Page 72 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 72
The Phoenix .Letters to the Editor Constitution. reform Security or cover up right df self-defense of society He contends that in some instances the indiyidual is justified in killing for self After a full year and a half in revislcn. the student I Dear Editor: is just plain fantasy. When there is an I defE[lse. But he incorrectly conclude Government Association Constitution is finally ready for Each weekwe are bombarded with individual who is placing a threat that society's only means of self approval by the student body. Please dump it! The new rumors of vandalism and crimes com- against the safety of the students on cetense" is through capital punish constitutional change_sare unnecessary, inconsequential, and ~~~:n:sc::P~~~~tt~~~h:s ~~: ~~~P~:n s~~~ti~; ~y"~~~~e:c::~~~'; men!. There are two other reasons wh do nOiOm~:~i~h~i~~,rpC~s:nSgt~~~~i~~et~~,;~~~ i'~~~~:he:~"is ~r~~:s~b~::~td~:a::(~O~~I~O~ ;nO:~~' i~sS~:~ ~~ ac~~~~~~~~~~ capital punishment is wrong. Th absurd. It wouldn't be worth the trouble to have the article the consequences 01 the guilty There won't be any posses formed, it justice system of the United Stales i far from certect." therefore, an inn retyped. The idea that this is necessary assumes some kind of party's behavior. just makesgood sense to let the cent person could be wrongly sen discrimination toward females. The SGA proves how nonsensi- s~=~~r'~:~~Yt~S t~;:r~tua~e~:iC: ~t~~n;~rmt~~t;xi~~~ campus realize tenceo to death. People who are i cal.such an accusation is based upon the present status quo: campus as to what has actually This campus, fike any other com- favour of capital punishment Ire - three of the five elected officers being female (for the second occurred. The lack of maintenance of munity, has its dangers. Some stu- I quently cite its use as a oetezent t crime. If this was the case, whe year in a row). contingencies on this campus is dents are still naive to this, all the capital punishment was in effect The next change is almost as silly as the first; I am disgraceful more reason they should be in- there should have been a lower crim referring to making all council committee chairs official Recently a man was apprehended formed. We must seriously reevaluate rate. However, this did not occur executive council members instead of ex-officio members. This ~~alc=~ ~~r!~p~:~~i~~S~;iP~7;~ ~~:~IV~~y~n~~~r ~~tio~;m~~i~~a~~~ Capital punishment is not just - it i is merely semantics; the chairs are and have been full of this man had been known, and in does not seem to understand is that another form of incivilized revenge members for years. Both the above points ignore an idea addiUon, his vehicle was also known. what occurs on this campus' does not Brian Kemlag Ann Kar stronger than the constitution-precedence. ' This information was notpassed to always occur on other campuses, One of the few changes with merit is the change :ns:~~tk=Yth~r t::!;:;~~r ~~i~ ~;:po~fs.i~:lityd;~'-chi~n~~s~~ati~~.:~ Courcqeous requiring senate approval for potential student-faculty commit- individual and prevent any tragedies dents let your parents know what tee members. This change would make the appointments more from occurring. This continued avoid. goes on here! deed open; it would be difficult to find more than twenty people on erce of controversy and publicity is vours truly, campus who know the present member of these committees. not only unfortunate, but also a Thomas LaRosa But the necessity for these changes would seem to express di~~:eone pays his/her tuition they. Dear Editor I would like to express my appre some dissatisfaction with past nominees, an occurrence out 01"- are making an investment. It makes foul use dation of the apology letter of Ro touch with reality, in fact, the past nominees have been good economical sense to protect Hall, published in the Nov. 5 issue 0 outstanding. These- changes would also needlessly lengthen this investment. However, the anger of logic The Phoenix. I think it took a lot 0 the time period for confirmation with only limited benefits that I feel goes a lot further courage to send in a letter like tha The final major change shouldn't even require a '1' In not treating the students as openly confessing the mistake h made. I think that a lot of us coul constitutional change. Changing the date of election of officers ~~~!ts~~~sr:~::i~l~ ~~i~~~enct~~ ~~~r~d~t~;:two basic flaws in William learn from his example in being abl to face, admit and see restitution fo ~~n~~~uti~~'~wi~~~~~~ s~o~~e n:I~~tio~av:h~U~~nh~~~inb~:~' :: ~:~h~~st ~~n~~~e~m~~~~ Kreller's article 01 12November enti- our errors. variable depending on the elections committee's preference- had such a rise in the vandalism. The :~e~~s~~~: f\~:P~~p~::t~~'iC;~W:: His may have been an outwardly, and a vote of the senate confirming the date. property 01 this campus is not taking the Bible out of context and more drastically error than most of u are used to committing, but never- After viewing the proposed changes made to the ft~~: o;r~~:u~~n~~=t, :I~~er th;h~~r~l~e;h~~d ~o:n~~~~~ ~~ti~i~ the-less none of us are without teun in the area. Our very complacency ~~~~~~~on~p~ha~e~ti.99;~!~~:~~e:ord~ej~~~in~o~: ~I~:~g~~ Ch~::eU~;~~:n:~e:;:dn~~r~~~ou~ type of discussion. The Bible's con. towards destructiveness is as nearly accomplishing what they were set out to accomplish. The dog will learn to urinate outside if :~g:~~gn~~u~:f~~~~y ~~~d:r~~~:~~ grave an error as the destructiveness changes were intended to change a constitution which was there have been certain responses Furthermore the statement, " 'and eye is itself. Both can lead to the grave (A little pun there.) considered of very poor quality and in serious need of revision, ~:i~:. ~o~t;~:~td~:~ :!~~~:~:~~~~san;a~~~'~~ ~It:t~t~~. aJ:~~ While I'm here, I'd also like to say that I thought that that open air ---\rne;ig~~~~n~a~~a~oann~i~ a~ayl~atyh:c~~~np~i~~;~~esp~~pt~~e~~~ ~:tte~d~gi~i~rgati~~~U~da~n~~ n:~ 5:38-40,in its entirety states, "You evangelist Cliff Knechtly also dis- have heard that it was said, 'an eye played -an admirable amount of cour- which they were originally conceived, and thus, should be the other buildings. The placing of for an eye and a tooth for a tooth', rejected. '" aescetic factors over those of safelY but I say to youdo not resist one who age and zeal in expressing his beliefs so openly, regardless of the fact that is evil, but it anyone strikes you on I may not agree with him on all the right cheek turn to him the other points. The convictions he displayed also;" in attempting to do what he believed KreHer improperly. uses inductive in is something we can certainly learn logic when he overextends the right from, if not his words 01sell-defense of the individual to the Dan Wilson The Phoenix' Editor... Robert Holt Managing Editor.. ...Les Martin News Editor ... Liz Siegenthaler Sports Editor.... . . Rob McQuay Photo Editor.. . ..... Andy Chang Layout... . .Cathy Bowes ( Cindy Wilcox, Diane Perry Paste-up Darryl Grant, Jeff Frazer Marci Sartoph, Judy Mitnick, Dan Trollinger, Lisa Kratz, Chele Greco Proofreading. . Chris Soto, Melanie Clippinger Business Manager... . Jonathan Dickey Ad Manager .Jeanine Railey Ad Artist .. Cindy Wilcox Typist. . Alice Krempasky Michele Everett Published by and for the students 01Western Maryland College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail to The Phoenix, Box I, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md 21157
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