion, sponsored by lt1e Social Work rape is life-threatening. The victim Harvey Stone Fire ,"g Club, was attended by several female asks herself, "Am I going to get out ...._, Not only have these games started students on Monday evening. of this alive?" The sexual degradation a new national pasttime, they've cre- About 15-20 rapes per year are of rape makes a woman leel as ated a prosperous economic field. reported in Carroll County. Since rape though she has lost control of her is comprised of walkie-talkie units Prosperous, that is, for the inventors: is the most unreported crime, the own body. In addition. she must face 'people leaving the scene in a jeep carried by each guard and a base manufacturers and dealers of the actual number of incidents is' proba- the extreme and present danger to and a small fire on the pavilion fool radio unit located in the communica- games. However, men college stu- bly twice that number. Many women, her life The guard attempted to call the tions room at the Decker information dents are feeqing every quarter they who let the crimes go unreported, The best self-defense for a woman information desk on the new commu- desk can save, find, Of borrow into the fear nasty interrogations by the co- who is being attacked is early protec- nications system, but could get no There is an acknowledged problem machines lice. According to Ms. Ellwell, the tiveness: immediately to scream response. The guard went to the with the system, which includes stu- In theory, the games shOuld not Westminster police are very helpful loudly and run, if possible.(Screaming Decker Center and called the fire dents working at the desk tuming the cost any individual a great fortune, and friendly, the opposite ot the 'fire:" is recommended.) "Fighting company. The fire company arrived base radio to a very low volume or However, there is some evidence that image portrayed in many T.V. dra- back is dangerous unless you know at the scene at 1:15 a.m. and off. The cause of the system to not the games become addicting, Just m as. you can do it," emphasized Mary extinguished the flames work efficiently on Saturday morning like you can't eat just one Utz, you "We don't ever question about what Ellen. If the communications system had is not clear. If the system had worked can't play just one game, The aver- happened," said Mary Ellen. She and Although holding keys in hand, worked properly, the guard would properly, it would have eliminated age game lasts about two minutes. Genie, who addressed the group on ready to go for the eyes or neck 01 an have been' able to remain at the wasted time in notifying the fire One hour of play costs $7.50. That's a first-name basis, are trained rape- attacker is a common precaution, scene and the student manning the department of the pavilion fire twice the amount most students get crisis volunteers for Carroll County, most women have been socialized to information desk would have called for an hour of work and ere available to help victims net hurt others. Carrying a spray 14m the fire department. The new system ContIrIf'.'d to ~~ .. Whenever the police or hOspital per- of mace is probably a better protec- sonnel should call. Mary Ellen ex- tion, since there is no need for Greek affairs .discussed plained that their job is not to serve physical strength as long-term counselors, but to help Self-defense programs in judo or the woman at the time of the crisis, karate can also be helpful in prevent- _from .-ge 1 ommendation of the student affairs and totally in favor of the Greek providing whatever assistance she ing an attack. By making a woman temity or sorority The group ap- office. The Dean later stated one of system. However, those with com- may nead--reassurance, fresh more confident about herself, she peared to be quite favorable to me the concerns expressed by the tee- plaints did not choose 10 show up. clothes, or just an outside person to appears less vulnerable to a potential idea ulty was the low GPA of fraternity Clearly, either no one has any com- talk with~ attacker. "Rapists go after the Predictably, the topic of hazing was members. Mowbray stated that all plaints. or they do not care very "What righ\ does a man have to 'mousy' types rather than the self- brought up. The students felt that were below the all-male average, and much. Either way, the strong turn-out make me afraid to go out alone at assured," explained Mary Ellen and hazing helped bring people together, one was below the freshman male of the Greeks on campus showed nigh!?" said Genie. "We simply have Genie and that no one was made to do average Mowbray described this situ- great concern and support for the to lake care of ourselves, and each Maryland has extremely progressive anything. Nlel Epstien (Gamma Beta ation as "unheard of" system to which they belong. other." rape taws. a result of continuous Chi) stated that "the regulations cut Many of the students responded to ''Taking care of ourselves doesn't pressure from women, according to on tradition, which is what the fratern- this statement. Many· felt that their mean having to live a lite of paranoia, ,the counselors. "The law clearly ity system is based onl Dean Mow- involvement in social activities, as but to take precautionary measures. It states that questions about a bray, however, stated that many of opposed to constant studying, natu- also means not blaming victims for woman's chastity cannot be used as the activities were harmful, and that rally lowered their GPA's somewhat what happened to them by saying evidence," said Mary Ellen. (There he had been to the hospital three Others stated that any time an lnot- "she brought it on herself" or "she are exceptions to this rule however, years in a row, because of "Hell vidual gets involved, it will hurt his shouldn't have been there." These when the evidence relates directly to Week" activities. grades. Ken Herman added, "Your altitudes help to make it difficult for the case.) When hazing practices were men- GPA does not mean anything after attackers to be prosecuted, or for Rape and sexual offenses are the tioned, Dave Miichling (Alpha Gamma you graduate" victims to re-adjust to normal lives two classifications of sexual assault Tau) responded that hazing "is not a The group came up with three Common sense, the most important First degree rape is intercourse by whole lot of your (independents) courses of action. First, they planned precautionary measure, should be the force with the use of a weapon, business, as long as it does not to follow up on the idea of a Pan- rule in any situation, explained the threat, or the aid and abetting of interfere with your space" -Many Hellenic Cconcj. Second, they would counselors. Unsafe situations Include others. Second degree rape is by students felt that the semi-new regu- like to see a list of concerns from the hitch-hiking or picking up hitch-hik- force without a weapon or without the lations had been dropped on them tacutv. Finally, the students felt that ers, no matter how helpless they may help of others. Sexual offenses in- rather suddenly the faculty should be. more involved appear; going home from a bar with clude a broad category of sexual- Dean Mowbray was asked about in the proceedings someone you just met, a situation related assaults the procedure for closing down the' -NEWS ANALYSIS-- compounded by the fact that you've If disaster strikes and a woman is fraternities. The Dean stated that the The view expressed at the meeting both been drinking; or letting any raped, what should she do? Before decision would be made by- the were clearly- one-sided (you could stranger into your apartment. all else, get into a safe place. Do ncr president of the college, at the ree- count the non-Greeks on one handj" "College campuses are magnets for ~~!h::!~~c~:~t~~yc:~~~:n~~th~=ili~o~ r--------------------,· people looking for young, attractive women," said Mary Ellen. Some cam- tteconce is important, because the "W{'~t,ninster Gold and Silv('r Exchange puses, like UM College Park, have escort services, but WMC is far from :i~~tl;rt~~tat~:c~~nr~:d ::~g~r~ '-DON7 SELL FOR LESS needing that type of program the police are called, they would Here, we often have peepers or obscene phone callers who 'get their ~:k~:~:~a:h:~:"~:i~,g~'~;a~:"i;JEWELRY. WATCHES. DIAMONDS kicks' out of shocking others. These not reported, a woman should stili men, although frightened and sex- see to it that she gets the necessar.y ually inadequate, are generally not physical examination. In Carroll 1'3.\'111).:in Cash"- Ch"l'kal1d Compare rapists. County, it is possible to be treated for Carroll County's Largest Gold & Silver Dealer Mary Ellen explained that rapists, rape without having to file a report 69 W"est Main Str@E!t like peepers, are sexually inadequate, with the police. Westminster, Md. but the difference is that rape is a
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