Page 76 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 76
page 6 19,1981 New _leq:gue Gridders finish .out WMC leaves MAC Jeff Frazer prove successful by setting up a cep! to give the Terrors a key field the best four year wonltost record in Western Maryland College has just roundrobin schedule among colleges Sydney Deeds position. Unfortunately the Terror of- quite some time. Those contributing announced that next year will be the which are gElOgraphically close to last year its football team will beparti- The Western Maryland football team fense came back on the field only to Ihis 24-10-2 record are: Captains one another and share similar atti- ended their season on two sour momentarily as Jim Selfridge threw Steve James, Jim Selfridge, Bob cipating in the Middle Atlantic Confer- tudes and practices in intercollegiate notes, losing to Swarthmore two an interception on the very first play Upshaw and Dennis Yancheski; ence. Western Maryland, along with football competition, In addition, weeks ago, then again on last serer- The offensive steamroller managed Bryan Bain, Frank Connell, Mike Gos- Dickinson, Franklin and Marshall, Get- scheduling of some contests with day to Hopkins in the battle for the to tum in an average performance, nell, Randy Heck, Tom Knieriem, tysburg, Johns Hopkins University, universities outalde of the new league would be permitted Muhlenberg, Swarthmore, and Ursl- Ma/yIand State championship but once again failed 10 capitalize on John Uebel and Eric Walker, Coach nus College will all enter a new When asked if the league would be All efforts on the part of the Green • some good scoring bpportunttles Molesworth and The Phoenix extend football league beginning in 1983 a good idea or a bad idea, Dr Terrors squad were unfortunately Rich Johnson missed one field goal their congratulations to the whole The withdrawal of the eight teams overshadowed by the record break- attempt, but proved to be an onen- team on a job well done!!! was due to the MAC's large size and Richard Clower commented that it ing 'performance by receiver Bill srve weapon as he m!ide four ~ey wide geographiC range. While this was 100 early to tell, because it was Stromberg, who broke. the all time receptions for the Terrors to add to WMC Rotary did not create any probiems for any still in the formation stage. In additin, receiving record for the NCAA divi- their 115 yards in the air other sports, it did create problems the eight colleges also say tnat the siori"l1 & III play, Without the fine play The WMC rushing offense proved for the football teams. Other possible new league only applies to the foot- 01 Tom Knieriem who was given the slightly better with 146 yards gained. Tip-off Tourney solutions met witnlittle success. but ball teams. All the sports teams will job of guarding Stromberg one-on- Again, Selfridge was the leading not yet be added into any new one, the outcome could have been ground gainer with 63 yards, while the formation of this new league' may league. much worse. Knieriems' efforts netted Dan Fielder finished with 46 and Mike Jeff Frazer him 17 tacklet 00 the day, while Pat Baum netted 16 Western Maryland College and the Luce also turned in a fine perform- When asked to describe the out- ing up to begin the 1981-82 basket- B-Ball primes up Rotary Club of Westminster are team- ance with 14 tackles enoe blocked come of the day, coach Dave Seibert punt that ironically turned into a stated, "II came down to whoever ball season with the second annual touchdown for the Blue Jays made the least amount of mistakes Western Maryland College Rotary Tip- Because Hopkins throws the ball so and unfortunately we weren't the off Tournament on Saturday, Novem- Bruce Mable often, it was necessary for the Terrors ones ber 21, and Sunday, November 22, in The Western Maryland Ness, a 6' guard, Jeff Weyer. a 6'6" to blitz their lineman often to keep the On the whole the Terrors finished Gill Gymnasium 1981-82 forward and Henry Montague, a 6'4" Blue Jay Quarterback on his toes. with a 5-3-1 record and coach Jack The tournament begins at 6 p.m. on basketball team begins its season forward, round out the squad The. team looked good in a scrim- this week-end in the Western Mary- ~ayne Keen _ and Steve James Molesworth seems to feel that it was Saturday night between Catholic Uni- land Rotary tournament. This years mage with Mount Saint Mary's earlier proved ,to be successful at is as they a good team effort versity and Washington College, turned In three and one quarterback nJ was extremely impressed by the which will be followed at 8 p.m. with team, even with the loss of Lester in the week and "held their own" sacks respectively. dedication and spirit of this team and out own Green Terrors taking on Wallace, Scott Peters and Steve Far- against the Number 1 ranked team in One of the Blue Jajl. quarterbacks, the willingness of them to adopt to a Cabrini College. The tournament will ley, all starters from last year, should division two basketball, according to Margrafts', mistakes allowed