Page 82 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 82
Page 4 December 3, 1.981 Cont~asJ"gears up- again S-eminar- fights anxiety for bIg literary year tory 01 Little Magazines had an ad Melan~ Clippinger ety workshop were lemaIe. Beth Piskora asking lor contributions to Contrast. I The last session 01 the test anxiety Anxiety reduction programs exist for monthly career newsletter-the Bulletin Contrary. to popular belief, The Knecht asked thai the ad be removed workshop, led by Ms. Patty Sumner, groups as well as individuals and Board, organizes on-campus recruit- ing, provides positions vacancy list- l Phoenix and the yearbook are not the because "SGA gives us funds so we an intern in the office of counseling tapes are available lor check-out at ings in the Job Bulleting and provides only publications on this campus the office of counseling and career and career services, was held on should only print student and alumni There is also Contrast. The 1981-82 work. She added that more contribu- November t7 in the Informal confer- services. Sessions will again be 01- a credentials service. Test services offered include the Miller Analogy student handbook describes Contrast lions are needed from students ence room' located on lower floor of rereo in the Spring depending upon Test, interest inventories and admis- as "the literary magazine composed When Miss Knecht receives a sub- Rouzer. The test anxiety workshop student interest. There also exists Ihe sions test information. The Career of poems, short stories, photography, mission, she immediately gives it a consisted of five hour-long sessions possibility that Math Anxiety work- Library located in the office presents and other types of art. Established number. In February, she and several held during the month of November shops will be offered at the same materials describing job occupations with the highest ideals of good taste other student poetry analysts will Anxiety reduction involves the use time. ' and job trends as well as information and literary ability, Contrast accepts evaluate the poetry. They rate the of the behavioral technique of sys- Anxiety workshops are only one of about potential employers and pro- submissions from students, faculty, poems between one and ten. Any tematic desensitization. Systematic the many services provided by the fessional school bulletins. and alumni." poem that averages above five is desensitization is a two-part proce- office of counseling and career serv- The office of counseling and career Karen Knecht is editor this year considered for publication. The final dure consisting of relaxation training ice. The office, directed by Dr services, part of the WMC Student Included on her staff is Nan Sadler decision about' what goes in rests and mental visualization of anxietv- Jeanne Higbee, also provides per- Affiars program, is located on the who handles the business angle and with Miss Knecht. Once the submis- producinq scenes from least to most sonar counselling services, educa- upper level of Decker coueoe Center, also does photography lor the maca- slons that will be included in Contrasf disturbing tional/vocational counseling and and is open Monday through Friday zine. are chosen, the contnbuors are noti- Ms. Sumner pointed out that the sessions on bolh study and commu- p.m. Appoint- Miss Knecht plans to publisll only fied. At that time, they are welcome 10 test anxiety workshop is not a "mira- nication skills. Placement services are from 8:30 a.m - 4:30 by calling ments may be made one issue this year. Althougll two make changes in their work. Then cle cure," Some students study, know provided as the office publishes a bi- issues are usually expected, Knecht publication begins. Knecht hopes to the material, bu their minds go blank extension 243. explains, "In the past, there's only have the magazines ready by mid- anxious and tense. They may have Ph' D 1 during a test because they are so been eJl9ugh material to put out one issue." Instead of spending the April or early May sleepless nights worrying about an I" e t SGA Contrast will be accepting submis- money on two issues,-Knecht hopes sions until January 31, 1982, All upcoming test, have a pounoing to produce one good issue. She will literary submissions should be typed. heart, churning stomach. Ms. Sumner t publish 600 copies this year. She Anyone contributor is allowed to teaches people to realize the tension con roversy explained that "the relaxation process hopes to possibly put color into this contribute an unlimited amount of ends Issue. material. Forty-one submissions have in men body. The WMC gr'aduate When discussing contributions, Miss Knecht lamented that some been received since school started student stated that tbe process is student works such as oil paintings this semester. most effective when all live sessions from page 1 money mishandling. cannot be included. She added that if Knecht said, "I hope for one- are attended because "one session Street said that the mixer had been a photograph was taken of the paint- hundred. More would be fantastic" builds on the other." The action taken by the Executive estimated as the best attended mixer ing, men she could possibly include In the meantime, Knecht needs Students attending the November Council is seen by some members of of the year to date. However, it was ;1 people to make posters and run workshop expressed feelings that the the SGA as the conclusion of the the second lowest event in terms of