Page 70 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 70
page 8 Tho_ November 12, 1981 Benin _art to 'obo' scattered over- world r MelanIe Clippinger was needed by the Benin for their "The Tribal Eye: Kingdom on bronze casting. The scarcity of metal in Nigeria. It is still ruled by the oba _ flow into the mold. Next, the mold is Professor aenoee chooses part of Bronze," a film in the WMC art led to the unique Benin slyfe of the though he is no longer an absolute heated so that the wax melts and the series' films in conjunction with department tum series, was bronzes. Since metal must be used ruler. Today law is administered by may be poured out. Molten metal Is her classes and part for general courts but many still seek solutions presented on November 4 in Memo- sparingly artwol1rcol~ JUS! for jninin~ Up to $1,(XX) in colleJ:t" aid is yours most snnts. ('Ius IWi.'r $2.00J two-.wcck and summer comprised of six cantatas. Each can- ~e~:nSt:aFr~~~h a~~~~e in Slone travelled extensively by train unr(l;.An()thcr$'i,CXXl~If(()urVl';)rs"fm"nthIY\\·'·'·~'·I1,I' that \'H,·II earn dunn!: two summer mining periods, All while you·I\' :~ a,:::; ~~ ~~s~ibtl~~~gst~h~ Paris, he enrolled in an intensive ~~~~~d, ~~I~e~~~:in ~~t~~~ gen:ing the most out of college. And doinJ.: the mn<.(-you ,.;in ran-rime lOr your country of Christmas. The six cantatas corre- French course talJQht at Al1iance lar stopping in Sicily, Rome, Munich, Yuudon·r have to wait for COUl1.JC10juin the Army R,.s,:r..,. spend to the six ~ys of the ~~=sean~ ~~:~:e~~~~~s h: London, and his birth place, Nurem- ~(:ruu·re 17 or olckr and ajuni(lror~niorin high S("h,~,1. Christmas season. berg, West Germany Jorn us now! There·s I\U beller f::1.n-tim,· juh in rO"'l) The Bach Christmas Oratorio will be the Sorbonne were all taught in Stone found that visiting a foreign Interested' For more Infumianon about the AmlY performed by a chorus of eighty-five French and involved a great deal of country is a unique and valuable Reserve in this area, call any of the telephone numht.·rs li'{c.d voices consisting of tt-e WMC College wol1<. experience. "A trip to France is good below. Or stop by Choir, faculty and staff, and people ''There was no creelit given for class for just about everybody. They don't from Westminster and the surround- participation nor quizzes, only a final even have to be a French major lng area. Frederick Urrey, a graduate exam, so this made them much more because it not only involves the study student at Peabody Conservatory difficult." said~Stone. He studied of the French language but also a who is working fOi his doctor of undar a program called Le Cors de new world" Stone continued, "It's musical arts degree, will be the tenor Civilisation Francaise by taking always good to learn about a different soloist French classes in literature, political culture and 11- gave my studies a In addition to the choir, ·and orches- ' --- tra, consisting of WMC students and science_Bnd history. whole n~r~~tive" .... _-_, """' faculty, people from the surrounding area and member of the Baltimore W(>sttnin~terGold and Silver Exchange Symphony OrChestra will provide the acCompaniment. The Oratorio will be DON7 SEU FORUSS Call Army Reserve Opportunities under the direction of Mrs. Peggy Brengle who is the chorus director for 140 Village Shopping Center both We.stem Maryfand and South JEWELRY •. WATCHES • DIAMONDS Westminster, Md. 21157 1- Carroll High SchoQl. Bach Christmas I":.'in)!in(·a~h:'.('.h'.'·k;rlld(""mpar{' (301) 848-7323 Remember, the Oratorio 'will be held in Baker Mem0- C£lrroll ('ounty·s,'l.!Sl (;old & Silver Dealer rial Chapel and will start at 8 p.m. 69 West ~Iain Street ~~/~ is free and is open to the l!'hon~.; ~i6.J086. Westmins~r, Md. r
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