Page 78 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 78
page 8 November 19, 1981 WMC professor Science Day at WMC_ Writes of town Bill BY(T16 study of linear and digital integrated provide sCience-oriented. students Faculty members and honor stu- quainted with the opportunities in ciate professor of mathematics and fountain, and the fountain at the- dents from Westem Maryland Col- circuits. Dr. Linda A. Eshleman, asso- with an opportunity to become ac- Ch'.!_s Scotton lege's science and mattrematlcs computer'science and coordinator of these fields at WMC. She exprssed entrance oIThe Carroll County office What do Belle Grove Square, the building, all serve as the focal points departments will hold an open house, "Science Day," said that the goal of her hope that it would prove to be an l Locust Mal! fountain, and the gateway of their surrounding structures. These "Science Day," highlighting opportun- the program was to do more than educational experience as well- to' the Carroll County Farm Museum fountains according "to lepp, "sym- ities for high school students inter- ested in the areas of academic have in common? They are all sa- bolize the restcreuon 01 the soul." biology, chemistry, physics, computer Games boom' at WMC I cred, according to Dr. Ira lepp, When water and vegetation are com- November 20 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. ....._s author of Ihe new book titled "Sacred bined we have sacred "mock Edens" science and mathematics on Friday, Spaces of Westminsler" Westminster has several of these habits. Sacred is defined by lepp as an Edens in the lorm of the park at Bell "Science Day," will feature research Substantial loss of money is not the interruption of the usual, day to day, Grove Square. the community pond, talks, tours and laboratory demonstra- There are no limitations on the only downfall of the games. There is also the problem of wasted time. repetitive dimensions in which we Bennett Cert park, and Landon Burns tion projects. Dean of academic af- variety of victims of this craze. Wray While most people are only able to live. "II is a signal of the disconlinuity park.. "These are places apart," says fairs, Dr. William McCormick, will Mowbray, dean of students, has a .of space and lime, and demarcation lepp, "oasis in the monotony and open this first annual event with an severe case of space invader fever. afford to playa few games at a time, many feel compelled to watch others between the sacred and Ihe pro- aridity of our profane existence." "Introduction to Science Day" Keith Arnold, The Phoenix crusader waste their money. Many students fane." Profanity, in lepp's terms, is In addition to sacred "gardens of Research talks to be presented by against students wasting time watch- spend hours a day studying how to anything that is not considered sa- Eden", Westminster has some ritual WMC faculty members will cover ing soap operas, can be found counteract an attack from outer cred. thresholds in the form of arches eno topics ranging from assistant profes- playing "Defenders" three or four The sacred can also be a symbol of gateways. "These thresholds are the sor Jack Clark's "Solar Energy," to times a day. The local elementary space. Is this their way of preparing our own links with nature. This is demarcation lines between the sa- associate professor Wilbur Long's and high school students have also for the future? evident in the number of parks, cred (special) and the profane (ordi- "Morphogeneric Movements in Em- started hanging around the WMC What can be done to eliminate this ponds, gardens, and fountains nary)." The Ward Memorial Arch, at bryology" Laboratory demonstrations gameroom. They are using their al- crisis? First students must be alerted around Westminster. "water," accord- the entrance to Western Maryland planned include a computer simula- lowances, lunch money and "church thai the games are highly addicting. ing to Zepp, "has a restorative, College, the gateway to the Carroll tion of population growth and the offerings" to su~port their growing S.GA (Space Games Anonymous) recreating, and healing character. County Farm Museum, and the me- should be started. This would allow- This has been its age-old appeal." morial gateway to the city of West- people to talk. and compare prob- in the recently published Christmas This appeal can be' seen in the minster, are a few of the thresholds oratorio lems. There is no simple solution, but amount of "sacred" fountains in the covered something must be done before city of Westminster. The Balle Grove book. Other symbols of the sacred in every WMC student turns into a electronic junkie square fountain, the Locust Mall Westminster, according to lepp, in- Sherri Linkoff tra composed of musicians from both f-;';";-:-i::M::':;:TH~QU:::""';:::'--"'T clude ~orner~ones, gravestones, war The Scott S. Bair Stadium is not the Carroll County and Baltimore. Soloists memonals