Page 71 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 71
The Phoenix I I Thursday, November 19, 1981 Western Maryland College Volume I, Number 10 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IHarvey Stone ·burned I at hands of youths pavilion that evening, Said that the were making the fire too big and it Robert Holt Westminster youths caused the fire would get out of control," said the Responding to a call from campus According to the witness, who was student security, the Westminster Fire Depart- among several WMC students that One of the persons returning from ment extinguished a small fire on the arrived at the pavilion at 11 p.m. on Harvey Stone Park reported the local pavilion roof at Harvey Stone Park Friday evening, the youths had at- youths' reckless handling of the fire to early last Saturday morning ready built a fire in one of the a security guard at 12:30 a.m. Satur- The fire company responded to the lireplaces and placed several day. The guard walked out to Harvey call, after the fire was reported to a benches from the golf course around Stone Park to check the complaint I guard at about 12:30 a.m. According the fireplace Around 1 a.m. the remaining col- to the fire officials and Westminster "There were about four boys and lege students at the pavilion left the City Police officers at the scene, two girls standing around the fire- park. According to the student wit- sparks from a fire started in the place and drinking beer. We know ness, they extinguished the fire they pavilion fireplace escaped from the that they were local youths, because had buill "to just a few coals," chimney and set the wooden shingle some of them were wearing Westmin- cleared the area of wood and flamm- roof aflame ster High School Varsity Letter Club able debris, and swept a three foot According to the police, there were jackets," sl!_idthe student. - area in front of the fireplace clean some WMC students and local youths The WMC students made a fire in "The high school youths were still at at the pavilion when the fire in the the other fireplace and cooked the the pavilion when we left, and the fire fireplace was burning, When the fire hotdogs and marshmellows they was still raging," said the student. started burning out of control, they planned to eat that evening. They The security guard arrived at the fled the scene. noticed that the high school youths pavilion shortly after the college stu- Andy Chang An investigator from the Maryland became noisier and disorderly dent left, The guard observed some Poulble dlNster became only minor damage Rre Marshall's office was called in to According to the student, at one contInued on page 5 examine the debris from the fire. The point in the evening, a couple of them fire investigator, John R. Erp Jr., went out for more beer and returned Students' fears arise, I made an initial determination that the to the pavilion, They continued to act fire damage to the pavilion did not in a noisy and disruptive manner. At appear to be caused by arson, this time, some of the WMC students In recent incidents Earp's investigation of the pavilion left the park and returned to their 1 revealed fresh ashes in both fire- dorms a while, they started making Dan Trollinger students were verbally assaulted by 'director Bob Fasano said the reason ~fter was to prevent rumors and so people places and a hote burned in the roof the same young man. This time by the fire. The roof fire was caused don't twist the facts. He also admitted Recently. a series of criminal incid- by sparks from the chimney settling the fire bigger. They were putting ences errupted 00 campus, which security was contacted successfully, that there was administrative pressure anything they had, paper, anything, in arrived as soon as possibly, and on the wood shingles. the lire. The whole fireplace was a fortunately did not result in any June uta. one of the guards, to keep bad college publicity from An eyewitness to. the activity at the massive flame, I told them that they serious personal injuries, but never- recorded the suspect's license num- coming out. The desire of the admin- istration to maintain the public image Greeks SGA theless left a definite mackof concern ber. Subsequently, the city police of the college is understandable, but in the students and administrators. apprehended him. The man, who is where is the line drawn between These incidences consisted of verbal not a student, was arrested and suppressing negative publicity and In forum talks and mild physical assaults (not at- charged with assault' and battery, but threat to their personal safety? informing the students of a possible tempted rape) on several female then released on his own recogniz- students and' subsequently caused ance. These are the facts reported by The student involved in the original numerous rumors to filter through the Fasano campus community. The purpose of students and security director Bob incident stated, "They have a respon- Keith L. AmoI_E Many people commented on how this article is to inform students and The occurrence of these incidences continued on page 3 A