Page 74 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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for approximately 30 minutes, he not know him. and present the gospel opened the discussion for question of Christ After being ejected from an and answer or aqreementzdisaqree- establishment, his buddies would ini- ment. The response was extensive tiate conversations concerning Cliff's l Some of the issues confronted were message with people in the bars. abortion, euthanasia, petting, oremar- After graduating from the seminar, ital sex, and sex education in the he decided that he wanted to reach school systems as many people as possible with the Cliff Knecntle, a graduate of David- good news of Jesus Christ. It was at son College and Gordon-Conwell this point that he resolved to begin Seminary, is an open air evangelist his ministry as an open air evangelist. who was invited to the campus by me Knechtle is obviously convinced of Western Maryland College Christian the truth of his message, and in his Fellowship. Cliff spent two days, two day. visit to WMC, he whet the Thursday and Friday, on the campus appetites of many WMC students to presenting the gospel message to discover just who Jesus Christ is and interested students, The issues what he has to say about their lives presented were clearly spiritual in Many WMC students share Knechtle's nature, but they were always ap- belief in the life changing power of proached from a rational and intetec- the gospel of Christ tual viewpoint as well Students, who are interested in Knechtle began his work as an finding out more about who Jesus is open air evangelist by reaching out to and his bearing on their lives, are people in such public places as bars welcome to contact any of the mem- --,~ Cliff would enter a bar with several of bers of Western Maryland College --'---, -. his buddies, who acted as if they did' Christian Fellowship. ' Loc Gwynn Music memo during Jan Term Bill Byme techllOlogy and high-priced stereo siasm concerning this upcoming op- course, Badiee is preparing a tape course. "I am not a stereo ernhustast," equipment portunity. Beginning with the rhythm recorded chronicle of. the best (and The January term is designed explained Dr. William Achor, profes- Dr. Achor will evaluate aspects 01 and blues groups of the 1950's, worst) rock music from 1954-1974 provide both students and sor of physics, "I can't afford it!" stereo systems ranging from $300 _ Badiee plans to chart the develop- Class time will be devoted 10 listen- with a unique educational Monetary constraints set aside, Dr $400 integrated units to component ment of rock music and the impact of ing, discussion, and special proiects It is hoped that in Achor will be teaching "The Science selections with price tags running into its culture on American life. "The such as the organization of a SO's individualized project the of High Fidelity," an introduction to the thousands Equipping oneself with History of Rock 'n Roll," is another of style "recordhop". The movies "Yel- engage with his instructor in a high fidelity and the scientific princi- a stereo is, in Dr, Achor's words, "an the January Term courses to be low Submarine," "The Beatles at erative venture, one in which ples upon which it is based, in order expensive proposition" offered. Shea Stadium," and Elvis Presley's. to provide a basis for the use and Stereo quality should be measured The college senior 01 today was "Jailhouse Rock," will also be explore new areas and extend i I lectual horizons. purchase 01high fidelity components according to more than just volume about 10 years old in 1970. How w\ll presented in conjuntion with the "The Science of High Rdelity" will be levels, according to Dr. Achor. An their impressions of the classic rock one of over 50 January Term courses optimal mix between scientific under- Ihose of a professor who was gradu- WWMC changes gear with heroes of the 1960's contrast offered at Western Maryland College standing and consumer sense s.hould beginning Monday, Jan. 4 allow for maximum listening pleasure ating from college at that time? The Dr. Achor plans for his course to In another January Term course, former lead singer fOf a rock group Berti PiskOr8 serve a dual purpose. Studenfs will students will chart the history of rock named "The Blue' lunch," Badiee is Are you tired of hearing the same first study the basic physical princi- music. Although she may acknowl- anxious to see what inSights this old music hour after hour on different FM radio stations? Yes? Well, WNMC ples involved in the workings of a edge a dearth of formal credentials combination will produce has the answer for you component stereo system. It is hoped lor teaching a course titled "The Badiee deSignated the Beatles as In the near IlJIUre,students at WMC that this background will enable stu- History of Rock 'n Roll" assistant expand to include other dents to learn how to be smart professor of art history Dr. Julie focal point for her study. The Beatles will be forming their on-campus radio buildings, WWMC is consumers in the world of advanced O.Badiee is not shy about her enthu- renectec everything that happened in station, According to Toni Epstein. pand onto the regular ~~a~~,ro~~~~~:~~T~g a~7~g~~: manager of the station, WWMC will to limited funds, expansion provide an "alternative for entertain- Beatles owes some debt to their Westminster 'Pawn. Outlet accomplishments. The theme of repe- ment'' and a "forum for student's achieved presently. The WNMC staff meets lition, or "going back to the past for opinions." day night at 7 p.m. in Big inspiration," is crucial to an under- The station plans to play diverse room 100. Anyone who is i SELLING NEW AND USED STEREOS, standing of rock according to Badiae ~:~a~oS~:eth~:m':a~a~~~I~=~r=: is encouraged to attend the • 8 p.m.-1J p.m. I tons and requests. . • andlor contact Beth acid rock, southern rock, new wave, For use as a teaching aid for the MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY '-------.,..------, II The station will be open to sugges- librarian for WNMC. jazz. and music-from the late sixties. - ldtp Night Sri«;df! 11 WeslMainSlreel Phone: 876.3086 11 a P,~~f~~:~::~~~,t"be~~~e:i~ Weslminsler, Md. \. FREE! Ii "inform students ab~ut college ---f New Day Copy Center Hamburger: r ~~~;~i"in~r~a~i:~O;yS:~ t~C~u:le~ Christmas Dance I' _, .nth purchase of : 60'12W, Main 51. Thurs., Dec. 3 Westminster 876-7732 iQuarterPounde.,: : with Cheese : Tickets on sale Nov. 30. Come In to see our new : (.nth this COUp~D): =====::::::===========::; "RAINBOW" :You De$erlle A: If use BdROn r B,.ea", Today I. gifts and study supplies! I ~w':;:~,"m -I II For aU your gift ping need. I ,Mca-r I $1.00 off I 'Y'.' I I Map, ... "trar" Pilu & Key Chaim I 10~~ OFF aU General Bo.pitol I I rainbow umbrellaltote bag_, I I I I' ,""'11/30/81 in celebration of "The Wedding" ~ I t__~ with this ad! expires 11/30/81 : ~· West~~~~~SI;~~burg Open HOUle Nov. 29th, 12.5 p.m. : La's~_value 1/10 of one cent I l.;__~~~~~':..2.~.!.9~,!::..JIL... ...:. _'
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