and monuments only new addition to Western Mary- for the performance include Louise Thirty-five coins, consisting of nic- I i\.U-pight land College. Also newlyreconstructed Paquin, Julia Hitchcock, and James kiss, dimes, quarters, and batt-ccl-.' Choir. Under the is the College lepp received his Ph.D. from SI direction of Peggy Brengle, the choir Lightner,. all of - the college, and lars, have a value of $6.40. There are twice as many dimes as quarters and from page 3 Marys Seminary, after graduating will present "Christmas Oratorio" as Frederick Urrey, a graduate' student three more nickles than dimes slide rule engrossed in prayer, swear- from Western Maryland College and its first performance of the year on from the Peabody Institute in Balti- many of each coin are there? ing that if you could just pull off a C Drew University Theological School. Sunday, November 22 at 8 p.m. in more. Please submit your answer to Box in micro, you'll never ask for/another He has also studied at the University Baker Memorial Chapel Ms. Brengle said of the perform- 1409 by Monday, November' 23. A thing again as long as you live of Gottingen, Harvard, and the Center Brengle, a teacher at South Carroll ance, "I'm very excited. II's some- drawing from the correct answers will At 4 a.m. you entertain the thought for Inter-cultural Documentation, in High School, is very enthusiastic thing new--it hasn't been done here determine two winners. 'PRIZES-Free of tooth picks in your eyes as fatigue Cuernavaca, Mexico, as well as in about the changes taking place in the before." cheesberger and drink at the pub!" settles within you. You contemplate India and Eastern Europe. All the choir. For this performance there will The concert is free and open to the "Sponsored by Kappa Mu Epsilon" the idea of a late night run, but with photography in the book was done be an 85-member choir consisting of, public the_recent harassment of some stu- by Marty- Lanham, who .received her in addition to the 52 student mem- dents by various town people, you degree in journalism from the Univer- bers, over 30 faculty, staff and com- can't even venture out. Held captive sity of Maryland, and is currently munity members. in your room, you decide the Rolling public relations coordinator for the The program will include four of the Stones to be the only cure and blast city of Westminster. All profits from six cantatas which make up Bach's MAKE $MOO FOR COI.LEQ repeatedly, "Can't get no satistecticn" sales of the book will be donated to "Christmas Oratorio," and will be in through your head phones -the college and to the cttv .... ==;.;;.:.................., WHllIlOU'RE GOING accomP8!lied by a 25-piece orc~es- . Again your mind strays. "Time isn't ;,.;...;;...;;;;.---;.;;..--_ Carriage House Liquors 1OCOUEGE. ~:a~s sii~~'i~~b~:S~~u~~, ~~~ ~: know you are_"playing with fire" for 113 W. Main Street your grade is 0!1 the line. Through the night, "As tears go by", you find "at the forks" yourself on the brink of your "nine- teenth nervous breakdown" sincethe Special Want a part-time job that doesn't hurt your grades! Or unit a w('t-h'nJ year has started. These days of MOOSEHEAD $3.25-6 pak - & $9.30-case campus life? Give your wi Army Reserve of summers a .month anda couple playing the role of "Midnight Ram- gIVe you over $1 I.cxx)fotcolle"!-'C during collew. nnd thl'Y ')1 bler" has to end and you correct Mr Up to $4,CXX) in mllej.!t' aid i~ yours just fOr joining most Jagger, whispering "Wild horses Stroh's cans $2.38-6 pak units. Another $S.OJO f"t ("ut Y<';lrsof monthly \\"<"<'k"Il,j~ could easily drag me away" and two-v"cck summer stints. Plus over $2.000 that \'''1'11 Reading on through the material Present Student 1.0. expires 11125/81 earn during [W() summer training periods. All while vou'rc you are confident that you finally have getting the mostOUt of college. And doing th .. most \'OU l'~n the material down. Fact by fact you rart-rimeroryourrounrry dissect the information: Standard nor: lf~u're Youdon·thaVt'towaith>rwlle!-,'I'loj_r or senior mal distribution is the concept Tho- l"ln us now!There'~ f\ll 1x-1ft-rp.1rHiml' ioh in tOWll reau tried to incorporate into Interested? For more information alx>utthe Army WALDEN, .and in doing so, he dealt Reserve in this area, call any,,{ thc telephone numn.-rs 11>1<",1 wilh finite populations whose sample below.Or stop by. size is equal to N and whose stan- dard deviations paralleled that of the growing neo-classical approach to literature. An oIgive can clearly repre- sent Irving's preoccupation with man being .his own downfall and were a Carroll Plaza Shoppin.l!. Center binomial distribution incorporated int~ AIMY RESERVE. the example...well. ..then you would have a 99 percent coofidence level Bring this ad in. an receive: BEAU 'fOIl CAMBE. that Rip Van Winkle was kille'd by the headless horseman You drop your pen. 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