week ago today, November 12, difficult it is to get to krow people discuss the pertinent factors involved is not necessarily an indicator of a over 100 persons gathered at 6:30 outside of Greek life. Matt Baker felt in this issue. security problem on campus, Com- Loans p.m. to discuss Greek life on cam- that membership in Phi Delta Theta The original episode occurred over menting on the security guards Bob Fasano said, "we are here to serve, pus. The meeting; held in McDaniel (or any Greek Organization) gave one a week ago when a female student not be a police force." This statement processed Lounge was supposed to be a Stu- a "sense of belonging, and some- was jogging on the road that runs 1 dent-Faculty open discussion. unter- thing to work for" behind campus around 7 p.m is not so much a defense of current tunately, few faculty attended Other benefits of Greek life were far She was stopped by a young man, criticism directed at the limited effec- Union Trust Company of Maryland The group, which was overwhelm- reaching. Laurie Mather (Delta Sigma about 19, who assaulted her with tiveness of the security system as it is is now processing applications for I ingly Greek, discussed the Greek Kappa) suggested that Greek life verbal obscenities, threats and made a recognilion of their responsibilities student loans from any post-second- system for over an hour. There was helped to "expand your talents, im- a gesture towards physical contact Fasano also stresses the need for ary school student rf!siding in Mary- land disagreement on almost all the spe- proving the entire campus," Char1ie which she avoided by running away cooperation between security and Application forms may be obtained cifics, but there was unanimous Tangiers (Gamma Beta Chi) added and screaming. Both the police and students, but does not feel a need for from any of Union.Trust's 79 branch agreement on one thing: that Greek that fraternity life "builds character, campus security were called by her more personnel. offices or from the Maryland Higher life was essential to the student life at and responsibility, which is one of the head resident and she demonstrated However, none of this serves to Education Loan Corporation WMC goals of the college" a willingness to, "be cooperative in minimize the importance of student Thus far in t981, Union Trust has Teresa Baker, president of the SGA, Pam Peterson brought up her con- anyway." safety and the problems uncovered processed over 14,000 individual stu- opened the meeting with a brief cern that there was a certain "nega- However, campus security never by this whole situation, Why aren't dent loans and is today the largest statement to dismiss concern that the tivism on behalf of the faculty," came which may be a result of a students informed of incidences such Greek system was to be disbanded. concerning Greek life. Ken Herman communication problem, no! incom- .ae this? In these circumstances the student lender in Maryland. Baker explained that she had heard (president of the Betes) commented, petency, since the procedure for jstcoents indicated a willingness to For students or parents interested of nothing along triose lines "Everyone recognizes that there are contacting them has been changed cooperate and communicate with se- in learning more about the bank's The meeting then opened up to a problems, the tum-out stows our Every security guard now carries a curity, but both the security depart- student loan programs, the Union discussion of the goals of Greek .Iife concern, I think it is an insult that walkie-talkie and can be contacted ment and the administration doesn't Trust Student Loan Fact Sheet, is now Jenny Rlbey, president of Phi Alpha faculty did not show to work with us through the information desk from 4- seem to be reciprocation in this available free of charge. To receive a Mu, stated the goals of that sorority toward some positive goals." Jeanne 12 p.m. and after 12 a.m. by calling matter. copy, interested persons should con- as being many-fold, They inctuded Higbee, director of counseling and their answering service number. This When asked why such a low profile tact the bank's student loan depart- having fun, promoting pride, fundrais- career services (and one of the few procedure is a change from the Iwas kept regarding this issue security ment. (301) 332-5709 ing and service projects. staff members present) stated, "I do former system, nonetheless, both the Pam Peterson, president of the think it is unfortunate that the faculty head resident and the victim were Congratulations to the Paneks Inter-Sorority Council, stated, "Social did not show up" under the impression that security life revolves around the Greek life." Other discussico concerned the was coming The other incidences occurred on She went on to say that SGA eHorts, formation of a Pan-Hellenic Council. Wed. November 11 between 8:25 on the birth of Claire Eleanor such as Forum parties, would fail consisting of members of each tra- without Greek support. -c:o!!Hn~ on page-T and 10 p.m. when six different female
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