Miss Knecht said, "l've been get- errands. Anyone who is interested in sessions were proving helpful to them controversy begun on the Sunday receipts. He stated that one or more ting submissions from off-campus; helping or contributing is enccur- and that they plan to continue using moming after the Punk Mixer, when 01 the following probably occurred: ihe relaxation process on their own. It aged to talk to Karen Knecht in the I've sent them back," Contrast office, In the basement of is interesting to note that all the the Social Committee Co-Chairmen 1) Beer was given out free of She explained that me 1980 Direc- Rouzer. students who attended the test anxi- claimed that the receipts from the of charge. indicated event 2) People were not charged acrns-' possibility the AWAREpanel discuss problems son. 3) Money was mishandled or stolen As part of the explanation of the faced by disabled person today problem, the Phi Dells said that they reused beer tickets at the event, and made it difficult to account for all of the beer sales, They also said that fr'Qm page 1 worth knowing," He said that there immediate, it may come in the fu- nothing physically wrong may be the the dance was not as well attended people. Each one is different. Each are some people that he won't even ture."Maybe, I'll have a student fail bitterest person in the world for any as the Social Committee estimates. one is special," said Mooney try to approach, because it will be Latin I," said Gates, "but, sometime number of hidden reasons: a bad The spokesman for the Phi Delts, Baile stressed it was important that impossible for them to ever under- in the future he may be an employer home situation, poor relationships, or Chris Hartwyck, said, "There is not people understood thai fact. "Just the ~ stand handicaps, He explained that and maybe a handicapped person a traumatic experience. We have a one bit of concrete evidence to same as not every person is not either they are so insensitive or so may come to apply for a job 'rom visible reason to be bitter. Whether or support the Social Committee claims. worth knowing, not every handi- ignorant they they will never change him. That student will say, 'Hey, my not it makes us bitter is our choice," It is up to them to bear proof of any capped individual is worth knowlng. However, Baile, who has observed Latin teacher put his all into his job said Baile. misconduct of malfeasance by the We all are not the greatest people in Gates teaching his Latin classes, and he did alright. So, why not hire In concluding the panel discussion, Phi Della Theta," the world as some want to make us thinks that Gates is a positive influ- him?" - Mooney .said that the biggest step In an attempt to prevent any further out to be. We're just people...the ence for aU his students. Because As for the question if all nerct- people can make toward helping the problems, the Social Committee C0- handicap is just something extra they see Gates putting a Jot of effort capped persons are bitter, Baile handicapped community of America Chairmen said, "We will try to get that's added on." into his job, they are motivated to again stressed that they are individu- is to start becoming aware of them more accurate counts of the rTlQ(1ey Gates talked about the people "not study that much harder to match his als. Bitterness is not solely dependent and their needs. "Real hands-on and attendance." .._ The Social Committee will effect the j-- -----..-------, ;~~~s:~~' h~::ic!~pt:nin~!:~~a:~ ~sa:I~,f~~~ !~~k=~r:s th: experience is what's needed," she plan "by counting people as they said. I I £.Itt Night Sp«idi! can contribute to SOCiety ;';;;;;",,;;t;;;:ii"iiAiipeii'ii""'_waJ_kiiing.a:-,,,"_,,,,_w1ith come in, having separate areas for iooividual is hlt;t_he~PO:';;;;tiVjji' ;;'ii'"""""__ selling admission tickets and beer 8 p.m,." p.m. tickets, and putting in our contracts a about the organization- stipulation Free! ~he ~~ fJ'1nce~ South Carroll Secretarial Service money lost or stoien during the being more responsible for any Big Mac: Professional Typing evening," The contract stipulation of responsibility for all money has not "Handcrafted gifts and supplies ceen clear in the past. Chris Har- when you available for that special person." IBM Selectric III IW)Ick earlier claimed that he had proposed the first two measures to buy one Yarn counted pick up & delivery available the SGA last year Street said that there was an at- Oecker Center call Vicky Smelkinson tempt to meet with Phi Delta Theta near cafeteria open 4:30 p.rn, President Chris Hartwyck and Social (with this coup~n) at 549·1043 ~~ua~;~~~:~~~:it~:~k~: :~!u~~ :~: IYOUDeserlle AI r------HOUSE~F-~IQ-U~;S-------,-:I,' ~:":::~;I;~9:m:;:Pth~I~,~~a~~'~'~t : B,.ea". roday I I I Professional Typing ~n~hrh!h~:;:~~~I~~:~~~~gd:~ ~~~. : ~ I I Can'Oll Plaza, Westminster .848./3/4 I Pickup & Delivery co-chairman. I I I On the Thursday after the Executive : Me t .J Special of the Week 1:1 $1.00 per page Council announcement, Jenko said 1 I I • k' L' 12 : : includesproofreading ~:\~: ~:C~::~~c~n~~e~i~~~ I I I Heme en Ite oz. NR I not make any comment about it. He I. Westmi~ster Eldersburg I I $3 99 . I 857.5150 did note that there is not much the I Relsterstowrr- I I - • exPIres I PIli Delta Theta can do about the l~~~~~JE~~8i~:~J:,1':'~':'~~_~:':::'':_:.:::(~:::::::::.:.~~~~~~j~;oc:loc)Qj:lOl)i:jcXli~:iI'jj- ~. ,a-~>~f:0>t~~~~._~:.~the Executive Coun-
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