safety new system. particularly the seniors." conclude on Sunday night when the easily match last season's 13-12 coach Ober. The biggest difference between the two teams was depth on record and again be a contender for Ricky Conners to step in and inter- - The seniors leaving have compiled consolation game will be played at 6 o.m. followed by the championship the MAC play-offs. Although he won't - the bench where MSM's scholarships predictions, make the difference long term make any Powderpuff action game at 8 p.m coach Alex Dber expects this years will be a good test for the Terrors This weekends Rotary tournament The tournament should be fun for play-off race to be a replay of last all. In addition to seeing four good Division III teams battling one an- years, with always powerful Franklin & when they meet Cabrini college in the Corey N. Mann & Carol Templin Ten games have been played so other, t-stuts will be given away, a Marshall, Western Maryland, and first round in Saturday. Cabrini, out of Womens powderpuff football has far this year and an indications point banquet will be held Sunday after- Dickenson contending for the two the Philadelphia area, posted a heal- become an the rage this year, That's to strong finishes and thus playoff noon for all four teams, and trophies play-off spots in the South West thy 20-9 record last year with their as c_?mparedto previous years, Car- births·for the Phi Alphs, Ine Whiteford will be presented at the end of the section of the conference slow patterned offense and returns its ole Templin, the co-comsscner with Wonders and The Blue Ribbon Gi~s tournament to the championship team The two returning starters fro WMC entire team for this season. Randy Butzer, says that enthusiasm from Whiteford basement. However, and the All-Tournament Team. Admis- are Doug Pinto, a 6'7" junior forward, Catholic University if something of a is at an all time high on all the the season is not yet over. ' sion for the tournament is $1,00 for and Jim Dawson a 6'0" senior point mystery this year. A division one team participating teams. This fosters some Most teams have very enthusiastic, students and $2.00 for adults. guard. Doug Pinto was last year's two years ago, Catholic dropped to very interesting competition. energetic male coaches that more leading scorer with a 12.3 pts per division three last year and as a The powderpuff games are played often then not inspire orginiality on game average and also collected 125 result lost most of their players who . under the same regulations as the offensive and defensive plays rebounds over the season, while Jim took their remaining eligibility else- mens games. except they are not as The teams are seeking a spot in the Dawson averaged 9.6 pts. per game where. Catholic was also forced to long. The games are officiated by the top three which will clinch for them a and dealt out 124 assists over the play out a division one schedule eer same members of the male football playoff birth year year against the likes of the University teams that officiated the mens com- Also returning from last year's of Maryland (yeh, College Park) with petition squad are Dave Engle, a 6'2" junior a division three team. Needless to guard who averaged 6.6 ots. a game say their record wasn't so hot but this as last year's sixth man; Scott Kohr, is their first game against a division 6'5" junior forward: John Seiler, 6'7" three SChooland no one knows how l ~~~~~~I~~_hl'tO'j61"'j''~OPiho~mo~,,~g~"'j'd~~~Washington College rounds out the a sophomore forward: and Joe Calla- good they will be. field and will be meeting Catholic in Graduates from last years J.V. team the first round. Washington makes are Rob Bowell, a 6'3" junior guard good contrast to the more methodical and Jim Francis a 6'2" sophomore forward, while three freshmen, Kevin Cabrini and Western Maryland teams Washington is a run and gun team ~na~~~~~~:a ~~-:iiin~~~r~a~~~tt: (Q~eMhPff-.", presented with pride: #,( : '([hr ~urplr mull if they're not 100 successful. Thi, v ear's toumement rcter -iF' %i"f'/~~~ /) .) 'The RI'ffs' ~ doesn't give the Terrors much of a ~~ ... break for the beginning of the sea- son, but does give them the chance ~;tIuC~ JF!ob.21 from 9-1 to show whether they can live up to r->.r~ SPD~sore4 by 0AM, ArT, SGA Wallace, Steve Farley, and Scott the teams of Rich Braver, Lester 1I: expect to be in post season play for (:'''VU'A-~.z:o. .:.:.~--------='....- ---,l Peters and whether or not WMC can the fourth consecutive year. ~.aa~ T--:...-------;,.. --- f:F"-~ /t«.<_ : HOUSE OF LIQUORS f Rebecca Orenstein : C"""U Plaza, W':'~inster ' 848-1314 : Photography I I Weddings : Special of the Week, : Portraits Westminster Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Inc I I Old Westminster Pike : Stroh's 6 pak 12 oz. cans : 848-2148 848-5680 - 876-2028 1 $2.49 expires: t call in evenings I Present cOupon -c.,._ •. c.... - ·""""' ... _."" ............ 1----- 11/30/81 _ : after 5 p.m • ....." """"..'..."""'>',,_.
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